Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) First Year (1st Year) 2016 August 102002 General Human Physiology And Biochemistry Question Paper.
First Year BDS Degree Examinations - August 2016
General Human Physiology and Biochemistry
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
? Write SECTION A and SECTION B in separate Answer books(32 Pages).
Do not mix up questions from Section A and Section B.
QP CODE:102002 Section A - PHYSIOLOGY Marks: 50
Essay (14)
1. Define cardiac output and cardiac index and mention their normal values. Explain the
factors influencing cardiac output. (2+2+10=14)
Short essays (2x8=16)
2. Explain the stages of erythropoiesis and list any four factors influencing it.
3. Discuss the physiological actions of thyroxine.
Short notes (5x4=20)
4. Describe the structure and functions of juxtaglomerular apparatus.
5. List the movements of small intestine and explain the functions of small intestine.
6. Discuss the hormonal changes during different phases of menstrual cycle.
7. Active transport mechanisms.
8. Classify hypoxia and explain any one of them
QP CODE:103002 Section B - BIOCHEMISTRY Marks: 50
Essay (14)
1. Enumerate the synthesis, functions, RDA, sources and deficiency manifestations of
vitamin D (3+5+1+1+4=14)
Short essays (2x8=16)
2. List the classification of enzymes with examples
3. Mention the liver function tests and its significance
Short notes (5x4=20)
4. Blood buffers
5. Absorption of iron
6. Protein energy malnutrition
7. Classification of lipids
8. Significance of HMP shunt pathway
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