Download OU B.Sc 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8170 Chemistry Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8170 Chemistry Previous Question Paper

ULOQ?H' "W? ?W
Code No. 8170
B.Sc. V-Semester (CBCS) Examination. November! December 2019
Subject : Chemistry
Pa r? V DSC
pe ( ) Max. Marks: 60
Time : 3 Hours
PART ? A (5 x 3 = 15 Marks)
(Short Answer Type)
Note : Answer any five of the following questions.
Cupric sulphate is blue on heating strongly it become colourless why? ?_Explaln.
What are boranes and carboranes? Give one example?each.
What is Carbyl Amine reaction? Write its use; 5..?
How do you prepare diazonium salt? Write its equation, ?
What is half life period? A ?rst order reaction is found to have rate constant
K of 7.39 x 10'5 sec". Calculate the half life period of the reagion.
What are consecutive reactions? Give one examyezf
Explain about batho chromic and hypso chromio shifte/ v ,-
De?ne phosphorescence and ?uorescence..5Exblein with diagram.
W 3% 9,.
PART 4mM?a?rks)
(Essay Mayer Type)
Note: A"$W{' ALL from the questions.
9 (3) Explain diagrammatica?rEQIiQipE) pattern of d-orbitols in square planar
complexes by taking?or?i?e ?X?mpIe. (11)
j ?K. ?J? ()Fz
(b) Explain the deter .gnatioh of magnetism moment (p) of magnetic by Gouy's
method Experimentally??
10 (a) Explaim 'th ni?echanism of following reactions. (11)
(I) ngr?eingyon (ii) Nitration of Aromatic Amines
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(b) m? e electrophilic substitution reactions of Furan, thiophene and pyrrole. /
11 .Vh'??t?is a rate of reaction? Explain the factors in?uencing rate of reaction (11)
(b) How do you determine order of reaction by Ostwald's isolation methods
12 (a) Expiain the following photo chemical laws. ?/
(g) Grothus ~ Draper law (12)
(II) Stark Einstein?s law of photochemical equivalence
' 0R
(b) Explain the modes of vibrati '
ons In 0! atomac m I '
H20 and CO; molecules as an exafnpt. 0 ecules by takmg

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