Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8215 Plant Bio Technology Previous Question Paper
B_Sc. V-Semester (0303) Examination, November!
Subject: BiD-Technology
Plant Bidechnology
Paper ? VI ' A (DSE E - 1)
Time: 3 Hours
PART ? A (5x3 = 15 Marks)
[Short AnSWer Type]
Note: Answer any ?ve of the following questions. Each questjdr; carries? =
marks. ?f .J_ c,"
1 Differentiate dedifferentiation and redifferentiation 1'
.2? What are the micro nutrients used In plant tisigue culture media?
8? What IS meristem culture? How can it be useiul In production of virus free plants?
4 Give a brief note on batch and continuous celilsuspensmn cultures ~?
.5? How are glyphosate tolerant plants produced?
3 Explain the use of transgenic plants for produ on of biodegradable plastics
7- De?ne encapsu ?ation. What are the encapsulating agents used in production of
--?? ?Whthetic seeds?
?8? How are explants sterilized?
i Pug ? B (3x15 = 45 MarKS)
LF , [Essay Answer Type]
Note: I&nswer all questions from the following.
93?), Describe the processes organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis
b) Wnt?an a?munt on induction of callus cultures
migropropagation? Explain the stages of micropropagation and its
. s. .f?
)3) How can protoplasts be useful for production of somatic h r' . 9
Discuss. yb Ids and cybnds.
11 a) Describe the production of transgenic piants for viral resistance,
9)? How can transgenic plants be enhanced for vitamin A and E nutritive vaiues?
This post was last modified on 18 April 2020