Download PTU (I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU)) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) (AR)- Automation-And-Robotics 2020 December 3rd Sem 63005 Kinematics Of Machines Previous Question Paper
Total No. of Pages : 03
Total No. of Questions : 18
B.Tech. (Automation & Robotics) (2012 & Onward) (Sem.?3)
Subject Code : BTAR-305
M.Code : 63005
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
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SECT ION-A is COMPULSORY cons is ting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks
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SECT ION-B c ontains F IVE questions c arrying FIVE marks eac h and s tud ents
have to atte mpt any FOUR q ues tions.
3 .
SECT ION-C contains THREE questions carrying T EN marks e ach and s tudents
have to atte mpt any T WO questio ns.
Write briefly :
What is the degree of freedom of a mechanism? How is it determined?
What do you mean by the term `Coincident Points'?
What are centripetal and tangential component of acceleration?
Explain the terms : (i) Module, (ii) Pressure angle.
Explain briefly the differences between simple, compound, and epicyclic gear trains.
Define spatial mechanism.
State D'Alembert's principle.
Write the various necessary conditions for an equivalent dynamical system.
Discuss the advantages and applications of cycloidal tooth profile.
10. Write the Acceleration equation of the reciprocating mass of a slider crank mechanism.
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11. How are the Whitworth quick return mechanism and crank and slotted-lever mechanism
different from each other?
12. The position of a point is given by the equation R=100ej2t. What is the path of the point?
Determine the displacement of the point from t = 0.10 to t = 0.40.
13. Draw the acceleration diagram of a slider crank mechanism.
14. A vertical double acting steam engine has a cylinder 300 mm diameter and 450 mm stroke
and runs at 200 r.p.m. The reciprocating parts has a mass of 225 kg and the piston rod is 50
mm diameter. The connecting rod is 1.2 m long. When the crank has turned through 125?
from the top dead centre, the steam pressure above the piston is 30 kN/m2 and below the
piston is 1.5 kN/m2. Calculate the effective turning moment on the crank shaft.
15. A pair of gears, having 40 and 30 teeth respectively are of 25? involute form. The
addendum length is 5 mm and the module pitch is 2.5 mm. If the smaller wheel is the
driver and rotates at 1500 r.p.m., find the velocity of sliding at the point of engagement and
at the point of disengagement.
16. A mechanism, as shown in Fig.1, has the following dimensions: OA = 200mm; AB = 1.5m;
BC = 600mm; CD = 500mm and BE = 400mm. Locate all the instantaneous centres. If
crank OA rotates uniformly at 120 r.p.m. clockwise, find
a) The velocity of B, C and D,
b) The angular velocity of the links AB, BC and CD.
Fig. 1
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17. An epicyclic gear consists of three gears A, B and C as shown in Fig. 2. The gear A has
92 internal teeth and gear C has 52 external teeth. The gear B meshes with both A and C
and is carried on an arm EF which rotates about the centre of A at 18 r.p.m. If the gear A is
fixed, determine the speed of gears B and C.
Fig. 2
18. Write notes on :
a) Robotic Mechanisms
b) Static balancing
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This post was last modified on 13 February 2021