Download OU B.Sc 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8206 Electronics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8206 Electronics Previous Question Paper

E _ ._ ._ mum OF SCIENCE '
a. 353313. 1530511! - Samntar Examlnatiun, Havambar I December 3?1
SUBJECT : ELecmomcs
5 {DEE EH1] Papgr_w {A}
{??? I'n'licru mneas . .
Tim: :3 Haum p or and ?pplfca?unsj
Max Mark: : Eli
_ . . [Short AnswarT
Hum:- All the fullawing FIVE quas?n? WE}
What are'tha internal data operations of 3535 mfcmpraeessar?
Differentiate between maskable and nun?maskabl'e interrupts.
, Explain the AHA and ERA instruc?cns wi?rJ'I Exampre
What'are Heated submut?mes??
Write_an EDBS 3333:11ny language program fur subtrachtth.
What are the flags affected when the fnllnwn?ng program is executed
ADI {)1 H
1.. Explain the features nf 8212 [H0 Por?tJ
What are ihaadvantagea cf cl?sed t_nnp method uf tantra! precess?
"?ght?? ? a [45 Marks}
[Essay Answer Type}
Maia. : All the fullnwing threa'questiun.
E. a. ENE the block ?iagram Elf 3035 micr?prunesscr and explain ?5 functiuna
b. What ar?eihe Itlmr'ng diagrams? Draw the timing diagram fer r'rnarrn-ar'j.r read
qparation 315
111-51, ?is?ms [he claasi?catfnn uf an Intel E???1nstructinns set. illustrate your an?gwer
Withs'uitable' examples DR N
_h__ Eggtain in data? thadrfferant types uf addressing modes in 3035 mih'rhpm?aeaaar 11
?11$ W?'l?'-'Eih"alg?r_fthih to 'arraga'a'ny ten bytes in ascending under ar'ldimpl?m?nt-?ia _
" ' ?niagu?l?hl-ii????f?s'???'lny-?fa?guaga ngram 1*?
1-.1;'._' - .- .ii?-EEW'PWHTHF? ta multwm?w?we? H?'n-HWW- EW
41%! E??i?l?l'l ?li?in?tianfng and inter
Wmmmmm?gmm ' '

This post was last modified on 18 April 2020