Download OU B.Sc 2016 April 1st Year 2032 Computer Science Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2016 April 1st Year 2032 Computer Science Previous Question Paper

. "Code No. 2032
B.Sc. t ? Year Examination, March I April 2016
Subject: Computer Science
Paper ?- 1
RC. Software and ?C? Programming
Time: 3 Hours MaxMarks: 100
PART ? A (10x2 = 20 Marks)
Answer All Questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
a) Write about Internet explorer.
b) Differentiate Random access and sequentiai access
0) What is autoformat?
d) What is slide smter view?
e) What is database?
f) What is Excel Add-In?
9) Explain Bitwise operators.
h) What is recursive function?
i) Discuss enumerated data types
j) What is type casting? ?9
PART? B (5x16= suharks)
Answer All Questions. Each (igestl?n carries 16 marks.
a) What Is computer memory. Write agout RAM, ROM, and Cache memories.
b) Explain the features of MS Windows??
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, ,muitiprocessing and time sharing.
hie in control panel.
0) Discuss about multiprogr
d) Explain various optio
a) Describe MS WQJd?3%;IO ?atting toolbar
b) Explain the featufes o '??ower point presentation.
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0) Discuss slidetghow menu options. '
d) What IS h@cro'? Explain how to create run and delete macro in Ms Word?
a) Ex?iag??h?? procedure to create and modify forms In MS Access.
? pla? the process of linking two excel fiies.
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c) What is cross tab query in MS Access? When to use and what are the limitations.
d) How to create and place graphical objects in MS Excel?
a) Expiain with syntax various string handling functions in C.
b) Write a C pIogram to count the number of lines words In a given text
o) What are storage classes? Explain different storage ciasses with examples.
d) Write a C program to sort the elements in given array.
a) Explain the concept of cat! by value and call by reference with suitabie examples.
b) How to open and close a fife in C.
o) What Is pointer? Write a program to swap two numbers using pointers
d) What Is typedef declaration? Explain with eXampie.

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