Download PTU B.Com 2020 Dec 2nd Sem 75831 Environmental Science Question Paper

Download PTU B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) 2020 December 2nd Sem 75831 Environmental Science Previous Question Paper

Roll No.
Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 16
B.Com (Hons) /B.Sc. (BT / FD / MLS) / BA (JAMC) / BBA /
BBA (RD) / (SIM) / (Business Economics)/BHMCT / BTTM (2018 Batch)
Subject Code : EVS-102-18
M.Code : 75831
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1 .
Attempt ALL que stions in SECT ION - A, Ea ch que stion ca rrie s 2 ma rks .
2 .
Attempt any FOUR questio ns from SECT ION -B, Eac h ques tion carries 10 ma rks .
Answer briefly :
Q1. Why are nutrients from fertilizer harmful to aquatic ecosystems?
Q2. What are the human activities that cause acid rain?
Q3. How does recycling help reduce pollution?
Q4. Why do many desert plants have small leaves?
Q5. What creates clouds, snow, rain, and hail?
Q6. What is unique about the Gobi Desert?
Q7. What is rain harvesting?
Q8. Write a note on the need of public awareness about environment.
Q9. What is the Environment Protection Act?
Q10. How we can prevent the HIV/AIDS in the world?
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Q11. What is meant by Water Resources? Explain Renewable and Non-renewable Water
Q12. Discuss the measures adopted to regulate the utilization of underground water and check
its over-utilization.
Q13. Write short notes on :
a) Ecological pyramids.
b) Types and characteristics.
Q14. Write the Definition of the Biogeographically Classification of India in 300 words.
Q15. What is the Role of information technology in environment and human health and how it
helps the population?
Q16. Explain the types of pollution. Write the precautions to minimize the pollutions.
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page of Answer Sheet will lead to UMC against the Student.
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