Download OU B.Sc 2019 Dec 3rd Sem (2nd Year) 8081 Electronics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 3rd Sem (2nd Year) 8081 Electronics Previous Question Paper

"':'. "j " 004393 -:-;.
' on, Nevemberl December 2019 ??
(DSC) Paper- l-ll
(Analog Circuits) ? _
Max Marks: 80 9
' ?._ PART- -A(sx4=2o Marks)
-. '.? , (S hort Answer Type)
Note: AII the IoIIowIng FIVE question Each quesIIon carries 4 marks ?
2" Explain about choke Input ?ller I V
? A full wave recti?er uses two diodes with load resistancema Each diode lsIJ"
having negligible fonNard resistance. Find efficiency of thisngul e recti?er.
?. Explain working of switch mode power supply (SMPS)
f Explain about thnee terminal 78XX IC regulator.
5 Expiain the mechanism of current ?ow in a NPN transistor.
?9? Calculate the gain of a negative feedbaggampli?er with an internal gain of A = 100
and feedback factor ? =1/1000.
7? Wtite a note on RC Phase Shift OscillaIBI?;
:28, A -'-
314. - P{ART B (4x15: -60 Marks)
' - . (Essay Answer Type)
" I ? Nl?ze following 61599 ques?onfEach question carries 15 marks.
' i w pg of a Half~wave recti?er with a neat diagram and comparew?h : I
I 0R
'~ m diagram of L-s9ot1'bn filter and derive equethn fer Ifs? ripple "mam;?
Wehunt Iran?st's' irregulaiad Qower supplies .7 .L ?

This post was last modified on 18 April 2020