Download OU B.Com 2019 Dec 3rd Year Elective 10073 Business Simulation Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Com 2019 Dec 3rd Year Elective 10073 Business Simulation Previous Question Paper

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Code No. 10073
B.Com. V ? Semester (CBCS) Examination, November / December
2019 (For Computer / Computer Application Courses) Subject:
Business Simulation
Paper Code ? BC ? 508 Elective ? II
Time: 3 Hours
Max.Marks: 80
PART ? A (5x4 = 20 Marks)
[Short Answer Type]
Note: Answer any five of the following questions.
1 Uses of Cell References in Formula
2 VLOOK and HLOOK functions with examples
3 Various Layouts of Excel Spreadsheet
4 Formatting tools available on the Home tab
5 Goal Seeking in Excel
6 What is Forecasting?
7 Applications of Risk Analysis
8 How to remove Duplicates in a Table?
PART ? B (5x12 = 60 Marks)
[Essay Answer Type]
Note: Answer all the questions.
9 a) What are functions in Excel? Explain various types of functions used.
b) Explain about the different methods of referring Data from Different Worksheets,
with neat diagrams.
10 a) Explain the different Conditional Formatting techniques applied to Excel Data
b) Explain Sorting and Filtering Options in Excel. How is Slicer different from them.
11 a) Briefly write about Advanced Data Validation Techniques.
b) Write the steps to create Charts. Explain Spark lines with an example.
12 a) What is Monte Carlo Simulation?
b) What is Forecasting in Excel? Explain Exponential smoothing and Linear regression
forecasting methods.
13 a) Briefly write about Advanced Simulation Techniques.
b) How do you perform Simulation using @ Risk?
**** - FirstRanker's Choice
Code No. 10073
B.Com. V ? Semester (CBCS) Examination, November / December
2019 (For Computer / Computer Application Courses) Subject:
Business Simulation
Paper Code ? BC ? 508 Elective ? II
Time: 3 Hours
Max.Marks: 80
PART ? A (5x4 = 20 Marks)
[Short Answer Type]
Note: Answer any five of the following questions.
1 Uses of Cell References in Formula
2 VLOOK and HLOOK functions with examples
3 Various Layouts of Excel Spreadsheet
4 Formatting tools available on the Home tab
5 Goal Seeking in Excel
6 What is Forecasting?
7 Applications of Risk Analysis
8 How to remove Duplicates in a Table?
PART ? B (5x12 = 60 Marks)
[Essay Answer Type]
Note: Answer all the questions.
9 a) What are functions in Excel? Explain various types of functions used.
b) Explain about the different methods of referring Data from Different Worksheets,
with neat diagrams.
10 a) Explain the different Conditional Formatting techniques applied to Excel Data
b) Explain Sorting and Filtering Options in Excel. How is Slicer different from them.
11 a) Briefly write about Advanced Data Validation Techniques.
b) Write the steps to create Charts. Explain Spark lines with an example.
12 a) What is Monte Carlo Simulation?
b) What is Forecasting in Excel? Explain Exponential smoothing and Linear regression
forecasting methods.
13 a) Briefly write about Advanced Simulation Techniques.
b) How do you perform Simulation using @ Risk?
**** - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 16 July 2020