Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2017 Oct Enginnering Physics Question Paper
RAIGAD 402103
Mid Semester Examination ? October - 2017
Branch: Group A Sem.:~I
Subject with Subject Code:- Engineering Physics (PHY 103) Marks: 20
Date:- 04/10/2017 Time:- 1 Hr.
instructions:- 1. Do not write anything on question paper.
2. Neat and labeled diagram must be drawn wherever necessary.
3. Use of non programmable calculator is allowed.
4. Figm?es to the right indicate full marks.
5. Assume suitable data ifrequired.
Q.No.1 Answer the following ('06)
a) Oscillations become damped due to
i) nmma] force ii) friction
iii) tangential force iv) parallel force
b) If an object moves back and forth repeatedly around a mean position it is called
i) oscillating ii) revolving
iii) rotating ?2 - , ,. iv) motion
0) Maximum displacement from equilibrium, position is
i) frequency _ ii)" amplitude
iii) wavelength ' V? V r iv) period
d) Light waves are transverse in nature, can be demonstrated by observing the
phenomenon of
i) dispersion ii) interference
iii) polarisation iv) dif??action
e) A system in which population inversion is achieved is called
i) parallel system ii) active system
iii) metastable state iv) pumping
f) Optical ?bre works on the principle of
i) photo-elecm'c effect ii) laser effect
iii) total internal re?ection iv) refraction
Q.No. 2 Attempt any one of the following: (06)
3) Explain the production of Ultrasonic wave with the help of Magnetost?ction
1)) Explain the construction and working of He-Ne Laser with neat diagram
Q.No 3. Attempt any two of the following (08)
a) Distinguish between positive and negative crystal.
b) De?ne Ultrasonic Wave. Give its engineering applications.
0) The refractive index of core and cladding material of a step index ?bre are 1.48
and 1.45 respectively. Calculate:
'1. Numerical aperature ii Acceptance angle
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