Download PTU M.Tech. Bio Tech 1st Semester 23003 BIOMOLECULES AND BIOTECHNOLOGY Question Paper

Download PTU. I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU) M.Tech. Bio Tech 1st Semester 23003 BIOMOLECULES AND BIOTECHNOLOGY Question Paper.

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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 08
M.Tech.(Biotechnology) (Sem.?1)
Subject Code : MTBT-103
M.Code : 23003
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 100

1. Attempt any FIVE questions out of EIGHT questions.
2. Each question carries TWENTY marks.

1. a) Define a receptor. Discuss the structure of GPCR in carbohydrate metabolism.
b) Highlight the difference between Autocrine, Paracrine and Endocrine signalling by
giving appropriate examples. (10)
2. a) Starch and Cellulose are carbohydrates. Briefly discuss how they differ structurally
and functionally. (05)
b) Basically Gluconeogenesis pathway is reverse of glycolysis but has three bypass
reactions. Give the three by pass reactions which occur in glycolysis. (10)
c) What is ?- oxidation? Briefly discuss the ?-oxidation of Palmitic acid. How many
ATP's are generated? (01+04)
3. a) Thermodynamically unfavourable reactions cannot be carried out in vitro but they
move in forward directions under in vivo conditions. How does this happen? Explain
by giving suitable example. (05)
b) Explain the role of phosphoanhydride bonds in energy generation and highlight the
role of Creatine kinase. (08)
c) Write Short notes on (approx. 500-600 words) : (07)
i) Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
ii) Chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis.
4. a) Give an account on medical and diagnostic applications of enzymes. (10)
b) Discuss briefly the different mechanism of enzyme inhibition. Give a suitableaccount
wherein enzyme inhibitors have been used as therapeutic agents/ drugs. (05+05) - FirstRanker's Choice
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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 08
M.Tech.(Biotechnology) (Sem.?1)
Subject Code : MTBT-103
M.Code : 23003
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 100

1. Attempt any FIVE questions out of EIGHT questions.
2. Each question carries TWENTY marks.

1. a) Define a receptor. Discuss the structure of GPCR in carbohydrate metabolism.
b) Highlight the difference between Autocrine, Paracrine and Endocrine signalling by
giving appropriate examples. (10)
2. a) Starch and Cellulose are carbohydrates. Briefly discuss how they differ structurally
and functionally. (05)
b) Basically Gluconeogenesis pathway is reverse of glycolysis but has three bypass
reactions. Give the three by pass reactions which occur in glycolysis. (10)
c) What is ?- oxidation? Briefly discuss the ?-oxidation of Palmitic acid. How many
ATP's are generated? (01+04)
3. a) Thermodynamically unfavourable reactions cannot be carried out in vitro but they
move in forward directions under in vivo conditions. How does this happen? Explain
by giving suitable example. (05)
b) Explain the role of phosphoanhydride bonds in energy generation and highlight the
role of Creatine kinase. (08)
c) Write Short notes on (approx. 500-600 words) : (07)
i) Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
ii) Chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis.
4. a) Give an account on medical and diagnostic applications of enzymes. (10)
b) Discuss briefly the different mechanism of enzyme inhibition. Give a suitableaccount
wherein enzyme inhibitors have been used as therapeutic agents/ drugs. (05+05)
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5. a) The enzyme hexokinase has four isoenzymes, Hexokinase I, II, III, IV. Hexokinase
IV is also known as Glucokinase. How does Glucokinase differ from other
Hexokinase isomers? (05)
b) Pyruvate is converted into Acetyl CoA which further participates in Citric acid Cycle.
Briefly write about the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDC) and explain its
mechanism of conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl CoA. (10)
c) Bacterial signalling is different from mammalian signalling. Explain. (05)
6. a) Write short notes on any two (500 words approx) : (10)
i) F
ii) Voltage gated ion channel
iii) Cori's cycle
iv) Electron Transport Chain
b) Briefly discuss the catalytic mechanism of Chymotrypsin. (10)
7. Citric acid is anaplerotic cycle. Draw a well labelled diagram of Citric acid cycle giving
names of all intermediates and enzymes. Also show connections of this cycle with amino
acid metabolism and fat metabolism. (20)
8. a) Electron transport chain exists in both animals and plants. Give the differences
between both electron transport chains. (12)
b) Steroids communicate in different manner as compared to other hormones. Explain
briefly the different mechanisms used by steroids during signal transduction. (8)

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This post was last modified on 13 December 2019