Download DBATU B-Tech 1st Year 2018 Dec Engineering Mechanics 3 Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2018 Dec Engineering Mechanics 3 Question Paper

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere~Raigad
Supplementary Examinations Nov 2018
Course: B. Tech (All Courses) Semester: I/II
Subject Name with Subject Code: Engineering Mechanics (ME102/ME202)
Date: 28/11/2018 Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Instructions to the Students:
1. Attempt ANY F1 VE Questions from Question No I to Question N0 6.
2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches, diagrams etc. wherever necessa/y.
3. Necessaly data is given in the respective questions, If such data is not given, it means that the knowledge
of that part is a part of examination.
4. Use ofnon?programmable scienti?c calculators ix allowed.
Q. 1. Attempt the following? (06X2=12)
A) What do you understand by resolution of forces and calculate the resultant of following forces shown
in ?gure 1?
Y 100 N
F igure]
B) What are the components of accelerations for the curvilinear motion? How will you calculate these
components? Explain With some examples.
Q.2. Attempt the following. (06X2=12) \
A) De?ne constraint, action, reaction and types of supports and support reactions with free body ?
diagram. ?
B) Three identical right circular cylinders A, B and C, each weight W are arranged on smooth inclined
surface as shown in ?gure 2. Determine the least value of angle 9 that will prevent the arrangement
from collapsing. (
F igure 2
Q3. Attempt the following. (06X2=l2)
A) Three spherical balls of mass 2 kg, 6 kg and 12 kg are moving in the same directions with velocities
12 m/s, 4 m/s and 2 m/s respectively. If the ball of mass 2 kg impinges with the ball of mass 6 kg
which in turn impinges with the ball of mass 12 kg prove that the balls of masses 2 kg and 6 kg will
be brought to rest by the impact. Assume the balls to be perfectly elastic.

What do you understand by trusses and frames? How will you determine the axial forces in the
members? Explain method of Joints and method of sections. ?9"
Attempt the following. i ? (06X2= 12)
What force P must be applied to the weightless wedges shown in ?g 3. to start them under the
lOOON block? The angle of friction for all contact surfaces IS 10 degree.
P 15 15 P
///// / // //// ////////
Locate the centroid of the shaded area obtained by removing semicircle of diameter ?a? from a
quadrant of a circle of radius ?a? as shown in F i gure 4.
F igure 4
Attempt the following. (06X2=12)
Explain the direct central impact, nature of impact and coef?cient of restitution.
A gun of mass 3000 kg ?res horizontally a shell of mass 50 kg with a velocity of 300 m/s. What is
the velocity with which the gun will recoil? Also determine the uniform force required to stop the
gun in 0.6 m. In how much time it will stop.
Atteinpt the following.
De?ne and explain the D?Alemberts principle. Write and elaborate the equation of this, for
rectilinear and curvilinear motion. (04)
If the coef?cient of kinetic friction is 0.25 under each body in the system shown in ?g. 5, how far
and in what direction will body B move in 5 sec. starting from rest. Pulleys are frictionless.
F igure 5

This post was last modified on 17 May 2020