Download PTU M.Tech. ECE 1st Semester 75798 INFORMATION THEORY AND CODING Question Paper

Download PTU. I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU) M.Tech. ECE 1st Semester 75798 INFORMATION THEORY AND CODING Question Paper.

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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 08
M.Tech. ECE (Wireless Communication) (2018 Batch) (Sem.?1)
Subject Code : MTWC-102-18
M.Code : 75798
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60

1.Attempt any FIVE questions out of EIGHT questions.
2.Each question carries TWELVE marks.

1. a) Define :
i) Self-information
ii) Rate of source
iii) Entropy of source with an example.
b) What is Markoff information source? What is the use of the tree diagram
representation for such a source? Define the terms Entropy and information rate of
Markoff sources.
2. a) Differentiate adaptive Huffman coding and Arithmetic coding.
b) Explain in brief linear predictive coding.
3. a) Explain prefix coding and decision tree with examples.
b) Derive an equation for the capacity ?c? of a channel of bandwidth B Hz effected by
additive white Gaussian noise of power spectral density of N
4. a) Explain the error correction procedure for cyclic codes.
b) Define hamming weight, hamming distance, and minimum distance for linear block
codes. - FirstRanker's Choice
1 | M-75798 (S35)-1069

Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 08
M.Tech. ECE (Wireless Communication) (2018 Batch) (Sem.?1)
Subject Code : MTWC-102-18
M.Code : 75798
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60

1.Attempt any FIVE questions out of EIGHT questions.
2.Each question carries TWELVE marks.

1. a) Define :
i) Self-information
ii) Rate of source
iii) Entropy of source with an example.
b) What is Markoff information source? What is the use of the tree diagram
representation for such a source? Define the terms Entropy and information rate of
Markoff sources.
2. a) Differentiate adaptive Huffman coding and Arithmetic coding.
b) Explain in brief linear predictive coding.
3. a) Explain prefix coding and decision tree with examples.
b) Derive an equation for the capacity ?c? of a channel of bandwidth B Hz effected by
additive white Gaussian noise of power spectral density of N
4. a) Explain the error correction procedure for cyclic codes.
b) Define hamming weight, hamming distance, and minimum distance for linear block
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5. a) If C is valid code vector, then prove that CH
= 0, where, H
is transpose of parity
check matrix H.
b) What are the binary cyclic codes? Describe the features of encoder and decoder used
for cyclic code using (n-K) bit shift register.
6. a) What are different methods of controlling errors? Explain.
b) What are convolution codes? How is it different from block codes?
7. a) Explain Trellis diagram with suitable example.
b) Explain the principle of Turbo coding.
8. Write short note on :
a) Shortened cyclic codes
b) Golay codes

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This post was last modified on 13 December 2019