Download DBATU B-Tech 1st Year 2018 May Engineering physics Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2018 May Engineering physics Question Paper

LONERE? RAIGAD 402103 ' _
End Semester Examination, May 2018. ?
Branch: F.Y. B.Tech. ,, x ,- Semester: II
Subject: Engineering Physics (PHY 203) .- 1 _ ? Marks: 60}
Date: 18/05/2018 -- I -? I _ 3 Time: 3 Hrs
Instructions to the Students:
1. Each question carry 12 marks ~ -
2 Attempt any five questions of the following
3.111ustrate your answers with neat sketches, diagrams etc, wherever necessary.
4. If some part or parameter is nqtice'd to be HHssing, you mey appropriately assume it and
should mention it Clearly ? .
Q N0. 1 Attempt the following. - ~ A V A
3. Which are the forces involved 111 Forced Osc?latlons'? Obtam the dlfferentlal equation 06
of forced oscillations. . v 1 , ,. ,.
b. What are ultrasonic waves? Descnbe magnetosmcuon method for generating ultrasonic 06
waves. , __ : , , , , _
Q. No. 2 Atten1pt- 3ny tWo 1)f the followmg
a In case of Newton' 5 rings in re?ected light show that diameter of bright rings is 06
proportional to the square 1001 of odd natural numbers. '
In Newton? 5 rings, the diameter of '3 certain bright ring is 0.65 cm and that of tenth
ring 15 0.95 cm If )1: 6000 A0, calCulate the radius of curvature of 3 convex lense.
b. Give the diagr3m1113tic representation of pola?zed 3nd unpolarized light. 06
Explain the. method of producing plane polarized light by re?ection
. C Exp1ain' the constructioh and Working'of He-Ne laser with neat diagram. 06
? Q. No. 3 Attempt the followmg
1? a. What is Q-Va111e of niiclear: reaction? Calculate the Q-value of given reaction and 06
steite whether reaction is exothermic or endothermic.
1 3.Li7 + 1H1 _. 2He4 + 2He4 + Q
V?M'Giveh M355 Of Li ? 7. 01822
c g? Mass 01H? _ 1 00814
x __ M355} of He =4 00387. *

Q. No. 4 Attempt the following.
b. What is Microscopic Ohm?s La ?D fete tlat
superconductors. 05
ii.E1e<;t'r:ic' _
iii. Ptjlzn'~i;a~ ?it,
QWH?t-is isplace?mentc-Urf?nt W it???z axW?ll quations in differnetial and integral
"for" 06

This post was last modified on 17 May 2020