Download DBATU B-Tech 1st Year 2017 Oct Communication Skills Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2017 Oct Communication Skills Question Paper

RAIGAD ?402 103
Mid SemesterExamination ? October ? 2017
Branch: Group A Sem.:- l
Subject with Subject Codez?Communication Skills (H8102) Marks: 20
Date:?03/ 10/2017 Timez-lHr.
lnstructions:- All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicates full Marks. (Marks)
Q.N0..1 Attempt the following (06)
i) The ve rb communicate has its origin from ------------ .
21) English b) Greek c) Latin (1) Italic
ii) A barrier refers to -------------
3) Feedback b) an obstacle c)a pathway d)communicati0n
iii) When a message is expressed using gestures or signs, it is ????????
a.)verbal b) non?verbal c) feedback (I) Grapevine
iv) Know your ----------- for effective communication.
a)channel b) self c)speaker d)audience
v)L-anguage barriers are also called ----------- - barriers
a)Linguistie b)!?sycho|ogical c)Technical d)Mechanical
vi) ----------- means technical language.
a) Syntax b) Jargon c)C0mmunicate d) Elocution
Q.No. 2 Attempt any one of the following: (06)
a) ?What are the various functions of Communication?
b) Explain the techniques for Group Discussion.
Q.No 3.Attelnpt any twu 0f the following (08)
a) To what extentlistening skills are helpful in the acquisition of
English language? How? '
b) Write advantages of Oral Communication.
c) What are the strategies to be followed while participating G roup

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