Download DBATU B-Tech 1st Year 2019 Mid Semester BTES104 CPC Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2019 Mid Semester BTES104 CPC Question Paper

Mid Sem Test I ? September 2019
Course: First Year B. Tech Div: C/D/E Sem: I
Subject Name: CPC Subject Code: BTES104
Max Marks: 20 Datez-07/10/2019 Duration:? 1 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Calculators/Cell phones are strictly prohibited
3. Support your answers with appropriate ?gures if applicable
Q. 1 Attend following Multiple choice questions
1. Let x=5 then print??%d%d%d?, ?H?X, x++, ++X) will print Understand
1)678 2)668 3)876 4)866
2. What is the output of the following printf statement Application
Void main()
{ char ch=?A?;
print??%c?,ch); }
l) A 2) syntax error 3) a 4) 98
3. Which of the following is valid variable name Knowledge
1) 100 k 2) case 3) good work! 4) Donut
4. IDE means Understand
1) integrated debugging environment 2) integrated development
3) iterative development engineering 4) iterative design engineering
5. Format specifier %lf is used for Knowledge
1) int 2) double 3) ?oat 4) unsigned integer
6. What will be the ?nal result of following expression, if conl and con2 Knowledge
are false and con3 is true?
conl && (con2 && con3)
1) True 2) False
Q.2 Solve Any Two of the following.
(A) C Program to calculate sum 0f5 subjects ,?nd its sum and percentage Knowledge
(B) Write a program, algorithm & draw ?owchart to calculate to area & perimeter of Application
(C) Explain Compiler, Linker, Loader, Assembler with diagram. Application

Q. 3
Solve Any One of the following.
Explain Operator, discuss any three operators with example and write their C code
Algorithm & Flowchart and C program to ?nd Simple Interest and compound
*** Best Luck ***

This post was last modified on 17 May 2020