Download DBATU B-Tech 3rd Sem and 4th Sem 2019 May Planning for Sus. Develop. Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech 3rd Sem and 4th Sem 2019 May Planning for Sus. Develop. Question Paper

RAIGAD -4021o3
Semester Examination - MAY - 2019
Branch: B. Tech. in Civil Engineering Sem.: - IV
Subj ect With Subj ect Code: - Flaming for Sustainable Development (BTCVE404B)
Marks: 60
Date: ? 22/05/2019 Time: ? 3 Hr.
Instructions to the Students
1. Each question carries 12 marks.
2. Attempt any ?ve questions of the following.
3. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches, diagram etc., wherever necessary.
4. If some part 01? parameter is noticed to be missing, you may appropriately
assume it and should mention it clearly
Q.1. Solve any two of the following three sub-questions. (12)
a. What do you understand about sustainable development? Explain the key
concept involve in it.
b. What is environmental degradation? How does it occur? Discuss about the
major effects of environmental degradation.
0. Discuss in detail about the principles of sustainable development.
Q.2. Solve any two of the following three sub-questions. (12)
a. Write in detail about different pillars of sustainable development? Explain in
brief cultural diversity which acts as fourth pillars of sustainable development.
b. Discuss about the dimensions of sustainable development.
c. Enlist various strategies that are used for promoting the sustainable
development? Explain in details various methods adopted for it.
Q.3. Solve any two of the following three sub-questions. (12)
a. Enlist some alternative approach towards sustainable development. Explain
any one in detail.
b. Identify some important current issues and areas of debate in relation to
sustainable development? Explain any one example issue in detail.
0. Write in brief about criteria used for identifying emerging issues in
sustainable development. . ' MM 0
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Solve any two of the following three sub-questions. (12)
a. Describe organizational approach towards the technological innovation.
b. What do you mean by Environmental Management? Enlist some example.
0. Describe one case study on technology and sustainable development.
Solve any two of the following three sub-questions. (12)
a. Discuss about the role of governance in sustainable Development? State and
explain the objectives of Good Governance in sustainable development
b. State and explain various policy responses towards environmental
c. Explain in detail societal transformation and sustainable approach.
Solve any two of the following three sub-questions. (12)
21. Discuss various approach used for capacity development for innovation?
b. What are different research methods employed in development new
innovative idea and new technological approach?
0. Describe one of the sustainable developed technique that you come across in
your daily life (in India/ abroad)

This post was last modified on 17 May 2020