Download JNTU Kakinada (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada) (Master of Computer Applications ) MCA Course Structure And Detailed Syllabus R19
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KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
(Applicable for batches admitted from 2019-2020)
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
R19MCA1101 Problem Solving with C
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1102 Computer Organization
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1103 Discrete Mathematical Structures
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1104 Probability and Statistics
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1105 Accounting and Financial Management
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1106 English Language Communication Skills Lab
0 0 3 1.5
R19MCA1107 Problem Solving with C Lab
0 0 3 1.5
R19MCA1108 IT Workshop (Lab)
0 0 3 1.5
Total Credits
R19MCA1201 Data Structures
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1202 Operating Systems
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1203 Software Engineering
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1204 OOP Through Java
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1205 Optimization Techniques
3 0 0 3
R19MCA1206 OOP Through Java Lab
0 0 3 1.5
R19MCA1207 Data Structures Lab
0 0 3 1.5
R19MCA1208 Operating Systems and Linux Lab
0 0 3 1.5
Total Credits
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
R19MCA2301 Database Management Systems
3 0 0
R19MCA2302 Computer Networks
3 0 0
R19MCA2303 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
3 0 0
R19MCA2304 Advanced Java Programming
3 0 0
R19MCA2305 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
3 0 0
R19MCA2306 Database Management Systems Lab
0 0 3 1.5
R19MCA2307 Advanced Java Programming Lab
0 0 3 1.5
R19MCA2308 OOAD through UML Lab
0 0 3 1.5
Total Credits
R19MCA2401 Data Warehousing and Data Mining
3 0 0 3
R19MCA2402 Full Stack Technologies
3 0 0 3
R19MCA2403 Python Programming
3 0 0 3
1. Embedded Computing
R19MCA2404 2. Artificial Intelligence
3 0 0 3
3. MOOCs-1 (NPTEL/SWAYAM)(Self learning
1. Cloud Computing
3 0 0 3
2. Multimedia Application Development
R19MCA2406 Full Stack Technologies Lab
0 0 3 1.5
R19MCA2407 Data Mining with R Lab
0 0 3 1.5
R19MCA2408 Python Programming Lab
0 0 3 1.5
Total Credits
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
R19MCA3501 Cryptography and Network Security
3 0 0 3
R19MCA3502 Big Data Analytics
3 0 0 3
R19MCA3503 Machine Learning
3 0 0 3
1. Digital Marketing
3 0 0 3
2. Natural Language Processing
1. Internet of Things
3 0 0 3
2. DevOps
R19MCA3506 Cryptography and Network Security Lab
0 0 3 1.5
R19MCA3507 Big Data Analytics Lab
0 0 4 2
R19MCA3508 Machine Learning with Python Lab
0 0 3 1.5
Total Credits
R19MCA3601 Project Seminar
0 0 0 2
R19MCA3602 Dissertation/Thesis
0 0 0 10
Total Credits
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA I Semester
Problem Solving with C
Course Objectives: This course is aimed at enabling the students to
Formulate simple algorithms for
ms (in C language).
Test and execute the programs and correct syntax and logical errors.
Implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
Decompose a problem into functiarithmetic and logical problems.
Translate the algorithms to prograons and synthesize a complete program using divide and
conquer approach.
Use arrays, pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs.
Apply programming to solve matrix addition and multiplication problems and searching
and sorting problems.
Apply programming to solve simple numerical method problems, namely root finding of
function, differentiation of function and simple integration.
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand the basic concepts used in computer programming
Write, compile and debug programs in C language
Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.
Understand about the application and implementation of 2-dimentional array, structures
and strings
Understand the dynamics of memory by the use of pointers.
Develop solutions to problems using derived data types and files.
Introduction to Computers: Introduction to computer programming, Algorithm, flow chart,
Program development steps. Computer languages: Machine level, Assembly level and High-
level language. Number System: Conversions- decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal. `C'
Fundamentals: Structure of a C-program, C-character set, C Tokens- variables, constants,
identifiers, data types and sizes, operators
I/O Functions: Header files, Standard I/O library functions-formatted I/O functions. Decision
making statements: simple if, if-else, nested if-else, else-if ladder, switch-case statements and
sample programs. Iterative Statements: for, while, do-while. Jump Statements-break, continue,
Arrays: declaration, initialization, storing and accessing elements of 1-D, 2-D and
multidimensional arrays, Array Applications: addition, multiplication, transpose, symmetry of a
matrix, Strings: declaration, initialization, reading and writing characters into strings, string
operations, character and string manipulation functions
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Functions- declaration, definition, prototype, function call, return statement, types of functions,
parameter passing methods, and function recursion, Pre-processor: #define, #include Statement,
#ifdef, #endif, and storage classes.
Structure and Union: Declaration, initialization, storing and accessing elements by using
structure and union, Pointers: Introduction to pointers, defining a pointer variable, Pointer to
Pointer, Examples of pointers, using pointers in expressions, pointers and arrays. Files:
Definition, Input and output operation into file.
Text Books:
1. Programming in C, 3rd edition, Ashok N. Kamthane, Pearson
2. Computer science, A structured programming approach using C, Third edition, B.A. Forouzan
and R. F. Gilberg, Thomson
Reference Books:
1. The C Programming Language, B.W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, PHI/ Pearson.
2. C Programming with problem solving, J.A. Jones & K. Harrow, Dreamtech Press
3. Programming in C, , 3rd Edition, Stephen G. Kochan, Pearson
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA I Semester
Computer Organization
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to
Conceptualize the basics of organizational and architectural issues of a digital computer.
Learn the function of each element of a memory hierarchy.
Study various data transfer techniques in digital computer.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand the basic organization of computer and different instruction formats and
addressing modes
Analyze the concept of pipelining, segment registers and pin diagram of CPU.
Understand and analyze various issues related to memory hierarchy
Evaluate various modes of data transfer between CPU and I/O devices
Examine various inter connection structures of multi processors
Basic Structure of Computers: Functional unit, Basic Operational concepts, Bus structures,
System Software, Performance- Processor clock, basic performance equation, pipelining and
super scalar operations, clock rate, CISC,RISC, performance measurement, the history of
computer development- generations.
Instruction and Instruction Sequencing: Register Transfer Notation, Assembly Language
Notation, Basic Instruction Types, Addressing Modes, Basic Input/output Operations, role of
Stacks and Queues in computer programming equation. Component of Instructions: Logic
Instructions, shift and Rotate Instructions.
Type of Instructions: Arithmetic and Logic Instructions, Branch Instructions, The Memory
Systems: Basic memory circuits, Memory System Consideration, Read-Only Memory: ROM,
PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash Memory, Cache Memories: Mapping Functions, interleaving,
Secondary Storage: Magnetic Hard Disks, Optical Disks
Input/Output Organization: Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts: Interrupt Hardware, Enabling
and Disabling Interrupts, Handling Multiple Devices, Direct Memory Access, Buses:
Synchronous Bus, Asynchronous Bus, Interface Circuits, Standard I/O Interface: Peripheral
Component Interconnect (PCI) Bus, Universal Serial Bus (USB)
Processing Unit: Fundamental Concepts: Register Transfers, Performing an Arithmetic or
Logic Operation, Fetching a Word from Memory, Execution of Complete Instruction, Hardwired
Control, Micro programmed Control: Microinstructions, Micro program Sequencing, Wide
Branch Addressing Microinstructions with next ?Address Field
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Text Books:
1. Computer Organization, 5th Edition, Carl Hamacher, Zvonks Vranesic, Safea Zaky, McGraw
2. Computer Architecture and Organization,3rd Edition, John P. Hayes , McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Computer Organization and Architecture, Sixth Edition, William Stallings, Pearson/PHI
2. Structured Computer Organization, 4th Edition, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, PHI/Pearson
3. Fundamentals or Computer Organization and Design, Sivaraama Dandamudi Springer Int.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA I Semester
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide the necessary back ground of discrete structures with
particular reference to the relationships between discrete structures and their data structure
counterparts including algorithm development.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Perform operations on various discrete structures such as sets, functions, relations, and
Ability to solve problems using Counting techniques, Permutation and Combination,
Recursion and generating functions
Apply algorithms and use of graphs and trees as tools to visualize and simplify Problems
Use of K-Maps and Truth Tables to construct and verify correctness of a Boolean
Create the various properties of algebraic systems like Rings, Monoids and Groups
Mathematical Logic: Statements and notations, Connectives, Well formed formulas, Truth
tables, tautology, equivalence implication, Normal forms, Theory of inference for the statement
calculus, Rules of inference, Consistency of premises and indirect method of proof, Automatic
Theorem Proving Predicate calculus: Predicates, statement functions, variables and quantifiers,
predicate formulas, free & bound variables, universe of discourse, inference theory of predicate
Set theory & Relations: Introduction, Relations and ordering, Properties of binary Relations,
Equivalence, Compatibility Relations, Partial ordering, Hasse diagram. Functions: composition
of functions, Inverse Function, Recursive Functions, Lattice and its Properties, Pigeon hole
Principles and its application. Algebraic structures: Algebraic systems, Examples and general
properties, Semi groups and monoids, groups, sub groups, Definitions, Examples, mom orphism,
Isomorphism and related problems.
Elementary Combinatorics: Basis of counting, Enumeration of Combinations & Permutations,
Enumerating of Combinations & Permutations with repetitions and constrained repetitions,
Binomial Coefficients, Binomial Multinomial theorems, principles of Inclusion ? Exclusion
Recurrence Relations: Generating Function of Sequences, Calculating Coefficient of generating
functions, Recurrence relations, Solving recurrence relation by substitution and Generating
functions, the method of Characteristic roots, Solution of Inhomogeneous Recurrence Relation.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Graph Theory: Representation of Graph, Spanning Trees, BFS, DFS, Kruskals Algorithm,
Binary trees, Planar Graphs, Graph Theory and Applications, Basic Concepts, Isomorphism and
Sub graphs, Multi graphs and Euler circuits, Hamiltonian graphs, Chromatic Numbers
Text Books:
1. Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to computer science J.P Tremblery,
R.Manohar, TMH
2. Discrete Mathematical for computer Scientists & Mathematicians " J.L. Molt,
A.Kandel, T.P.Baker, PHI
Reference Books:
1. Elements of Discrete Mathematics, C L Liu, D P Mohanpatra, TMH
2. Discrete Mathematics, Schaum's Outlines, Lipschutz, Lipson, TMH
3. Discrete Mathematical Structures, 6th edition, Kolman, Busby, Ross, PHI, 2009
4. Discrete Mathematics, 6th edition Johnsonbaugh, Pearson, 2005
5. Discrete Mathematics, Malik, Sen, 6th ed., Cengage Learning, 2004
6. Discrete Mathematics for computer science, Bogart, Stein and Drysdale, Springer, 2005
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA I Semester
Probability and Statistics
Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide an understanding of the basic concepts in probability theory and
statistical analysis. Students will learn the fundamental theory of distribution of random variables,
the basic theory and techniques of parameter estimation and tests of hypotheses. After taking this
course, students will be able to use calculators and tables to perform simple statistical analyses for
small samples and use popular statistics packages, such as SPSS, S-Plus, R or Mat Lab, to
perform simple and sophisticated analyses for large samples.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Demonstrate the basic knowledge on fundamental probability concepts, including random
variable, probability of an event, additive rules and conditional probability.
Derive the probability density function of transformations of random variables and use
these techniques to generate data from various distributions
Demonstrate the basic statistical concepts and measures
Discuss several well-known distributions, including Binomial, Geometrical, Negative
Binomial, Normal and Exponential Distribution
Prove hypotheses testing
Probability: Sample space and events, Probability ? The axioms of probability, Some Elementary
theorems - Conditional probability, Baye's theorem, Random variables, Discrete and continuous
distributions - Distribution function.
Binomial, Poisson, normal distribution ? related properties, Moment generating function,
Moments of standard distributions ? properties.
Population and samples, Sampling distribution of mean (with known and unknown variance),
proportion, variances, Sampling distribution of sums and differences, Point and interval
estimators for means, variances, proportions.
Statistical Hypothesis ? Errors of Type I and Type II errors and calculation, One tail, two-tail
tests, Testing hypothesis concerning means, proportions and their differences using Z-test, Tests
of hypothesis using Student's t-test, F-test and 2
test.. Test of independence of attributes,
ANOVA for one-way and two-way classified data.
Statistical Quality Control methods, Methods for preparing control charts, Problems using x-bar,
p, R charts and attribute charts, Simple Correlation and Regression, Queuing Theory: Pure Birth
and Death Process M/M/1 Model and Simple Problems.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Text Books:
1. Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Miller and John E. Freund, Prentice Hall of India
2. Probability and Statistics, D. K. Murugeson & P. Guru Swamy, Anuradha Publishers
Reference Books:
1. Probability, Statistics and Random processes. T. Veerrajan, Tata Mc.Graw Hill, India
2. Probability, Statistics and Queuing theory applications for Computer Sciences, 2 ed, Trivedi,
John Wiley
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA I Semester
Accounting and Financial Management
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are
To understand the basic concepts and processes used to determine product costs
To be able to interpret cost accounting statements
To be able to analyze and evaluate information for cost ascertainment, planning, control and
decision making
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand the balance sheet preparation and perform analysis
Understand the budget preparation and control of a company
Decide about the state of affairs of a particular firm / company
Ensure the preparation of fiscal policies of the organization
Ensure the factors to be considered in investment policies
Accounting Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) & accounting standards,
Characteristics and limitations of single entry system, double entry system of accounting,
introduction of basis books of accounts, ledgers, Preparation of trail balance, Final accounts,
company final accounts, Users of Accounting Information, Role of Accountant in modern
Financial Management, meaning and scope, role, objectives of time value of money over
vitalization, under capitalization, profit maximization, wealth maximization, EPS maximization.
Ration Analysis, advantages, limitations, Fund flow analysis, meaning, importance, preparation
and interpretation of Funds flow and cash flow statements, statements of changes in working
Costing: nature and importance and basic principles, Elements of cost, Absorption costing Vs.
Marginal costing, financial accounting Vs. cost Accounting Vs. management accounting.
Marginal costing and Break, even Analysis: nature, scope and importance, practical applications
of marginal costing, limitation and importance of cost, volume, profit analysis, short run decisions
Standard costing and budgeting : nature, scope and computation and analysis, materials
variance, labour variance and sales variance, cash budget, sales, budget, flexible Budgets, master
Introduction to computerized accounting system: coding logic and codes, master files,
transaction files, introduction documents used for data collection, processing of different files and
Outputs obtained.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Text Books:
1. Accounting for Managers, P. Vijaya Kumar, and Himalaya Publications
2. Accounting for Management. Vijaya Kumar.TMH
3. Financial Accounting, S.N Maheswari and S.K. Maheswari, Vikas
4. Financial Accounting, A. Mukherjee and M. Heneef, TMH
Reference Books:
1. Basic Financial Accounting for Management, Ambaresh Gupta, Pearson
2. Accounts And Finance for Non accounts, Chatterjee, D.K.Himalaya
3. Financial Analysis and Accounting, P. Premchand Babu and M. Madam
Mohan, Himalaya
4. Essential of Financial Accounting, Ashish, K and Ballacharya, PHI
5. Guide to Financial Management, John Tannent, Viva
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA I Semester
English Communication Skills Lab
Code: R19MCA1106
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA I Semester
Problem Solving with C Lab
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to introduce to students to the field of programming using C
language. The students will be able to enhance their analyzing and problem solving skills and use
the same for writing programs in C.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Obtain hands on experience in programming to solve the real time problems.
Write diversified solutions using C language
Implement Programs with pointers and arrays, perform pointer arithmetic, and use the pre-
Write programs that perform operations using derived data types
Identify tasks in which the numerical techniques learned are applicable and apply them to
write programs, and hence use computers effectively to solve the task.
Experiment l
(a) Write a C Program to calculate the area of a triangle
(b) Write a C program to find the largest of three numbers using ternary operator
(c) Write a C Program to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable
Experiment 2
(a) Write a C program to find the 2's complement of a binary number
(b) Write a C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation
(c) Write a C program, which takes two integer operands and one operator from the user,
performs the operation and then prints the result. (Consider the operators +,-,*, /, % and use
Switch Statement)
Experiment 3
(a) Write a C program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer and, also, find the
reverse of the given number.
(b) Write a C program to generate the first n terms of the Fibonacci sequence
(c) Write a C program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and n, where n is a value
supplied by the user.
Experiment 4
(a) Write a C Program to print the multiplication table of a given number
(b) Write a C Program to read a decimal number and find its equivalent binary number
(c) Write a C Program to check whether the given number is Armstrong number
or not.
Experiment 5
(a) Write a C program to interchange the largest and smallest numbers in the given array
(b) Write a C program to implement a liner search on a given set of values
(c) Write a C program to implement binary search on a given set of values
Experiment 6
(a) Write a C program to implement sorting of an array of elements
(b) Write a C program to input two m x n matrices, check the compatibility and
perform addition and multiplication of them.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Experiment 7
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:
(a) To insert a sub-string into given main string at a given position
(b) To delete n characters from a given position in a given string
(c) To replace a character of string either from beginning or ending or at a
specified location.
Experiment 8
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations using Structure:
(i) Reading a complex number (ii) Writing a complex number (iii) Addition of two complex
numbers (iv) Multiplication of two complex numbers
Experiment 9
Write C Programs for the following string operations without using the built in functions:
(i) to concatenate two strings (ii) to append a string to another string (iii) to compare two strings
Experiment 10
(a) Write a C Program to find the number of characters in a given string
including and excluding spaces
(b) Write a C Program to copy the contents of one string to another string
without using string handling functions
(c) Write C Program to find whether a given string is palindrome or not.
(d) Write a C program to find both the largest and smallest number of an array
of integers using call by value and call by reference.
Experiment 11
Write a C program using recursion for the following:
(a) To display sum of digits of given number
(b) To find the factorial of a given integer
(c) To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two given integers
(d) To find the Fibonacci sequence
Experiment 12
(a) Write C Program to reverse a string using pointers.
(b) Write a C Program to compare two 2D arrays using pointers.
(c) Write a C program consisting of Pointer based function to exchange value of
two integers using passing by address.
Experiment 13
Examples which explores the use of structures, union and other user defined variables.
Experiment 14
(a) Write a C program which copies one file to another.
(b) Write a C program to count the number of characters and number of lines in
a file.
(c) Write a C Program to merge two files into a third file, where the names of the
files must be entered using command line arguments.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA I Semester
IT Workshop (Lab)
Course Objectives:
Students learn and understand why computers are essential components in business,
education and society.
To learn the fundamentals of computing devices and use of computer hardware and software,
the Internet, networking.
To learn different applications like Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint.
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Apply knowledge for computer assembling and software installation.
Solve hardware, software trouble shooting problems.
Develop Documents using Word processors
Connect computer using wired and wireless connections
Develop presentations using the presentation tool and Perform computations using
spreadsheet tool
List of Exercises:
Note: Faculty to consolidate the workshop manuals using the textbook and references.
Experiment 1: Identification of the peripherals of a computer - Prepare a report containing the
block diagram of the computer along with the configuration of each component and its
functionality. Describe about various I/O Devices and its usage.
Experiment 2: Practicing disassembling and assembling components of a PC.
Experiment 3: Installation of Device Drivers, MS windows, Linux Operating systems and Disk
Experiment 4: Introduction to Memory and Storage Devices, I/O Port, Assemblers, Compilers,
Interpreters, Linkers and Loaders.
Experiment 5: Demonstration of Hardware and Software Troubleshooting.
Experiment 6: Demonstrating Importance of Networking, Transmission Media, Networking
Devices- Gateway, Routers, Hub, Bridge, NIC, Bluetooth Technology, Wireless Technology,
Modem, DSL, and Dialup Connection.
Experiment 7: Awareness of various threats on the Internet and its solutions.
Experiment 8: Demonstration and Practice on Microsoft Word.
Experiment 9: Demonstration and Practice on Microsoft Excel.
Experiment 10: Demonstration and Practice on Microsoft Power Point.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Experiment 11: Demonstration and Practice on LaTeX.
Text Books:
1 Computer Fundamentals, Anita Goel, Pearson India Education, 2017
2 PC Hardware Trouble Shooting Made Easy, TMH
Reference Books:
1. Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 18th Edition, Scott Mueller, QUE, Pearson, 2008
2. Comdex Information Technology, Vikas Gupta, Dreamtech
3. Essential Computer and IT Fundamentals for Engineering and Science Students, Dr. N. B.
Venkateswarlu, S. Chand Publishers
4. Information Technology Workshop, 3rd Edition, G Praveen Babu, M V Narayana, BS
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA II Semester
Data Structures
Course Objectives:
To understand algorithms and its analysis procedure.
To design and implement various data structure algorithms
To introduce various techniques for representation of different types of data in the real world.
Compute the complexities of various algorithms.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Select appropriate data structures as applied to specified problem definition.
Implement operations like searching, insertion, and deletion, traversing mechanism etc. on
various data structures.
Compare Linear and Non-Linear data structures.
Apply appropriate sorting/searching technique for given problem.
Design advance data structure using Non Linear data structure.
Determine and analyze the complexity of given Algorithms
Data structure: Definition, types of data structures Recursion Definition, Design Methodology
and Implementation of recursive algorithms, Linear and binary recursion, recursive algorithms for
factorial function, GCD computation, Fibonacci sequence. Preliminaries of algorithms, analysis
and complexity. Searching Techniques: Linear Search, Binary Search and Fibonacci Search.
Sorting Techniques: Insertion sort, selection sort, exchange-bubble sort, quick sort and merge
sort Algorithms.
Stacks: Basic Stack Operations, Representation of a Stack using Arrays, Applications of Stack:
Reversing list, Factorial Calculation, Infix to postfix Transformation, Evaluating Arithmetic
Queues: Basic Queues Operations, Representation of a Queue using array, Implementation of
Queue Operations using Stack. Applications of Queues-Circular Queues, De-queue, Priority
Linked Lists: Introduction, single linked list, representation of a linked list in memory,
Operations on a single linked list, reversing a single linked list, Circular linked list and doubly
linked list.
Trees: Binary Trees, terminology, representation and traversals- pre, post & in order traversals.
Graphs- terminology, representation and traversals (BFS & DFS), Spanning trees, shortest path
algorithms, Minimum spanning trees- Prim's, Kruskal's, Dijstra's and Warshall's algorithms.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahani and Susan Anderson
Freed, 2nd Edition, Universities Press
2. Data Structures with C, 2ndEdition, Seymour Lipscutz, Schaum's Outlines, TMH
3. Data structures using C, 2ndEdition, Reema Thareja, Oxford higher education
Reference Books:
1. Data structures: A Pseudo code Approach with C, 2nd edition, R.F.Gilberg and
B.A.Forouzan, Cengage Learning
2. Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, 2nd edition, M.A.Weiss, Pearson
3. Data Structures using C, A.M.Tanenbaum, Y. Langsam, M.J.Augenstein, Pearson
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA II Semester
Operating Systems
Course Objectives:
To introduce different types of operating systems.
To learn process management techniques.
To learn various memory management techniques.
To introduce the architecture of Linux operating system.
To learn basic Unix commands and to write shell scripts.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand the basics of operating systems like kernel, shell, types and views of operating
Understands CPU scheduling algorithms and compare the results using Gantt chart.
Explain various memory management techniques and concept of thrashing
Apply disk scheduling algorithms for better utilization of external memory
Understand the architecture of Unix operating system
Write and execute shell programs
Introduction to Operating System Concept: Types of operating systems, operating systems
concepts, operating systems services, Introduction to System call, System call types. Process
Management: Process concept, The process, Process State Diagram , Process control block,
Process Scheduling- Scheduling Queues, Schedulers, Operations on Processes, Interprocess
Communication, Threading Issues, Scheduling-Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling
Memory Management: Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, structure of the
Page Table, Segmentation Virtual Memory Management: Virtual Memory, Demand Paging,
Page-Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing. File system Interface: the concept of a file, Access
Methods, Directory structure, File system mounting, files sharing, protection. File System
implementation: File system structure, allocation methods, free-space management, Disk
Concurrency: Process Synchronization, The Critical- Section Problem, Synchronization
Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors, Synchronization
examples Principles of deadlock: System Model, Deadlock characterization, Deadlock
Prevention, Detection and Avoidance, Recovery form Deadlock
Introduction to Unix operating system: History of Unix, features of Unix Operating system,
Architecture of Unix operating system, Unix File system, Unix environment, Basic Unix
commands. Using Vi editor, Different types of shells. Shell Programming: Shell Variables, The
Export Command, The Profile File a Script Run During Starting, The First Shell Script, The read
Command, Positional parameters, The $? Variable knowing the exit Status-More about the Set
Command, The Exit Command
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Bourne shell Programming: Introduction, Writing and executing shell scripts, Positional
parameters, Branching Control Structures, Loop Control Structures, The Continue and Break
Statement, The expr Command: Performing Integer Arithmetic-Real Arithmetic in Shell
Programs, The here Document(<<), The Sleep Command-Debugging Scripts, The Script
Command, The eval Command
Text Books:
1. Operating system concepts, 7/e, Abraham Siliberschatz, Galvin, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
2. Advanced programming in the unix environment by W. Richard Stevens
3. Unix network programming by W. Richard Stevens
Reference Books:
1. Operating systems, 6/E, William stallings, PHI/Pearson
2. Operating systems 3/e, Dietal, Dietal, Pearson
3. Operating systems, 2/e, Dhamdhere, TMH
4. Introduction to Unix and shell programming, Venkateshmurhty
5. Unix and shell programming by B.M. Harwani, OXFORD university press
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA II Semester
Software Engineering
Course Objectives:
To understand the nature of software development and software life cycle models
To understand methods of capturing, specifying, visualizing and analyzing software
To know basics of testing and understanding concept of software quality assurance and
software configuration management process.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Define various software application domains and remember different process model used
in software development.
Explain needs for software specifications also they can classify different types of software
requirements and their gathering techniques.
Convert the requirements model into the design model and demonstrate use of software
and user interface design principles.
Distinguish among SCM and SQA and can classify different testing strategies and tactics
and compare them.
Justify role of SDLC in Software Project Development.
Introduction to Software Engineering: The evolving role of software, Changing Nature of
Software, Software myths. (Text Book 3), The software problem: Cost, schedule and quality,
Scale and change.
Software Process: Process and project, component software process, Software development
process models : Waterfall model, prototyping, iterative development, relational unified process,
time boxing model, Extreme programming and agile process, using process models in a project,
Project management process.
Software requirement analysis and specification: Value of good SRS, requirement process,
requirement specification, functional specifications with use-cases, other approaches for analysis,
validation, Planning a software project: Effort estimation, project schedule and staffing, quality
planning, risk management planning, project monitoring plan, detailed scheduling.
Software Architecture: Role of software architecture, architecture views, components and
connector view, architecture styles for C & C view, documenting architecture design, evaluating
architectures, Design: Design concepts, function-oriented design, object oriented design, detailed
design, verification, metrics.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Coding and Unit testing: Programming principles and guidelines, incrementally developing
code, managing evolving code, unit testing, code inspection, metrics, Testing: Testing concepts,
testing process, black-box testing, white-box testing, metrics.
Text Books:
1. A Concise introduction to software engineering (undergraduate topics in computer science),
Pankaj Jalote, Springer International Edition
2. Software Engineering, APrecise approach, Pankaj Jalote, Wiley
3. Software Engineering, 3/e, & 7e Roger S.Pressman, TMH
Reference Books:
1. Software Engineering, 8/e, Sommerville, Pearson
2. Software Engineering principles and practice, W S Jawadekar, TMH
3. Software Engineering concepts, R Fairley, TMH
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA II Semester
OOP through Java
Course Objectives:
To learn the object oriented programming concepts.
To introduce the principles of inheritance and polymorphism and demonstrate how they are
related to the design of abstract classes
To introduce the implementation of packages and interfaces
To introduce the concept of multithreading and exception handling
To introduce the design of Graphical User Interface using applets and swing controls
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand the use OOP concepts
Apply OOP concepts to solve real world problems
Understand the concepts of packages and interfaces
Understand the concepts of exception handing, multithread applications with
Design the GUI based applications using AWT and Swings
Understand the concept of Collection Framework
Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Need for OO paradigm , A way of viewing
world- Agents, responsibility, messages, methods, classes and instances, class hierarchies
(Inheritance), method binding, overriding and exceptions, summary of OOP concepts, coping
with complexity, abstraction mechanisms, Java Basics: Data types, variables, scope and life time
of variables, arrays, operators, expressions, control statements, type conversion and costing,
simple java program, classes and objects- concepts of classes, objects, constructors methods,
access control, this keyword, garbage collection, overloading methods and constructors,
parameter passing, recursion, string handling.
Inheritance: Hierarchical abstractions, Base class object, subclass, subtype, substitutability,
forms of inheritance- specialization, specification, construction, extension, limitation,
combination, benefits of inheritance costs of inheritance. Member access rules, super uses, using
final with inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, Packages and Interfaces: Defining,
Creating and Accessing a package, Understanding CLASSPATH, Importing packages,
differences between classes and interfaces, defining an interface, Implementing interface,
applying interfaces variables in interface and extending interfaces.
Exception handling and Multithreading: Concepts of exception handling, benefits of exception
handling, Termination or presumptive models, exception hierarchy, usage of try, catch, throws
and finally, built in exceptions, creating own exception sub classes. Differences between multi
threading and multitasking, thread life cycle, creating threads, synchronizing threads, daemon
threads, thread groups.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Event Handling: Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Delegation event model,
handling mouse and keyboard events, Adapter classes, inner classes. The AWT class hierarchy ,
user-interface components- labels, button, canvas, scrollbars, text components, check box, check
box groups, choices, list panes- scroll pane, dialogs, menu bar, graphics, layout manager- layout
manager types- boarder, grid, flow, card and grid bag.
Applets: Concepts of Applets, differences between applets and applications, lifecycle of an
applet, types of applets, creating applets, passing parameters to applets, Swings: Introduction,
limitations of AWT, MVC architecture, components, containers, exploring swing- JApplet,
JFrame and JComponent, Icons and Labels, text fields, buttons-The JButton class, Check boxes,
Radio Buttons, Combo boxes, Tabbed panes, Scroll panes, Trees and Tables.
Text Books:
1. Java-The complete reference,7/e, Herbert schildt, TMH
2. JAVA: How to program, 8/e, Dietal , Dietal,PHI
3. Introduction of programming with JAVA,S.Dean,TMH
4. Introduction to Java programming, 6/e, Y.Daniel Liang, Pearson
Reference Books:
1. Core Java 2, Vol 1(Vol 2) Fundamentals(Advanced), 7/e, Cay.S.Horstmann, Gary Cornell,
2. Big Java2,3/e, Cay.S. Horstmann, Wiley
3. Object Oriented Programming through Java, P.Radha Krishna, University Press
4. JAVA& Object Orientation an Introduction, 2/e, John Hunt, Springer
5. Introduction to JAVA Programming, 7/e, Y. Daniel Liang, Pearson. , TMH
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA II Semester
Optimization Techniques
Course Objectives:
To understand the theory of optimization methods and algorithms developed for solving
various types of optimization problems.
To develop and promote research interest in applying optimization techniques in problems of
Engineering and Technology.
To apply the mathematical results and numerical techniques of optimization theory to
concrete Engineering problems.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Describe clearly a problem, identify its parts and analyze the individual functions
Feasibility study for solving an optimization problem
Becoming a mathematical translation of the verbal formulation of an optimization problem
To design algorithms, the repetitive use of which will lead reliably to finding an
approximate solution
Discovery, study and solve optimization problems
Investigate, study, develop, organize and promote innovative solutions for various
Development: Definition, Characteristics and Phrases, scientific method. Types of models,
general methods for solving, operations research modes, Allocation: introduction linear
programming formulation, graphical solution, simplex methods, artificial variable technique,
duality principle,
Transportation problem: Formulation, optimal solution, unbalanced transportation, Assignment
problem: formulation, optimal solution, variations problem, degeneracy i.e. non square MXN)
matrix, restrictions, Sequencing: Introduction, optimal solution for processing each of n jobs
through three machines, travelling salesman problem (i.e.) shortest acyclic route models.
Replacement: Introduction, replacement of items that deteriorate when money value is not
counted and counted, and replacement of items that fail completely (i.e.) group replacements,
Waiting lines: Introduction, single channel, poisson arrivals, exponential service time infinite
population and unrestricted queue.
Inventory: Introduction, single item, deterministic models, production is instantaneous or at a
constant rate , shortages are allowed or not allowed and with drawls from stock is continuous,
purchase inventory model with one price break, shortages are not allowed, instantaneous
production demand production or purchase cost is relevant, stochastic models, simple problems.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Theory of Games: Introduction, minmax (maximum), criterion and optimal strategy solution of
games with saddle points, rectangular without saddle points. Dynamic programming:
Introduction, Bellman's Principle of optimality, solutions for simple problems, Project
Management: PERT and CPM, difference between PERT and CPM, PERT/CPM network
components and precedence relations, Time Estimates for activities
Text Books:
1. Operations Research, S.D.Sharma, Ramnath, & Kedarnath co, Meerut
2. Operations Research, An introduction, 8/e, Taha, Pearson
Reference Books:
1. Operations Research, P.K.Gupta, D.S. Hira, S.Chand
2. Operations Research, R.D.Asrhedkar, R.V.Kulkarni
3. Operations Research, Problems & sollutons, 3/e, JKSharma, Macmillan
4. Operations Research, 8/e, Hillier, Liberman, TMH
5. Operations Research, 2/e, Panneerselvam
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA II Semester
OOP through Java Lab
Course Objectives:
To understand how to design, implement, test, debug, and document programs that use basic
data types and computation, simple I/O, conditional and control structures, string handling and
To understand the importance of Classes & objects along with constructors, Arrays and
Discuss the principles of inheritance, interface and packages and demonstrate though problem
analysis assignments how they relate to the design of methods, abstract classes and interfaces
and packages.
To understand importance of Multi-threading & different exception handling mechanisms.
To learn experience of designing, implementing, testing, and debugging graphical user
interfaces in Java using applet and AWT that respond to different user events.
To understand Java Swings for designing GUI applications based on MVC architecture
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Apply OOP concepts to solve real world problems
Implement different forms of inheritance
Create packages and to reuse them.
Implement multi threaded programs using synchronization concepts
Create user defined exceptions
Design GUI applications using AWT and SWINGS.
List of Experiments:
1. The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the following rule. The first 2 values in the sequence are
1, 1. Every subsequent value is the sum of the 2 values preceding it. Write a Java Program
that uses both recursive and non recursive functions to print the nth value of the Fibonacci
2. Write a Java Program that prompts the user for an integer and then prints out all the prime
numbers up to that Integer.
3. Write a Java Program that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not. Ex.
MALAYALAM is a palindrome.
4. Write a Java Program for sorting a given list of names in ascending order.
5. Write a Java Program that illustrates how runtime polymorphism is achieved.
6. Write a Java Program to create and demonstrate packages.
7. Write a Java Program, using StringTokenizer class, which reads a line of integers and then
displays each integer and the sum of all integers.
8. Write a Java Program that reads on file name form the user then displays information about
whether the file exists, whether the file is readable/ writable, the type of file and the length of
the file in bytes and display the content of the using FileInputStream class.
9. Write a Java Program that displays the number of characters, lines and words in a text/text
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
10. Write an Applet that displays the content of a file.
11. Write a Java Program that works as a simple calculator. Use a grid layout to arrange buttons
for the digits and for the +-*?% operations. Add a text field to display the result.
12. Write a Java Program for handling mouse events.
13. Write a Java Program demonstrating the life cycle of a thread.
14. Write a Java Program that lets users create Pie charts. Design your own user interface (with
Swings & AWT).
15. Write a Java Program to implement a Queue, using user defined Exception Handling (also
make use of throw, throws).
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA II Semester
Data Structures Lab
Course Objectives:
To design and implement various data structures.
To implement operations like searching, insertion and deletion, traversing mechanism
To develop applications using data structure algorithms.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Implement various basic data structures and its operations.
Apply sorting and searching algorithms to given numbers
Implement various tree operations.
Implement various graphs algorithms.
Develop applications using various data structures.
Experiment 1:
Write recursive program which computes the nth Fibonacci number, for appropriate values of n.
Experiment 2:
Write recursive program for the following
a) Write recursive and non recursive C program for calculation of Factorial of an integer.
b) Write recursive and non recursive C program for calculation of GCD (n, m)
c) Write recursive and non recursive C program for Towers of Hanoi: N disks are to be
transferred from peg S to peg D with Peg I as the intermediate peg.
Experiment 3:
a) Write C program that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform Linear search
for a Key value in a given list.
b) Write C program that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform Binary search
for a Key value in a given list.
Experiment 4:
a) Write C program that implement Bubble sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascending
b) Write C program that implement Quick sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascending order.
Experiment 5:
a) Write C program that implement heap sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascending order.
b) Write C program that implement merge sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascending order.
Experiment 6:
a) Write C program that implement stack (its operations) using arrays.
b) Write C program that implement stack (its operations) using Linked list.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Experiment 7:
a) Write a C program that uses Stack operations to Convert infix expression into postfix
a) Write C program that implement Queue (its operations) using arrays.
b) Write C program that implement Queue (its operations) using linked lists.
Experiment 8:
Write a C program that uses functions to create a singly linked list and perform various operations
on it.
Experiment 9:
Write a C program to store a polynomial expression in memory using linked list and perform
polynomial addition.
Experiment 10:
a) Write a recursive C program for traversing a binary tree in preorder, inorder and postorder.
b) Write a non recursive C program for traversing a binary tree in preorder, inorder and
Experiment 11:
a) Write a C program to implement Prims' algorithm.
b) Write a C program to implement Kruskal's algorithm.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA II Semester
Operating Systems and Linux Lab
Course Objectives:
To implement CPU scheduling algorithms
To implement Disk scheduling algorithms
To execute different types of Linux commands
To write shell scripts
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Implement various CPU scheduling algorithms and compare results
Implement various disk scheduling algorithms and compare results
Implement page replace algorithms
Implement various memory management techniques.
Execute basic Linux commands
List of Experiments:
Operating Systems Lab
1. Simulate
A) FCFS B) SJF C) Priority D) Round Robin
2. Multiprogramming-Memory Management- Implementation of fork(), wait(),
exec() and exit()
3. Simulate The Following
a. Multiprogramming
b. Multiprogramming with A Variable Number Of Tasks (MVT)
4. Simulate Bankers Algorithm for Dead Lock Avoidance
5. Simulate Bankers Algorithm for Dead Lock Prevention.
6. Simulate The Following Page Replacement Algorithms.
7. Simulate the Following File Allocation Strategies
A) Sequenced B) Indexed C) Linked
Linux Lab
1. Write a Shell program to check whether given number is prime or not.
2. Write a shell script which will display Fibonacci series up to the given range.
3. Write a shell script to check whether the given number is Armstrong or not.
4. Write a shell script to the calculate the value of
5. Write a shell script to accept student number, name, marks in 5 subjects.
Find total, average and grade using the following rules:
Avg>=80 then grade A
Avg<80&&Avg>=70 then grade B
Avg<70&&Avg>=60 then grade C
Avg<60&&Avg>=50 then grade D
Avg<50&&Avg>=40 then grade E
6. Write a shell script to find minimum and maximum elements in the given list of elements.
7. Write a shell program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not.
8. Write an awk program to print sum, avg of students marks list
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA III Semester
Data Base Management Systems
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to present an introduction to database management systems, with an
emphasis on how to organize, maintain and retrieve efficiently, and effectively information from a
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Explain DBMS architecture, physical and logical database designs, database modelling,
relational, hierarchical and network models.
Identify basic database storage structures and access techniques such as file organizations,
indexing methods including Btree, and hashing
Learn and apply Structured Query Language (SQL) for database definition and database
Demonstrate an understanding of normalization theory and apply such knowledge to the
normalization of a database
Understand various transaction processing, concurrency control mechanisms and database
protection mechanisms
Improve the database design by applying normalization techniques
INTRODUCTION-Database system, Characteristics (Database Vs File System), Database Users
(Actors on Scene, Workers behind the scene), Advantages of Data base systems, Database
applications, Brief introduction of different Data Models; Concepts of Schema, Instance and data
independence; Three tier schema architecture for data independence; Database system structure,
environment, Centralized and Client Server architecture for the database.
RELATIONAL MODEL: Introduction to relational model, concepts of domain, attribute, tuple,
relation, importance of null values, constraints (Domain, Key constraints, integrity constraints)
and their importance BASIC SQL: Simple Database schema, data types, table definitions (create,
alter), different DML operations (insert, delete, update), basic SQL querying (select and project)
using where clause, arithmetic & logical operations, SQL functions (Date and Time, Numeric,
String conversion).
ENTITY RELATIONSHIP MODEL: Introduction, Representation of entities, attributes, entity
set, relationship, relationship set, constraints, sub classes, super class, inheritance, specialization,
generalization using ER Diagrams. SQL: Creating tables with relationship, implementation of
key and integrity constraints, nested queries, sub queries, grouping, aggregation, ordering,
implementation of different types of joins, view(updatable and non-updatable), relational set
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
SCHEMA REFINEMENT (NORMALIZATION): Purpose of Normalization or schema
refinement, concept of functional dependency, normal forms based on functional
dependency(1NF, 2NF and 3 NF), concept of surrogate key, Boyce-codd normal form(BCNF),
Lossless join and dependency preserving decomposition, Fourth normal form(4NF).
TRANSACTION CONCEPT: Transaction State, Implementation of Atomicity and Durability,
Concurrent Executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Implementation of Isolation, Testing for
Serializability, Failure Classification, Storage, Recovery and Atomicity, Recovery algorithm.
INDEXING TECHNIQUES: B+ Trees: Search, Insert, Delete algorithms, File Organization
and Indexing, Cluster Indexes, Primary and Secondary Indexes , Index data Structures, Hash
Based Indexing: Tree base Indexing ,Comparison of File Organizations, Indexes and Performance
Text Books:
1. Data base Management Systems, 3rd Edition, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke,
TMH ,2003
2. Data base System Concepts, VI edition, A.Silberschatz, H.F. Korth, S.Sudarshan, McGraw
hill, 2006
3. Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th edition, Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant
Navathe, Pearson Education,2008
Reference Books:
1. Database Management System Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, P.K.Das Gupta, PHI
2. Database System Concepts, Peter Rob & Carlos Coronel, Cengage Learning, 2008
3. Database Systems, A Practical approach to Design Implementation and Management Fourth
edition, Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg, Pearson education
4. Database Principles, Programming, and Performance, P.O'Neil, E.O'Neil, 2nd
5. Fundamentals of Relational Database Management systems, S.Sumathi, S.Esakkirajan,
6. Introduction to Database Management, Student Edition, M.L.Gillenson and others, Wiley
7. Database Development and Management, Lee Chao, Auerbach publications,
Taylor & Francis Group
8. Introduction to Database Systems, C.J.Date, Pearson Education
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA III Semester
Computer Networks
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Understands the fundamental concepts of computer networking and OSI
reference model.
Familiarize the student with the basic taxonomy and terminology of the
computer networking area.
Introduce the student to advanced networking concepts, preparing the
student for entry advanced courses in computer networking.
Allow the student to gain expertise in some specific areas of networking such
as the design and maintenance of individual networks.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand computer network basics, network architecture, TCP/IP and OSI reference
Identify and understand various techniques and modes of transmission
Understand data link protocols, multi-channel access protocols and IEEE 802 standards
for LAN
Describe routing and congestion in network layer with routing algorithms and classify
IPV4 addressing scheme
Discuss the elements and protocols of transport layer
Understand network security and define various protocols such as FTP, HTTP, Telnet,
Network Hardware reference model: Transmission media, Narrowband ISDN, Broad band
ISDN, ATM, The data Link layer: Design Issues, Error detection and correction, Elementary
Data Link Protocols, Sliding window protocols : Data link layer in HDLC, Internet and ATM.
Channel allocation methods: TDM, FDM, ALOHA, Carrier sense Multiple access protocols,
Collision Free protocols ? IEEE standard 802.11 for LANS ? Ethernet, Token Bus, Token ring,
Bridges, Network layer Routing Algorithms: Shortest path, Flooding, Flow based Distance
vector, Link state, Hierarchical, Broadcast routing, Congestion Control algorithms-General
principles of congestion control, Congestion prevention polices, Choke packets and Load
Internet Working: Tunneling, internetworking, Fragmentation, network layer in the internet ? IP
protocols, IP address, Subnets, Internet control protocols, OSPF, BOP, Internet multicasting,
Mobile IP, Network layer in the ATM Networks ? cell formats, connection setup, routing and
switching, service categories, and quality of service, ATM LANs.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
The Transport Layer: Elements of transport protocols ? addressing, establishing a connection,
releasing connection, flow control and buffering and crash recovery, end to end protocols: UDP,
reliable Byte Stream (TCP) end to end format, segment format, connection establishment and
termination, sliding window revisited, adaptive retransmission, TCP extension, Remote Procedure
Application Layer: Network Security, Cryptographic Algorithms: DES, RSA. Security
Mechanisms: Authentication Protocols, Firewalls. Name service (DNS) Domains Hierarchy,
Name servers. Traditional Applications: SMTP, MIME, World Wide Web: HTTP, Network
Management: SNMP.
Text Books:
1. Computer Networks, 4/e, Andrew Tanenbaum, Pearson
2. Data and computer communications, 8/e, stallings, PHI
Reference Books:
1. Data communications and networking, 4/e Forouzan, TMH
2. Computer Networks ? A System Approach, 2/e, Peterson, Bruce Davie, and Harcourt Asia
3. Compute communications and networking technologies, Gallo, Hancock, and Cengage
4. An Engineering approach to compute networking, Kesha, Pearson
5. Communication networks, 2/e, Leon-Garcia, TMH
6. Computer networks, Anuranjan Misra, ACME Learning
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA III Semester
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Course Objectives:
This course aims to introduce the classic algorithms in various domains, and techniques for
designing efficient algorithms
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Explain the basic concepts of time and space complexity, divide-and-conquer Strategy,
dynamic programming, greedy and approximate algorithms
Describe the methodologies of how to analyze an algorithm
Understands the data structures of graph colouring and back tracking
Design a better algorithm to solve the problems
To differentiate between tractable and intractable problems
Ability to analyze the performance of algorithms.
Introduction: Algorithm, Pseudo code for expressing algorithms, performance Analysis-Space
complexity, Time complexity, Asymptotic Notation- Big oh notation, Omega notation, Theta
notation and Little oh notation, probabilistic analysis, Amortized analysis. Disjoint Sets- disjoint
set operations, union and find algorithms, spanning trees, connected components and bi-
connected components.
Divide and conquer: General method, applications-Binary search, Quick sort, Merge sort,
Stassen's matrix multiplication. Greedy method: General method, applications-Job sequencing
with deadlines, 0/1 knapsack problem, Minimum cost spanning trees, Single source shortest path
Dynamic Programming: General method, applications-Matrix chain multiplication, Optimal
binary search trees, 0/1 knapsack problem, All pairs shortest path problem, Travelling sales
person problem, Reliability design.
Backtracking: General method, applications-n-queen problem, sum of subsets problem, graph
coloring, Hamiltonian cycles.
Branch and Bound: General method, applications - Travelling sales person problem, 0/1
knapsack problem- LC Branch and Bound solution, FIFO Branch and Bound solution. NP-Hard
and NP-Complete problems: Basic concepts, non deterministic algorithms, NP - Hard and NP
Complete classes, Cook's theorem.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Ellis Horowitz, Satraj Sahni and Rajasekharam,
Universities Press
2. The Algorithm Design Manual, 2nd edition, Steven S. Skiena, Springer
3. Introduction to Algorithms, second edition, T.H.Cormen, C.E.Leiserson, R.L.Rivest and
C.Stein, PHI Pvt. Ltd
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Anany Levitin, PEA
2. Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson Education, Parag Himanshu Dave, Himansu
Balachandra Dave
3. Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms A strategic approach, R.C.T. Lee,
S.S.Tseng, R.C.Chang and T.Tsai, Mc GrawHill.
4. Design and Analysis of algorithms, Pearson education, Aho, Ullman and Hopcroft
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA III Semester
Advanced Java Programming
Course Objectives:
To understand the concepts of naming and directory services.
To learn distributed computing using RMI.
To acquire knowledge on creation of software components using JAVA Beans.
To learn Server-Side Programming using Servlets.
To learn the creation of pure Dynamic Web Application using JDBC.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Apply the concepts of server side technologies for dynamic web applications
Describe Lifecycle of a Servlet and its Package
Explain about network and security programming using Java and know about the
application of dynamic page functionality in web pages Servlets
Invoke the remote methods in an application using Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
Implement the multi-tier architecture of web-based enterprise applications using
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
UNIT-I: Directory Services and JNDI: Naming and Directory Services, Using JNDI, Java and
LDAP, LDAP operations, Searching an LDAP Server
UNIT-II: Distributed Computing Using RMI: RMI Architecture, Locating Remote Objects and
Developing Applications with RMI, Parameter passing in RMI, RMI firewalls and HTTP
Java Beans: Introduction to Java Beans, Advantages of Java Beans, BDK Introspection, Using
Bound properties, Bean Info Interface, Constrained properties Persistence, Customizes, Java
Beans API, Introduction to EJB's, EJB Architecture and Design: EJB Container and its
services, Working with EJBs, Design of the EJB Tier
Web Servers and Servlets: Tomcat web server, Introduction to Servlets: Lifecycle of a Servlet,
JSDK, The Servlet API, The javax.servlet Package, Reading Servlet parameters, Reading
Initialization parameters. The javax.servlet HTTP package, Handling Http Request & Responses,
Using Cookies-Session Tracking, Security Issues
Database Access: Database Programming using JDBC, Studying Javax.sql.*package, J2EE and
Web Services: Web Service Technologies (SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI), Developing Web
services, making Services smarter.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Text Books:
1. Professional Java Server Programming, J2EE 1.3 edition, APRESS publications (Units
2. The complete Reference Java 8th Edition by Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt. TMH
(Units 3,5,6,7)
Reference Books:
1. Programming world wide web-Sebesta, Pearson
Marty Hall and Larry Brown Pearson
3. Internet and World Wide Web ? How to program by Dietel and Nieto PHI/Pearson Education
4. Murach's beginning JAVA JDK 5, Murach, SPD
5. An Introduction to web Design and Programming ?Wang-Thomson
6. Web Applications Technologies Concepts-Knuckles,John Wiley
7. Web Warrior Guide to Web Programmming-Bai/Ekedaw-Thomas
8. Beginning Web Programming-Jon Duckett WROX
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA III Semester
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Course Objectives:
To understand the Object-based view of Systems
To develop robust object-based models for Systems
To inculcate necessary skills to handle complexity in software design
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
OOAD practices in developing software projects with management perspective
Understand the object-oriented software development process, including object oriented
Compare various object relationships like inheritance, association, whole-part and
dependency relationships
Compare various object relationships like inheritance, association, whole-part and
dependency relationships
Apply rational software suite for the construction of UML models and expressing the
appropriate notations associated with each model
Ability to analyze and model software specifications.
Introduction to UML: The meaning of Object-Orientation, object identity, encapsulation,
information hiding, polymorphism, genericity, importance of modelling, principles of modelling,
object oriented modelling, conceptual model of the UML, Architecture.
Basic structural Modelling: Classes, relationships, common mechanisms, diagrams, Advanced
structural modelling: advanced relationships, interfaces, types & roles, packages, instances,
Class & object diagrams: Terms, concepts, examples, modelling techniques, class & Object
Collaboration diagrams: Terms, Concepts, depicting a message, polymorphism in collaboration
diagrams, iterated messages, use of self in messages, Sequence diagrams: Terms, concepts,
differences between collaboration and sequence diagrams, depicting synchronous messages
with/without priority call back mechanism broadcast message.
Behavioral Modelling: Interactions, use cases, use case diagrams, activity diagrams, Advanced
Behavioral Modelling: Events and signals, state machines, processes & threads, time and space,
state chart diagrams.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Architectural Modelling: Terms, concepts, examples, modelling techniques for component
diagrams and deployment diagrams.
Text Books:
1. The Unified Modelling Language User Guide, Grady Booch, Rambaugh, Ivar
Jacobson, PEA
2. Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML, Meilir Page Jones, Addison Wesley
Reference Books:
1. Head First Object Oriented Analysis &Design, Mclaughlin, SPD O'Reilly, 2006
2. Object oriented Analysis& Design Using UML, Mahesh, PHI
3. The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, 2/e, Rambaugh, Grady Booch, etc., PEA
4. Object Oriented Analysis & Design, Satzinger, Jackson and Thomson
5. Object Oriented Analysis Design & Implementation, Dathan, Ramnath, University Press
6. Object Oriented Analysis & Design, John Deacon, PEA
7. Fundamentals of Object Oriented Analysis and Design in UML, M Pages Jones, PEA
8. Object-Oriented Design with UML, Barclay, Savage, Elsevier, 2008
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA III Semester
Data Base Management Systems Lab
Course Objectives:
To design and implement a database schema for a given problem domain
To create and manipulate tables using SQL queries
To prepare reports
To develop applications using PL/SQL
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand, appreciate and effectively explain the underlying concepts of database
Design and implement a database schema for a given problem-domain
Apply normalization techniques to avoid redundancy
Populate and query a database using SQL commands
Declare and enforce integrity constraints on a database using a state-of-the-art RDBMS
Write PL/SQL programs including stored procedures, stored functions, cursors, packages
List of Experiments:
1. Execute all DDL, DML and DCL commands on sample tables.
2. Implementation of different types of operators and built-in functions with suitable examples
3. Create views, partitions, Sequence, Indexes and locks for a particular DB.
4. Implement different types of constraints on relations.
5. Implementation of sub queries and nested queries.
6. Implementation of different types of joins with suitable examples
7. Write PL/SQL block for an application using exception handling.
8. Write PL/SQL block for an application using cursors and all types of triggers.
9. Write a DBMS program to prepare Pl/SQL reports for an application using functions.
10. Write a PL/SQL block for transaction operations of a typical application using package.
11. Design and develop an application using any front end and back end tool (make use of ER
diagram and DFD).
Typical Applications ? Banking, Electricity Billing, Library Operation, Pay roll, Insurance,
Inventory etc.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA III Semester
Advanced Java Programming Lab
Course Objectives:
It aims to introduce the students to some concepts of advanced programming and practice on
reusing components.
The course covers Graphical User Interface (GUI) networking, and database manipulation.
Student will be able to use advanced technology in Java such as Internationalization, and
Remote method Invocation
Student will learn how to work with JavaBeans.
Student will be able to develop web application using Java Servlet and Java Server Pages
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Implement sophisticated Java applications and well-organized, complex computer
programs with both command line and graphical user interfaces
Learn to access database through Java programs, using Java Data Base Connectivity
Create dynamic web pages, using Servlets and JSP & make a reusable software
component, using Java Bean
Invoke the remote methods in an application using Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
Understand the multi-tier architecture of web-based enterprise applications using
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
List of Experiments
1. Write a Program for Sending e-mail in Java.
2. Write a Program to implement Single Client-Server Communication.
3. Write a Program to implement the Login_Id Form using JDBC
4. Write a Program to implement the SQL commands using JDBC
5. Write a Java Program to implement Client ? Server Communication using RMI.
6. Write a Java Servlet Program to implement and demonstrate get() and Post methods(Using
HTTP Servlet Class).
7. Write a Program for Displaying Multiplication Table in Servlet for a Number Entered in Html
8. Write a Program for Designing a Login Form Using Html and Displaying the Contents of the
Login Form along with Date and Time in Servlet (Html to Servlet Communication)
9. Write a Java Servlet Program to Auto Web Page Refresh (Consider a webpage which is
displaying Date and time or stock market status. For all such type of pages, you would need to
refresh your web page regularly; Java Servlet makes this job easy by providing refresh
automatically after a given interval).
10. Write a Program for Marks List Processing in Servlet with Records Taken from MS-Access
(Servlet and JDBC connectivity)
11. Write a Program Login Form Validation using JavaBeans
12. An EJB application that demonstrates Session Bean (with appropriate business logic).
13. An EJB application that demonstrates MDB (with appropriate business logic).
14. An EJB application that demonstrates persistence (with appropriate business logic).
15. Implement a program to execute selected query using JDBC.
16. Write a program to update the customer information using JDBC.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA III Semester
OOAD through UML Lab
Course Objectives:
To know the practical issues of the different object oriented analysis and design concepts
Inculcate the art of object oriented software analysis and design
Apply forward and reverse engineering of a software system
Carry out the analysis and design of a system in an object oriented way
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Know the syntax of different UML diagrams
Create use case documents that capture requirements for a software system
Create class diagrams that model both the domain model and design model of a software
Create interaction diagrams that model the dynamic aspects of a software system.
Write code that builds a software system.
Develop simple applications
Note: For performing the experiments consider any case study (ATM/ Banking
/ Library /Hospital management systems)
Experiment 1:
Familiarization with Rational Rose or Umbrella environment
Experiment 2:
a) Identify and analyze events
b) Identify Use cases
c) Develop event table
Experiment 3:
a) Identify & analyze domain classes
b) Represent use cases and a domain class diagram using Rational Rose
c) Develop CRUD matrix to represent relationships between use cases and problem domain
Experiment 4:
a) Develop Use case diagrams
b) Develop elaborate Use case descriptions & scenarios
c) Develop prototypes (without functionality)
Experiment 5:
a) Develop system sequence diagrams and high-level sequence diagrams for each use case
b) Identify MVC classes / objects for each use case
c) Develop Detailed Sequence Diagrams / Communication diagrams for each use case showing
interactions among all the three-layer objects
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Experiment 6:
a) Develop detailed design class model (use GRASP patterns for responsibility assignment)
b) Develop three-layer package diagrams for each case study
Experiment 7:
a) Develop Use case Packages
b) Develop component diagrams
c) Identify relationships between use cases and represent them
d) Refine domain class model by showing all the associations among classes
Experiment 8:
Develop sample diagrams for other UML diagrams - state chart diagrams, activity diagrams and
deployment diagrams
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Course Objectives:
Be familiar with mathematical foundations of data mining tools..
Understand and implement classical models and algorithms in data warehouses and data
Characterize the kinds of patterns that can be discovered by association rule mining,
classification and clustering.
Master data mining techniques in various applications like social, scientific and
environmental context.
Develop skill in selecting the appropriate data mining algorithm for solving practical
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Explain the concept of Data Mining and its functionalities
Discuss about Data Pre-processing Techniques like data cleaning, integration,
transformation and reduction
Illustrate need for data mining and in what ways it is different from traditional statistical
Demonstrate Alternative techniques for Bayes' Theorem
Demonstrate Association analysis techniques for generating association rules from data.
Introduction to Data mining, types of Data, Data Quality, Data Processing, Measures of Similarity
and Dissimilarity, Exploring Data: Data Set, Summary Statistics, Visualization, OLAP and multi
dimensional data analysis.
Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Trees and model evaluation: General approach for
solving a classification problem, Decision Tree induction, Model over fitting: due to presence of
noise, due to lack of representation samples, Evaluating the performance of classifier. Nearest
Neighborhood classifier, Bayesian Classifier, Support vector Machines: Linear SVM, Separable
and Non Separable case.
Association Analysis: Problem Definition, Frequent Item-set generation, rule generation,
compact representation of frequent item sets, FP-Growth Algorithms. Handling Categorical,
Continuous attributes, Concept hierarchy, Sequential, Sub graph patterns
Clustering: Over view, K-means, Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN, Cluster
evaluation: overview, Unsupervised Cluster Evaluation using cohesion and separation, using
proximity matrix, Scalable Clustering algorithm
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Web data mining: Introduction, Web terminology and characteristics, Web content mining, Web
usage mining, web structure mining, Search Engines: Characteristics, Functionality, Architecture,
Ranking of WebPages, Enterprise search
Text Books:
1.Introduction to Data Mining: Pang-Ning tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin kumar, Addision-
2.Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies: GK Gupta; Prentice Hall
Reference Books:
1. Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, Margaret H Dunham, Pearson, 2008
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Full Stack Technologies
Course Objectives:
From the course the student will learn
Translate user requirements into the overall architecture and implementation of new systems
and Manage Project and coordinate with the Client.
Write backend code in Python/Java, PHP languages and Writing optimized front end code
HTML and JavaScript.
Understand, create and debug database related queries and Create test code to validate the
applications against client requirement.
Monitor the performance of web applications & infrastructure and Troubleshooting web
application with a fast and accurate a resolution.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Identify the Basic Concepts of Web & Markup Languages
Develop web Applications using Scripting Languages & Frameworks
Creating & Running Applications using JSP libraries
Creating Our First Controller Working with and Displaying in Angular Js and Nested
Forms with ng-form
Working with the Files in React JS and Constructing Elements with Data
Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication. The Internet-Basic Internet Protocols -The
World Wide Web-HTTP request message-response message-Web Clients Web Servers. Markup
Languages: XHTML an Introduction to HTML, History, Versions, Basic, XHTML Syntax and
Semantics Some Fundamental HTML Elements-Relative URLs-Lists-tables-Frames-Forms-
HTML 5.0.
UNIT ? II: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Style Sheets: CSS-Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets-Features-Core Syntax-Style Sheets and
HTML- Style Rule Cascading and Inheritance-Text Properties-Box Model Normal Flow Box
Layout beyond the Normal Flow-CSS3.0, Boot strap basics, Boot strap CSS3, Introduction to
Java Script, Jscript basics, JScripts objects, JSON, Don.
UNIT ? III: Jscript
Separating Programming and Presentation: JSP Technology, Introduction to JSP and Servlets-
Running JSP Applications, Basic JSP-JavaBeans Classes and JSP-Tag Libraries and Files-
Support for the Model-View-Controller Paradigm- Mongo DB, JQuery, Mean stack
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
UNIT ? IV: Angular Js
Introducing AngularJS, Starting Out with AngularJS, Basic AngularJS, Directives and
Controllers, AngularJS Modules, Creating First Controller, working with and Displaying, Arrays,
more Directives, working with ng-repeat, Unit Testing in AngularJS, Forms, Inputs, and Services,
Working with ng-model, Working with Forms, Leverage Data-Binding and Models, Form
Validation and States, Error Handling with Forms, ngModelOptions, Nested Forms with ng-form,
Other Form Controls.
UNIT ? V: React JS
Introduction to React, Obstacles and Roadblocks, keeping Up with the Changes, Working with
the Files, Pure React, Page Setup, The Virtual DOM, React Elements, ReactDOM, Children,
Constructing Elements with Data, React Components, DOM Rendering, Factories
Text Books:
1. Jeffrey C. Jackson, "Web Technologies--A Computer Science Perspective", Pearson
Education, 2006
2. Robert. W. Sebesta, "Programming the World Wide Web", Fourth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2007
3. AngularJS: Up and Running Enhanced Productivity with Structured Web Apps By Brad
Green, Shyam Seshadri Publisher: O'Reilly Media
4. Learning React Functional Web Development with React and Redux By Alex Banks, Eve
Porcello Publisher: O'Reilly Media
5. Head First Java, 2nd Edition by Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Python Programming
Course Objectives:
To acquire programming skills in core Python.
To acquire Object Oriented Skills in Python.
To develop the skill of designing Graphical user Interfaces in Python.
To develop the ability to write database applications in Python.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand and comprehend the basics of python programming.
Demonstrate the principles of structured programming and be able to describe, design,
implement, and test structured programs using currently accepted methodology.
Explain the use of the built-in data structures list, sets, tuples and dictionary.
Make use of functions and its applications.
Identify real-world applications using oops, files and exception handling provided by
Introduction: History of Python, Need of Python Programming, Applications Basics of Python
Programming Using the REPL(Shell), Running Python Scripts, Variables, Assignment,
Keywords, Input-Output, Indentation.
Types, Operators and Expressions: Types - Integers, Strings, Booleans; Operators- Arithmetic
Operators, Comparison (Relational) Operators, Assignment Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise
Operators, Membership Operators, Identity Operators, Expressions and order of evaluations
Control Flow- if, if-elif-else, for, while, break, continue, pass
Data Structures-Lists- Operations, Slicing, Methods, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, Sequences,
Functions - Defining Functions, Calling Functions, Passing Arguments, Keyword Arguments,
Default Arguments, Variable-length arguments, Anonymous Functions, Fruitful Functions
(Function Returning Values), Scope of the Variables in a Function - Global and Local Variables,
Modules: Creating modules, import statement, from. Import statement, name spacing, Python
packages, Introduction to PIP, Installing Packages via PIP, Using Python Packages
Object Oriented Programming OOP in Python: Classes, 'self variable', Methods, Constructor
Method, Inheritance, Overriding Methods, Data hiding, Error and Exceptions: Difference
between an error and Exception, Handling Exception, try except block, Raising Exceptions, User
defined Exceptions, Brief Tour of the Standard Library - Operating System Interface - String
Pattern Matching, Mathematics, Internet Access, Dates and Times, Data Compression,
Multithreading, GUI Programming, Turtle Graphics, Testing: Why testing is required ?, Basic
concepts of testing, Unit testing in Python, Writing Test cases, Running Tests.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Text books
1. Python Programming: A Modern Approach, Vamsi Kurama, Pearson
2. Learning Python, Mark Lutz, Orielly
Reference Books:
1. Think Python, Allen Downey, Green Tea Press
2. Core Python Programming, W.Chun, Pearson
3. Introduction to Python, Kenneth A. Lambert, Cengage
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Embedded Computing
Course Objectives:
Develop an understanding of the technologies behind embedded computing systems.
Introduce students to the various software components invloved in embedded system design
and development.
Expose students to the recent trends in embedded system design.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Demonstrate the role of individual components involved in a typical embedded system.
Analyze the characteristics of different computing elements and select the most appropriate
one for an embedded system.
Model the operation of a given embedded system.
Substantiate the role of different software modules in the development of an embedded
Develop simple tasks to run on an RTOS. 6. Examine the latest trends prevalent in embedded
system design.
Introduction to Embedded System: Understanding the Basic Concepts, The Typical Embedded
System ? Characteristics and Quality attributes
Hardware Software Co-Design and Program Modelling ? Fundamental Issues, Computational
Models- Data Flow Graph, Control Data Flow Graph, State Machine, Sequential Model,
Concurrent Model, Object oriented model, UML
Design and Development of Embedded Product ? Firmware Design and Development ? Design
Approaches, Firmware Development Languages
Integration and Testing of Embedded Hardware and Firmware- Integration of Hardware and
Firmware. Embedded System Development Environment ? IDEs, Cross Compilers,
Disassemblers, Decompilers, Simulators, Emulators and Debuggers.
RTOS based Design ? Basic operating system services. Interrupt handling in RTOS environment.
Design Principles. Task scheduling models. How to Choose an RTOS. Embedded Product
Development Life Cycle ? Description ? Objectives -Phases ? Approaches. Recent Trends in
Embedded Computing.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Text Books:
1. Shibu K.V., Introduction to Embedded Systems, McGraw Hill Education (India), 2009.
2. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, Third Edition,
McGraw Hill Education (India).
Reference Book:
1. Jean J. Labrose, MicroC OS II: The Real Time Kernel, Second Edition, CRC Press.
2. Steave Heath, Embedded System Design, Second Edition, Elsevier.
3. J Staunstrup and Wayne Wolf, Hardware / Software Co-Design: Principles and Practice,
Prentice Hall.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Artificial Intelligence
Course Objectives:
Gain a historical perspective of AI and its foundations.
Become familiar with basic principles of AI toward problem solving, inference, perception,
knowledge representation, and learning.
Investigate applications of AI techniques in intelligent agents, expert systems, artificial
neural networks and other machine learning models.
Experience AI development tools such as an `AI language', expert system shell, and/or data
mining tool. Experiment with a machine learning model for simulation and analysis.
Explore the current scope, potential, limitations, and implications of intelligent systems.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Demonstrate knowledge of the building blocks of AI as presented in terms of intelligent
Analyze and formalize the problem as a state space, graph, design heuristics and select
amongst different search or game based techniques to solve them.
Develop intelligent algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems and also design
intelligent systems for Game Playing
Attain the capability to represent various real life problem domains using logic based
techniques and use this to perform inference or planning.
Solve problems with uncertain information using Bayesian approaches.
Introduction to artificial intelligence: Introduction , history, intelligent systems, foundations of
AI, applications, tic-tac-tie game playing, development of AI languages, current trends in AI,
Problem solving: state-space search and control strategies: Introduction, general problem
solving, characteristics of problem, exhaustive searches, heuristic search techniques, iterative-
deepening a*, constraint satisfaction
Problem reduction and game playing: Introduction, problem reduction, game playing, alpha-
beta pruning, two-player perfect information games, Logic concepts: Introduction, propositional
calculus, proportional logic, natural deduction system, axiomatic system, semantic tableau system
in proportional logic, resolution refutation in proportional logic, predicate logic
Knowledge representation: Introduction, approaches to knowledge representation, knowledge
representation using semantic network, extended semantic networks for KR, knowledge
representation using frames, advanced knowledge representation techniques: Introduction,
conceptual dependency theory, script structure, cyc theory, case grammars, semantic web, Expert
system and applications: Introduction phases in building expert systems, expert system versus
traditional systems, rule-based expert systems blackboard systems truth maintenance systems,
application of expert systems, list of shells and tools
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Uncertainty measure: probability theory: Introduction, probability theory, Bayesian belief
networks, certainty factor theory, dempster-shafer theory , Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic:
Introduction, fuzzy sets, fuzzy set operations, types of membership functions, multi valued logic,
fuzzy logic, linguistic variables and hedges, fuzzy propositions, inference rules for fuzzy
propositions, fuzzy systems.
Machine learning paradigms: Introduction, machine learning systems, supervised and
unsupervised learnings, inductive learning, deductive learning, clustering, support vector
machines, case based reasoning and learning, Artificial neural networks: Introduction, artificial
networks, single layer feed forward networks, multi layered forward networks, design issues of
artificial neural networks
Text Books:
1. Artificial Intelligence- Saroj Kaushik, CENGAGE Learning,
2. Artificial intelligence, A modern Approach, 2nd ed, Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig, PEA
3. Artificial Intelligence- 3rd ed, Rich, Kevin Knight, Shiv Shankar B Nair, TMH
4. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Patterson, PHI
Reference Books:
1. Artificial intelligence, structures and Strategies for Complex problem solving,
5th ed, George F Lugar, PEA
2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Ertel, Wolf Gang, Springer
3. Artificial Intelligence, A new Synthesis, Nils J Nilsson, Elsevier
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Cloud Computing
Course Objectives:
To implement Virtualization
To implement Task Scheduling algorithms.
Apply Map-Reduce concept to applications.
To build Private Cloud.
Broadly educate to know the impact of engineering on legal and societal issues involved.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Interpret the key dimensions of the challenge of Cloud Computing
Examine the economics, financial, and technological implications for selecting cloud
computing for own organization.
Assessing the financial, technological, and organizational capacity of employer's for
actively initiating and installing cloud-based applications
Evaluate own organizations' needs for capacity building and training in cloud computing-
related IT areas.
To Illustrate Virtualization for Data-Center Automation.
Introduction: Network centric computing, Network centric content, peer-to ?peer systems, cloud
computing delivery models and services, Ethical issues, Vulnerabilities, Major challenges for
cloud computing. Parallel and Distributed Systems: introduction, architecture, distributed
systems, communication protocols, logical clocks, message delivery rules, concurrency, and
model concurrency with Petri Nets.
Cloud Infrastructure: At Amazon, The Google Perspective, Microsoft Windows Azure, Open
Source Software Platforms, Cloud storage diversity, Inter cloud, energy use and ecological
impact, responsibility sharing, user experience, Software licensing, Cloud Computing :
Applications and Paradigms: Challenges for cloud, existing cloud applications and new
opportunities, architectural styles, workflows, The Zookeeper, The Map Reduce Program model,
HPC on cloud, biological research
Cloud Resource virtualization: Virtualization, layering and virtualization, virtual machine
monitors, virtual machines, virtualization- full and para, performance and security isolation,
hardware support for virtualization, Case Study: Xen, vBlades, Cloud Resource Management
and Scheduling: Policies and Mechanisms, Applications of control theory to task scheduling,
Stability of a two-level resource allocation architecture, feedback control based on dynamic
thresholds, coordination, resource bundling, scheduling algorithms, fair queuing, start time fair
queuing, cloud scheduling subject to deadlines, Scheduling Map Reduce applications, Resource
management and dynamic application scaling
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Storage Systems: Evolution of storage technology, storage models, file systems and database,
distributed file systems, general parallel file systems. Google file system. Apache Hadoop, Big
Table, Megastore (text book 1), Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3) (Text book 2), Cloud
Security: Cloud security risks, security ? a top concern for cloud users, privacy and privacy
impact assessment, trust, OS security, Virtual machine security, Security risks
Cloud Application Development: Amazon Web Services : EC2 ? instances, connecting clients,
security rules, launching, usage of S3 in Java, Installing Simple Notification Service on Ubuntu
10.04, Installing Hadoop on Eclipse, Cloud based simulation of a Distributed trust algorithm,
Cloud service for adaptive data streaming ( Text Book 1), Google: Google App Engine, Google
Web Toolkit (Text Book 2), Microsoft: Azure Services Platform, Windows live, Exchange
Online, Share Point Services, Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Text Book 2)
Text Books:
1. Cloud Computing, Theory and Practice, Dan C Marinescu, MK Elsevier
2. Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach, Anthony T Velte, Toby J Velte, Robert
Elsenpeter, TMH
Reference book:
1. Mastering Cloud Computing, Foundations and Application Programming, Raj Kumar
Buyya, Christen vecctiola, S Tammarai selvi, TMH
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Multimedia Application Development
Course Objective:
The objective is to
To analyze and explain various technologies involved to support multimedia
application development.
To understand multimedia authoring and Understanding the constraints
on multimedia systems and the range of technologies available to
multimedia systems designers and integrators.
To understand how the quality of multimedia systems is perceived and
how this Relate to the design of multimedia input, output and editing
To understand different compression principles and different compression
technique and to know the mathematics involved in digital and analog
conversion of components of multimedia.
To design and develop multimedia systems according to the requirements
of multimedia application and understand the particular issues of virtual reality.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Design and implementation of hypermedia & multimedia systems.
Achieve an in-depth understanding of the impact of multimedia on personal and
distributed computer systems, the range of media types and tools to support their digital
conversion and manipulation of images, audio and video and their compression.
Develop an interactive multimedia application to display their ability to use multimedia
tools including multimedia authoring.
Evaluate and Discuss Excellent and ineffective interactive multimedia design.
Design and implement a number of multimedia network applications and Evaluate and
discuss virtual reality systems.
Fundamental concepts in Text and Image: Multimedia and hypermedia, World Wide Web,
overview of multimedia software tools. Graphics and image data representation graphics/image
data types, file formats, Color in image and video: color science, color models in images, color
models in video.
Fundamental Concepts in Video and Digital Audio: Types of video signals, analog video, and
digital video, digitization of sound, MIDI, quantization and transmission of audio.
Action Script I: Action Script Features, Object-Oriented Action Script, Data types and Type
Checking, Classes, Authoring an Action Script Class, Action Script II: Inheritance, Authoring an
Action Script 2.0 Subclass, Interfaces, Packages, Exceptions, Application Development: An
OOP Application Frame work, Using Components with Action Script Movie Clip Subclasses.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Multimedia Data Compression: Lossless compression algorithm: Run-Length Coding, Variable
Length Coding, Dictionary Based Coding, Arithmetic Coding, Lossless Image Compression,
Lossy compression algorithm: Quantization, Transform Coding, Wavelet-Based Coding,
Embedded Zero tree of Wavelet Coefficients Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT),
Basic Video Compression Techniques: Introduction to video compression, video compression
based on motion compensation, search for motion vectors, MPEG, Basic Audio Compression
Multimedia Networks: Basics of Multimedia Networks, Multimedia Network Communications
and Applications: Quality of Multimedia Data Transmission, Multimedia over IP, Multimedia
over ATM networks, Transport of MPEG- 4, Media-on- Demand (MOD).
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Multimedia, Ze-Nian Li , Mark S. Drew, PHI/ PEA
2. Multimedia Systems, Parag Havaldar, Gerard Medioni, cengage, 2009
3. Essentials Action Script 3.0, Colin Moock, SPD O, Reilly, 2007
Reference Books:
1. Multimedia Applications, Steinmetz, Nahrstedt, Springer
2. Digital Multimedia, Nigel Chapman, Jenny Chapman, Wiley- Dreamtech
3. Multimedia & Communications Technology, Steve Heath, Elsevier
4. Multimedia Technology & Applications, David Hilman , Galgotia
5. Multimedia Technologies, Banerji, Mohan Ghosh,MGH
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Full Stack Technologies Lab
Course Objectives:
From the course the student will
Learn the core concepts of both the frontend and backend programming course.
Get familiar with the latest web development technologies.
Learn all about SQL and Mongo databases.
Learn complete web development process.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Identify the Basic Concepts of Web & Markup Languages
Develop web Applications using Scripting Languages & Frameworks
Creating & Running Applications using JSP libraries
Creating Our First Controller Working with and Displaying in Angular Js and Nested
Forms with ng-form
Working with the Files in React JS and Constructing Elements with Data
List of Experiments:
1. Implementation of `get' and `post' methods.
2. CSS implementation in colors, boarder padding.
3. CSS3 implementation button frames tables, navigation bars.
4. Create registration and login forms with validations using Jscript query.
5. Jscript to retrieve student information from student database using database connectivity.
6. Angular Js data binding
7. Angular JS directives and Events
8. Using angular Js fetching data from MySQL.
9. Using React Js creating constructs data elements.
10. Using React Js implementations DoM
11. Invoking data using Jscript from Mongo DB.
12. Create an Online fee payment form using JSCript and MangoDB
Reference/ Preferred Text Books:
1. Jeffrey C. Jackson, "Web Technologies--A Computer Science Perspective", Pearson
Education, 2006
2. Robert. W. Sebesta, "Programming the World Wide Web", Fourth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2007
3. Angular JS: Up and Running Enhanced Productivity with Structured Web Apps By Brad
Green, Shyam Seshadri Publisher: O'Reilly Media
4. Learning React Functional Web Development with React and Redux By Alex Banks, Eve
Porcello Publisher: O'Reilly Media
5. Head First Java, 2nd Edition by Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Data Mining with R Lab
Course Objectives:
To understand the mathematical basics quickly and covers each and every
condition of data mining in order to prepare for real-world problems.
The various classes of algorithms will be covered to give a foundation to
further apply knowledge to dive deeper into the different flavors of
Students should aware of packages and libraries of R and also familiar
with functions used in R for visualization.
To enable students to use R to conduct analytics on large real life datasets.
To familiarize students with how various statistics like mean median etc.
can be collected for data exploration in R.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Extend the functionality of R by using add-on packages
Extract data from files and other sources and perform various data manipulation tasks on
Code statistical functions in R
Use R Graphics and Tables to visualize results of various statistical operations on data
Apply the knowledge of R gained to data Analytics for real life applications
List of Experiments:
1. Implement all basic R commands.
2. Interact data through .csv files (Import from and export to .csv files).
3. Get and Clean data using swirl excercises.(Use `swirl' package, library and install that topic
from swirl).
4. Visualize all Statistical measures (Mean,Mode, Median, Range, Inter Quartile Range etc.,
using Histograms, Boxplots and Scatter Plots).
5. Create a data frame with the following structure.
Extract two column names using column name.
Extract the first two rows and then all columns.
Extract 3 and 5th row with 2nd and 4th column.
6. Write R Program using `apply' group of functions to create and apply normalization
function on each of the numeric variables/columns of iris dataset to transform them into
0 to 1 range with min-max normalization.
a value around 0 with z-score normalization.
7. Create a data frame with 10 observations and 3 variables and add new rows and
columns to it using `rbind' and `cbind' function.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
8. Write R program to implement linear and multiple regression on `mtcars' dataset to
estimate the value of `mpg' variable, with best R2 and plot the original values in `green'
and predicted values in `red'.
9. Write R Programs to implement k-means clustering.
10. Write R Programs to implement k-medoids clustering.
11. Write R Programs to implement density based clustering on iris dataset.
12. Write a R Program to implement decision trees using `readingSkills' dataset.
13. Implement decision trees using `iris' dataset using package party and `rpart'.
14. Use a Corpus() function to create a data corpus then Build a term Matrix and Reveal word
Reference Books:
3. R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies Yanchang Zhao.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA IV Semester
Python Programming Lab
Course Objectives:
To acquire programming skills in core Python.
To acquire Object Oriented Skills in Python.
To develop the skill of designing Graphical user Interfaces in Python.
To develop the ability to write database applications in Python.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand and comprehend the basics of python programming.
Demonstrate the principles of structured programming and be able to describe, design,
implement, and test structured programs using currently accepted methodology.
Explain the use of the built-in data structures list, sets, tuples and dictionary.
Make use of functions and its applications.
Identify real-world applications using oops, files and exception handling provided by
List of Experiments:
Experiment 1 - Basics
a) Running instructions in Interactive interpreter and a Python Script
b) Write a program to purposefully raise Indentation Error and Correct it
Experiment 2 - Operations
a) Write a program to compute distance between two points taking input from the user
(Pythagorean Theorem)
b) Write a program that takes 2 numbers as command line arguments and prints its sum.
Experiment - 3 Control Flow
a) Write a Program for checking whether the given number is a even number or not.
b) Write a program using a for loop that loops over a sequence.
c) Find the sum of all the primes below two million. Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is
generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
Experiment 4 - DS
a) Write a program to count the numbers of characters in the string and store them in a dictionary
data structure
b) Write a program to use split and join methods in the string and trace a birthday with a
dictionary data structure.
Experiment - 5 DS - Continued
a) Write a program combine_lists that combines these lists into a dictionary.
b) Write a program to count frequency of characters in a given file. Can you use
character frequency to tell whether the given file is a Python program file, C program file or
a text file?
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Experiment - 6 Files
a) Write a program to print each line of a file in reverse order.
b) Write a program to compute the number of characters, words and lines in a file.
Experiment - 7 Functions
a) Write a function ball_collide that takes two balls as parameters and computes if they are
colliding. Your function should return a Boolean representing whether or not the balls are
colliding. Hint: Represent a ball on a plane as a tuple of (x, y, r), r being the radius. If
(distance between two balls centers) <= (sum of their radii) then (they are colliding)
b) Find mean, median, mode for the given set of numbers in a list.
Experiment - 8 Functions - Continued
a) Write a function nearly_equal to test whether two strings are nearly equal. Two strings a and b
are nearly equal when a can be generated by a single mutation on b.
b) Write a function dups to find all duplicates in the list.
c) Write a function unique to find all the unique elements of a list.
Experiment - 9 - Functions - Problem Solving
a) Write a function cumulative_product to compute cumulative product of a list
of numbers.
b) Write a function reverse to reverse a list. Without using the reverse function.
c) Write function to compute gcd, lcm of two numbers. Each function shouldn't
exceed one line.
Experiment 10 - Multi-D Lists
a) Write a program that defines a matrix and prints
b) Write a program to perform addition of two square matrices
c) Write a program to perform multiplication of two square matrices
Experiment 11 - Modules
a) Install packages requests, flask and explore them using (pip)
b) Write a script that imports requests and fetch content from the page.
c) Write a simple script that serves a simple HTTPResponse and a simple HTML Page
Experiment 12- OOP
a) Class variables and instance variable and illustration of the self variable
i) Robot
ii) ATM Machine
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Experiment 13 - GUI, Graphics
a) Write a GUI for an Expression Calculator using tk
b) Write a program to implement the following figures using turtle
Experiment 14 - Testing
a) Write a test-case to check the function even _numbers which return True on
passing a list of all even numbers
b) Write a test-case to check the function reverse_string which returns the reversed string
Experiment 15 - Advanced
a) Build any one classical data structure.
b) Write a program to solve knapsack problem.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Cryptography and Network Security
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are toexplore the working principles and utilities of various
cryptographic algorithms including secret key cryptography, hashes and message digests, public
key algorithms, design issues and working principles of various authentication protocols and
various secure communication standards including Kerberos, IPsec, and SSL/TLS.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Explain different security threats and countermeasures and foundation course of
cryptography mathematics.
Classify the basic principles of symmetric key algorithms and operations of some
symmetric key algorithms and asymmetric key cryptography
Revise the basic principles of Public key algorithms and Working operations of some
Asymmetric key algorithms such as RSA, ECC and some more
Design applications of hash algorithms, digital signatures and key management techniques
Determine the knowledge of Application layer, Transport layer and Network layer
security Protocols such as PGP, S/MIME, SSL,TSL, and IPsec .
Basic Principles : Security Goals, Cryptographic Attacks, Services and Mechanisms,
Mathematics of Cryptography.
Symmetric Encryption: Mathematics of Symmetric Key Cryptography, Introduction to Modern
Symmetric Key Ciphers, Data Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption Standard.
Asymmetric Encryption: Mathematics of Asymmetric Key Cryptography, Asymmetric Key
Data Integrity, Digital Signature Schemes & Key Management : Message Integrity and
Message Authentication, Cryptographic Hash Functions, Digital Signature, Key Management.
Network Security-I: Security at application layer: PGP and S/MIME, Security at the Transport
Layer: SSL and TLS, Network Security-II : Security at the Network Layer: IPSec, System
Text Books:
1. Cryptography and Network Security, 3rd Edition Behrouz A Forouzan, Deb deep
Mukhopadhyay, McGraw Hill
2. Cryptography and Network Security, William Stallings, (6e) Pearson.
3. Everyday Cryptography, Keith M.Martin, Oxford
Reference Books:
1. Network Security and Cryptography, Bernard Meneges, Cengage Learning
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Big Data Analytics
Course Objectives:
The main objective of this course is to
Provide an overview of an exciting growing field of Big Data analytics
Introduce the tools required to manage and analyze big data like Hadoop, MapReduce etc.,
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand the programming requirements viz., generic types and methods to perform
data analysis
Understand the existing technologies and the need of distributed files systems to analyze
the big data
To understand and analyze Map-Reduce programming model for better optimization
Collect, manage, store, query, and analyze big data; and identify the need of interfaces to
perform I/O operations in Hadoop
Identify the need based tools, viz., Pig and Hive and to handle
Formulate an effective strategy to implement a successful Data analytics project
Data structures in Java: Linked List, Stacks, Queues, Sets, Maps; Generics: Generic classes and
Type parameters, Implementing Generic Types, Generic Methods, Wrapper Classes, Concept of
Working with Big Data: Google File System, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS),
Building blocks of Hadoop (Name node, Data node, Secondary Name node, Job Tracker, Task
Tracker), Introducing and Configuring Hadoop cluster (Local, Pseudo-distributed mode, Fully
Distributed mode), Configuring XML files.
Writing Map Reduce Programs: A Weather Dataset, Understanding Hadoop API for Map
Reduce Framework (Old and New), Basic programs of Hadoop Map Reduce: Driver code,
Mapper code, Reducer code, Record Reader, Combiner, Partitioner
Hadoop I/O: The Writable Interface, Writable Comparable and comparators, Writable Classes:
Writable wrappers for Java primitives, Text, Bytes Writable, Null Writable, Object Writable and
Generic Writable, Writable collections, Implementing a Custom Writable: Implementing a Raw
Comparator for speed, Custom comparators
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Pig: Hadoop Programming Made Easier, Admiring the Pig Architecture, Going with the Pig Latin
Application Flow, Working through the ABCs of Pig Latin, Evaluating Local and Distributed
Modes of Running Pig Scripts, Checking out the Pig Script Interfaces, Scripting with Pig Latin,
Applying Structure to Hadoop Data with Hive: Saying Hello to Hive, Seeing How the Hive is
Put Together, Getting Started with Apache Hive, Examining the Hive Clients, Working with Hive
Data Types, Creating and Managing Databases and Tables, Seeing How the Hive Data
Manipulation Language Works, Querying and Analyzing Data
Text Books:
1. Big Java 4th Edition, Cay Horstmann, Wiley John Wiley & Sons, INC
2. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide by Tom White, 3rd Edition, O'Reilly
3. Hadoop in Action by Chuck Lam, MANNING Publ
4. Hadoop for Dummies by Dirk deRoos, Paul C.Zikopoulos, Roman B.Melnyk,Bruce Brown
and Rafael Coss
Reference Books:
1. Hadoop in Practice by Alex Holmes, MANNING Publ
2. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook, Srinath Perera, Thilina Gunarathne
Web Resources:
1. Hadoop:
2. Hive:
3. Piglatin:
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Machine Learning
Course Objectives:
Identify problems that are amenable to solution by AI methods, and which AI methods
may be suited to solving a given problem.
Analyze a given problem in the language/framework of different AI methods (e.g., as a
search problem, as a constraint satisfaction problem, as a planning problem, as a Markov
decision process, etc).
Implement basic AI algorithms (e.g., standard search algorithms or dynamic
Design and carry out an empirical evaluation of different algorithms on problem
formalization, and state the conclusions that the evaluation supports.
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the course, student will be able to
Explain the definition and usage of the term 'the internet of things' in different contexts.
Demonstrate on various network protocols used in IoT.
Analyze on various key wireless technologies used in IoT systems, such as WiFi,
6LoWPAN, Bluetooth and ZigBee.
Illustrate on the role of big data, cloud computing and data analytics in IoT system.
Design a simple IoT system made up of sensors, wireless network connection, data
analytics and display/actuators, and write the necessary control software.
Unit-I: Introduction-Towards Intelligent Machines, Well posed Problems, Example of
Applications in diverse fields, Data Representation, Domain Knowledge for Productive use of
Machine Learning, Diversity of Data: Structured / Unstructured, Forms of Learning, Machine
Learning and Data Mining, Basic Linear Algebra in Machine Learning Techniques.
Unit-II: Supervised Learning- Rationale and Basics: Learning from Observations, Bias and
Why Learning Works: Computational Learning Theory, Occam's Razor Principle and Over fitting
Avoidance Heuristic Search in inductive Learning, Estimating Generalization Errors, Metrics for
assessing regression, Metris for assessing classification.
Unit-III: Statistical Learning- Machine Learning and Inferential Statistical Analysis,
Descriptive Statistics in learning techniques, Bayesian Reasoning: A probabilistic approach to
inference, K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier. Discriminant functions and regression functions, Linear
Regression with Least Square Error Criterion, Logistic Regression for Classification Tasks,
Fisher's Linear Discriminant and Thresholding for Classification, Minimum Description Length
Unit-IV: Support Vector Machines (SVM)- Introduction, Linear Discriminant Functions for
Binary Classification, Perceptron Algorithm, Large Margin Classifier for linearly seperable data,
Linear Soft Margin Classifier for Overlapping Classes, Kernel Induced Feature Spaces, Nonlinear
Classifier, Regression by Support vector Machines.
Learning with Neural Networks: Towards Cognitive Machine, Neuron Models, Network
Architectures, Perceptrons, Linear neuron and the Widrow-Hoff Learning Rule, The error
correction delta rule.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Unit -V: Multilayer Perceptron Networks and error back propagation algorithm, Radial Basis
Functions Networks. Decision Tree Learning: Introduction, Example of classification decision
tree, measures of impurity for evaluating splits in decision trees, ID3, C4.5, and CART decision
trees, pruning the tree, strengths and weakness of decision tree approach.
1. Applied Machine Learning, M. Gopal, McGraw Hill Education
2. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, Kevin Murphy, MIT Press,2012
3. The Elements of Statistical Learning, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman,
Springer 2009 (freely available online)
Reference Books:
1. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher Bishop, Springer,2007
2. Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications - Toby
3. Building Machine Learning Systems with Python - WilliRichert, Luis Pedro Coelho
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Digital Marketing
Course Objectives:
Digital marketing aims at being SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time
Related) so that people can withstand against competitors.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Explain about web pages with basic HTML5, DHTML tags using CSS and XML, the
overview of W3C DOM.
Discuss the key elements of a digital Java Scripts.
Apply search engine optimization techniques to a website.
Illustrate how the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign can be measured
Demonstrate advanced practical skills in common digital marketing tools such as SEO,
SEM, Social media and Blogs
HTML: Introduction, HTML5, Audio Elements, Video Elements, Organizing Elements.
Scripting Documents: Dynamic Document content, Document properties, Legacy DOM,
Document Collections, Overview of the W3C DOM, Traversing a Document, Finding Elements
in a Document, Modifying a Document, Adding Content to a Document Example
Cascading Style Sheets and Dynamic HTML: Overview of CSS, CSS for DHTML Scripting
inline Styles, Scripting computed styles, Scripting CSS Classes, Scripting Style Sheets, Java
Script and XML: Obtaining XML Documents, Manipulating XML with the DOM API,
Transforming XML with XSLT querying XML with X path, Serializing XML, Example, XML
and Web services.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Searching Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization,
Measuring SEO Success, Mapping with SEO Journey, Search Advertising: Online Advertising
Payment Models, Search Advertising (Desktop & Mobile Devices), Planning & Executing a
search Advertising Camping, Strategic Implications of Advertising on the search Network.
Search Media Marketing: What is Social Media? Social Media Marketing, Social Media
Marketing Strategy, Adopting Social Media in Organizations: Internal Learning, Paid-Owned-
Earned Media, Social CRM, Mobile Marketing:
Mobile Internet in India, What is Mobile Marketing? Email Marketing Strategy, Forms of Mobile
Marketing, Mobile Advertising, M-Commerce.
E-Mail Marketing: E-Mail Marketing in India, What is E-Mail Marketing? E-Mail Marketing
Strategy, Executing E-Mail Marketing, Internet Marketing:
Internet Marketing Strategy, Content Marketing, Content Marketing in India.
Text Books:
1. Programming the World Wide Web, Robet W Sebesta, Pearson, 8th edition, 2015
2. Java Script: The Definite Guide David Flanagan, O' Reilly Publisher
3. Internet Marketing- A Practical approach in the India Context by Moutusy Maity, Oxford
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Natural Language Processing
Course Objectives:
This course introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques of natural language processing
Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the computational properties of natural
languages and the commonly used algorithms for processing linguistic information.
The course examines NLP models and algorithms using both the traditional symbolic and the
more recent statistical approaches.
Enable students to be capable to describe the application based on natural language processing
and to show the points of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic processing.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Demonstrate a given text with basic Language features.
Explain a rule based system to tackle morphology/syntax of a language.
To design an innovative application using NLP components.
To design a tag set to be used for statistical processing for real-time applications.
To compare and contrast the use of different statistical approaches for different types of
NLP applications.
Introduction :Origins and challenges of NLP ? Language Modelling: Grammar-based LM,
Statistical LM ? Regular Expressions, Finite-State Automata ? English Morphology, Transducers
for lexicon and rules, Tokenization, Detecting and Correcting Spelling Errors, Minimum Edit
Word Level Analysis: Unsmoothed N-grams, Evaluating N-grams, Smoothing, Interpolation and
Backoff ? Word Classes, Part-of-Speech Tagging, Rule-based, Stochastic and Transformation-
based tagging, Issues in PoS tagging ? Hidden Markov and Maximum Entropy models.
Syntactic Analysis: Context-Free Grammars, Grammar rules for English, Treebank's, Normal
Forms for grammar ? Dependency Grammar ? Syntactic Parsing, Ambiguity, Dynamic
Programming parsing ? Shallow parsing ? Probabilistic CFG, Probabilistic CYK, Probabilistic
Lexicalized CFGs ? Feature structures, Unification of feature structures
Semantics And Pragmatics: Requirements for representation, First-Order Logic, Description
Logics ? Syntax-Driven Semantic analysis, Semantic attachments ? Word Senses, Relations
between Senses, Thematic Roles, selectional restrictions ? Word Sense Disambiguation, WSD
using Supervised, Dictionary & Thesaurus, Bootstrapping methods ? Word Similarity using
Thesaurus and Distributional methods
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Discourse Analysis And Lexical Resources: Discourse segmentation, Coherence ? Reference
Phenomena, Anaphora Resolution using Hobbs and Centering Algorithm ? Co reference
Resolution ? Resources: Porter Stemmer, Lemmatizer, Penn Treebank, Brill's Tagger, WorldNet,
PropBank, FrameNet, Brown Corpus, British National Corpus (BNC).
Text Books:
1. Daniel Jurafsky, James H. MartinSpeech and Language Processing: An Introduction to
Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech, Pearson Publication,
2. Steven Bird, Ewan Klein and Edward Loper, Natural Language Processing with Python,
First Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2009
Reference Books:
1. Breck Baldwin, Language processing with Java and Ling Pipe Cookbook, Atlantic
Publisher, 2015
2. Richard M Reese, Natural Language Processing with Java, O'Reilly Media, 2015
3. Nitin Indurkhya and Fred J. Damerau, Handbook of Natural Language Processing, Second,
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2010
4. Tanveer Siddiqui, U.S. Tiwary, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval,
Oxford University Press, 2008
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Internet of Things
Course Objectives:
Students will be explored to the interconnection and integration of the physical world and the
cyber space. They are also able to design & develop IOT Devices.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Familiarise the concepts of IoT and apply IoT to different applications
Analyze and evaluate protocols used in IoT.
Analyze and evaluate the data received through sensors in IoT
understand and be able to explain the role of big data, cloud computing and data analytics
in a typical IoT system
Identify how IoT differs from traditional data collection systems
Compare and Contrast the use of Devices, Gateways and Data Management in IoT.
The Internet of Things: An Overview of Internet of things, Internet of Things Technology,
behind Io Ts Sources of the Io Ts, M2M Communication, Examples of IoTs, Design Principles
For Connected Devices Internet Connectivity Principles, Internet connectivity, Application Layer
Protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, Telnet.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things ,IoT/M2M systems LAYERS
AND designs standardizations ,Modified OSI Stack for the IoT/M2M Systems ,ETSI M2M
domains and High-level capabilities ,Communication Technologies, Data Enrichment and
Consolidation and Device Management Gateway Ease of designing and affordability
Design Principles for the Web Connectivity for connected-Devices, Web Communication
protocols for Connected Devices, Message Communication protocols for Connected Devices,
Web Connectivity for connected-Devices.
Data Acquiring, Organizing and Analytics in IoT/M2M, Applications /Services /Business
Processes, IOT/M2M Data Acquiring and Storage, Business Models for Business Processes in the
Internet Of Things, Organizing Data, Transactions, Business Processes, Integration and Enterprise
Data Collection, Storage and Computing Using a Cloud Platform for IoT/M2M
Applications/Services, Data Collection, Storage and Computing Using cloud platform Everything
as a service and Cloud Service Models, IOT cloud-based services using the Xively
(Pachube/COSM), Nimbits and other platforms Sensor, Participatory Sensing, Actuator, Radio
Frequency Identification, and Wireless, Sensor Network Technology, Sensors Technology
,Sensing the World.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Text Books:
1. Internet of Things: Architecture, Design Principles And Applications, Rajkamal, McGraw Hill
Higher Education
2.Internet of Things, A.Bahgya and V.Madisetti, Univesity Press, 2015
Reference Books:
1. Designing the Internet of Things, Adrian McEwen and Hakim Cassimally, Wiley
2. Getting Started with the Internet of Things CunoPfister , Oreilly
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Course Objectives:
DevOps improves collaboration and productivity by automating infrastructure and workflows and
continuously measuring applications performance
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand the principles of continuous development and deployment, automation of
configuration management, inter-team collaboration, and IT service agility
Describe DevOps & DevSecOps methodologies and their key concepts
Explain the types of version control systems, continuous integration tools, continuous
monitoring tools, and cloud models
Set up complete private infrastructure using version control systems and CI/CD tools
Phases of Software Development life cycle. Values and principles of agile software development.
Fundamentals of DevOps: Architecture, Deployments, Orchestration, Need, Instance of
applications, DevOps delivery pipeline, DevOps eco system.
DevOps adoption in projects: Technology aspects, Agiling capabilities, Tool stack
implementation, People aspect, processes
CI/CD: Introduction to Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Deployment , Benefits
of CI/CD, Metrics to track CICD practices
Devops Maturity Model: Key factors of DevOps maturity model, stages of Devops maturity
model, DevOps maturity Assessment
Text Books:
1. The DevOPS Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in
Technology Organizations by Gene Kim , John Willis , Patrick Debois , Jez Humb,O'Reilly
2. What is Devops? Infrastructure as code By in Mike Loukides ,O'Reilly publications.
3. Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test, and Deployment
Automation, by Jez Humble and David Farley
4. Achieving DevOps: A Novel About Delivering the Best of Agile, DevOps, and Microservices
by Dave Harrison, Knox Lively
Reference Books:
1. Building a DevOps Culture by Mandi Walls, O'Reilly publications
2. The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit: Automating the Continuous Deployment Pipeline With Containerized
Microservices by Viktor Farcic
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Cryptography and Network Security Lab
Course Objectives:
To learn basic understanding of cryptography, how it has evolved, and some key encryption
techniques used today.
To understand and implement encryption and decryption using Ceaser Cipher, Substitution
Cipher, Hill Cipher.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to
Apply the knowledge of symmetric cryptography to implement encryption and decryption
using Ceaser Cipher, Substitution Cipher, Hill Cipher
Demonstrate the different algorithms like DES, BlowFish, and Rijndael, encrypt the text
"Hello world" using Blowfish Algorithm.
Analyze and implement public key algorithms like RSA, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
mechanism, the message digest of a text using the SHA-1 algorithm
List of Experiments:
1. Write a C program that contains a string (char pointer) with a value \Hello World'. The
program should XOR each character in this string with 0 and displays the result.
2. Write a C program that contains a string (char pointer) with a value \Hello World'. The
program should AND or and XOR each character in this string with 127 and display the
3. Write a Java program to perform encryption and decryption using the following algorithms:
a) Ceaser Cipher
b) Substitution Cipher
c) Hill Cipher
4. Write a Java program to implement the DES algorithm logic
5. Write a C/JAVA program to implement the BlowFish algorithm logic
6. Write a C/JAVA program to implement the Rijndael algorithm logic.
7. Using Java Cryptography, encrypt the text "Hello world" using BlowFish. Create your own
key using Java key tool.
8. Write a Java program to implement RSA Algoithm
9. Implement the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange mechanism using HTML and JavaScript.
Consider the end user as one of the parties (Alice) and the JavaScript application as other
party (bob).
10. Calculate the message digest of a text using the SHA-1 algorithm in JAVA.
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Big Data Analytics Lab
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to
Introduce the tools required to manage and analyze big data like Hadoop.
Impart knowledge of Map reduce paradigm to solve complex problems Map-Reduce
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Demonstrate the setup of Big Data in distributed environment
Efficiently Work with Big Data Platform.
Have Hands-on experience on developing applications using MapReduce
Identify the need of interfaces to perform I/O operations in Hadoop and analyze big data
Demonstrate the understanding of storing and managing Big Data using HDFS, Pig and
Hive tools
Design and implement algorithms for Big Data Mining for various real time applications
Experiment 1:
Implement the following Data structures in Java
a)Linked Lists b) Stacks c) Queues d) Set e) Map
Experiment 2:
(i)Perform setting up and Installing Hadoop in its three operating modes:
Standalone, Pseudo distributed and Fully distributed
(ii)Use web based tools to monitor your Hadoop setup.
Experiment 3:
Implement the following file management tasks in Hadoop:
Adding files and directories
Retrieving files
Deleting files
Hint: A typical Hadoop workflow creates data files (such as log files) elsewhere and copies them
into HDFS using one of the above command line utilities.
Experiment 4:
Run a basic Word Count Map Reduce program to understand Map Reduce Paradigm.
Experiment 5:
Write a Map Reduce program that mines weather data.
Weather sensors collecting data every hour at many locations across the
globe gather a large volume of log data, which is a good candidate for analysis with MapReduce,
since it is semi structured and record oriented.
Experiment 6:
Implement Matrix Multiplication with Hadoop Map Reduce
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Experiment 7:
Install and Run Pig then write Pig Latin scripts to sort, group, join, project, and filter your data.
Experiment 8:
Install and Run Hive then use Hive to create, alter, and drop databases, tables, views, functions,
and indexes
Text Books:
1. Big Java 4th Edition, Cay Horstmann, Wiley John Wiley & Sons, INC
2. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide by Tom White, 3rd Edition, O'reilly
3. Hadoop in Action by Chuck Lam, MANNING Publ
4. Hadoop for Dummies by Dirk deRoos, Paul C.Zikopoulos, Roman B.Melnyk, Bruce Brown,
Rafael Coss
Reference Books:
1. Hadoop in Practice by Alex Holmes, MANNING Publ
2. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook, Srinath Perera, Thilina Gunarathne
KAKINADA ? 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
MCA V Semester
Machine Learning with Python Lab
Course Objectives:
This course will enable students to
To learn and understand different Data sets in implementing the machine
learning algorithms
Implement the machine learning concepts and algorithms in any suitable
language of choice.
Course Outcomes(COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Implement procedures for the machine learning algorithms
Design Python programs for various Learning algorithms
Apply appropriate data sets to the Machine Learning algorithms
Identify and apply Machine Learning algorithms to solve real world problems
List of Experiments:
1. Hypothesis based on thyroid dataset.
Implement and demonstrate the FIND-S algorithm for finding the most specific
2. For a given diabetic dataset, implement and demonstrate the Candidate-Elimination
algorithm to output a description of the set of all hypotheses consistent with the training
3. Write a program to demonstrate the working of the decision tree based ID3
algorithm. Use an appropriate data set for building the decision tree and apply this
knowledge to classify a new sample.
4. Build an Artificial Neural Network by implementing the Back propagation
algorithm and test the same using appropriate data sets.
5. Write a program to implement the na?ve Bayesian classifier for Iris data set.
Compute the accuracy of the classifier, considering few test data sets.
6. Assuming a set of documents that need to be classified, use the na?ve Bayesian
Classifier model to perform this task. Built-in Java classes/API can be used to write
the program. Calculate the accuracy, precision, and recall for your data set.
7. Write a program to construct a Bayesian network considering medical data. Use this
model to demonstrate the diagnosis of heart patients using standard Heart Disease
Data Set. You can use Java/Python ML library classes/API.
8. Apply EM algorithm to cluster a Heart Disease Data Set. Use the same data set for
clustering using k-Means algorithm. Compare the results of these two algorithms
and comment on the quality of clustering. You can add Java/Python ML library
classes/API in the program.
9. Write a program to implement k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to classify the iris data
set. Print both correct and wrong predictions.
10. Implement the non-parametric Locally Weighted Regression algorithm in order to
fit data points. Select appropriate data set for your experiment and draw graphs.
Document Outline
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- Operating Systems Lab
- Linux Lab
- 3. AngularJS: Up and Running Enhanced Productivity with Structured Web Apps By Brad Green, Shyam Seshadri Publisher: O'Reilly Media
- 4. Learning React Functional Web Development with React and Redux By Alex Banks, Eve Porcello Publisher: O'Reilly Media
- 5. Head First Java, 2nd Edition by Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc
- 4. Learning React Functional Web Development with React and Redux By Alex Banks, Eve Porcello Publisher: O'Reilly Media (1)
- 5. Head First Java, 2nd Edition by Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc (1)
- 4. Achieving DevOps: A Novel About Delivering the Best of Agile, DevOps, and Microservices by Dave Harrison, Knox Lively
This post was last modified on 16 March 2021