Download OU B.Sc 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8182 Statistics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8182 Statistics Previous Question Paper

Code No. 8192
851:. V ?- Semester (CBCS) Examination. November I December 2019
Subject: Statistics
Sampling Theory, T ime Series.
Index Numbets and Demand Analysis
Paper - V
Time: 3 Hours ., Mummy 60
PART ? A (5x3 = 15 Marks) ?
(Short Ansvver Type)
Note: Answer any F IVE of the following questions. Each questioreres 3 marks.
Write ab0ut principles of sampling
What Is subjective sampling? Explain GiVe an example.
De?ne strati?ed random samplIng. \\ J
Explain about growth curves
What are index Numbers? State their uses
De?ne the terms Demand Supply and Price elasticity of demand.
Explain time reversal test
Explain additive model of time series
PART- 8 (3x15: -45 Marks)
(Essay A?nswet TYPO)
Note: Answer all the following three q SIIOHSI Each question carries 15 marks.
3) Where sampling and nonosampling errors Write about sources of the same.
b) In SRSWOR show that sample mean square is an unbiased estimate: for
populatIon mean square?
10 a) De?ne systematic g?ampling procedure. Prove that
11 3) Explain Pigous method for estimating demand function. stating amnion.
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b) Explain link relatives procedure for determination of seasonal indicios.
Also mention its limitations
b) Explain base shifting forward and backward splicing proceduresmhomnplu.

This post was last modified on 18 April 2020