Download DBATU B-Tech 1st Year 2018 May Communication Skills 2 Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2018 May Communication Skills 2 Question Paper

LONERE - RAIGAD - 402 103 .
Class: B. Tech First Year V . I
Subject: Communication Skills (H5202) _
Time: 3 Hrs. ', f ? ' ? Marks?: 60
Date: 16/05/2018 _ ; " - _ ' * Semesterill
Q: 1 Answer the following questions. 1 u: ., I \ . I
A) Explain the various functions of communication _ ?_ I x (06)
A) Non Verbal communication Is more Important than VeEbaI communIcatIon -? Discuss
B) What are the tips for effective commuriIcatibh? > i .. g 7 {I _' , V ? (06)
B) Answer the following d x _I i
i) Importance of feedback" ommumcation
ii) Name the barriers to communica .. ' ?
Q: ZAttempt AnyTwo oofthe folloWi - ? (12)
A) What Is an InterVIew'KLIst own Vetype of InterVIew questIons
. I (06)
H , J") Chalk C?Excellent
Language _.I. v) 5 NatIorI vi)_? Stadium.
(D) 1Identify the fOIIOWing Words and the spellings. ' (06)
' _ 70 /pa IaIt/ ii) /' 5103/ iii) /'kaetf/
ii ) /dI' IaIt/ iv) lfaut/ vi) l'eAnda/
. _Q: 4A) Select the appropriate word and rewrite the sentences (Any Three ) (03)
Ii. Spoken or written In two Ianngages Is
, \ Bias _ ? b; Bngraphy c. Bilingual d. Bewilder
? ,. "II. Exatt statement of meaningis
,_ / a; Determme b Decency c. Dictionary d. De?nition
?xiii .TQ taI < e part In ar-I activity' IS
, . ? a. Payment b. Participation c. Pause d. Pacify
\ S iv. Connected With the practIcal use of machInery Is
33.; TentatiVe b. Technical c Terminate d. Tiresome
99628EFED935F3D3 18AE4'ICD3D6E1E1 I

B) Correct the following sentences and rewrite (Any Three)
i) He signed upon the application form
ii) The ability of plan, organize and coordinate work is all,
with deadline.
iii) Neither of the printers are working.
iv) Cotton catch the ?re easily.
C) Do as directed (Any Six)
iv) Write synonyms for i) be .
v) Write antonyms for i) abt 6'
vi) What -------- you like to hayf??xtxe;
vii) Everything ?-?----- (chahg?j H E
Q: 5 Attempt ?A and B? or E
A) As a Secretary of English (06)
p\ st?of Junior (12)
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This post was last modified on 17 May 2020