Download OU B.Sc 2016 April 2nd Year 2006E Chemistry Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2016 April 2nd Year 2006E Chemistry Previous Question Paper

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Code No. 2006 I E
B.Sc. li?Year Examination,March/April 2016
. Paper ? ll
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 100
Part? A (4 X 15 = 60 Marks)
(Essay Answer Type)
Note : Answer all questions, choosing any two bits from each question.
Each bit carries 7 1/2 marks.
5?? 3?5;?
1 a rite a note on variable oxidation states, color and magneti
d? block elements. 1,}?
Wfine Lanthanide contraction its causes and atleast 333?: uences.
c) Explain vaiance bond theory of bonding In metals ahg Wtiten ts drawbacks
d) Define EAN. Give the struatures of [Fe(CO)5} and T?r(CO)e] and calculate
behaviour of
their EAN. $9
2 /)/Explain the mechanism and stereocgei?hggtrgand kinetics of SN2 reaction by
taking 2- bromo pentane as examp . W
b) Explain the comparision of hydro get? aikyl, benzyl, aiiyl, vinyl and aryl
5%. . .
(3) Write the action of phgn?ts ??Ith Feclg, and acetophenone With Fehimgs
reagent. _. w W?
Mscuss Benzoin ar?f?za x?ndensation with example.
gm f"?
3 a)/Explain the reasmT?? for elevation of boiling points of a solution derive the
expression between elevation of boiling points and relative lowering of vapour
? Ne?st equation to calcuiate single electrode potential.
0) get? n Triple point and metastable equilibrium explain the significance of triple
fd)? Define the terms i) Specific conductance ii) Equivaient conductance
iii) Molar conductance and give their units
4 a) Describe the principles of gravimetric analysis with example.
""?Ijefine accuracy and precision explain their determination with suitable
(cf'Write the principle of complexometric titration with suitabie example.
d) Explain rotational axis of symmetry and give molecular examples for Ca, Cz,
C3, C4, and 05 axis of symmetry.

Code No. 2005 I E
- 2 _
Part? B (8 X 5 = 40 Marks)
(Short Answer Type)
Note : Answer ail questions.
5/5)" Explain the structure, hybridization and bonding in Ferrocene.
b) Write a note on n-type and P?type semi conductors.
6 a) Give two examples of metal nitrosyis and give their structures.
Write the simIiaritIes and dISSImIiarItIes between lanthamdes eggdia?gnmde.
7 a) Complete the following reactions and giving their prodgig
i) Cumene + 02 _____3, . 33%
ii) Phenol + CH31 ?> 9% ?gag,
/bj/Write Pinacoi-Pinacoione rearrangement reactiqgfwith example.
8 Write Haloform reaction with example aadw e its importance.
b) Explain ciaisen condensation with igiech?msm and example.
9 a) Define osmatic pressure arp'o otonic solutions and explain Vant Hoff factor.
\' ????N acetic acid Is 0. 00016 ohm cm. Find the
ac??iic acid in percentage.
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10 ai/F?vgaiem the twe gratuities Suggested' by Deby and Huckle for decreasing the
conductance of strdi?ng electrolytes with increasing concentration.
b) Explamqefere?nce electrodes and reversible eiectrodes with an example.
b) The specific conductanf%
degree of dissociatig
11 a) What we ?tentIometrIc iitrations and explain one important application?
-' OR
)Ie?ne precipitation, co- precipitation and post precipitation with examples.
12 gk?xpiain stereoselective reaction with an example.
b) Write moiecular orbital symmetry properties of 1, 3- butadiene with HOMO and
LUMO configuration.

This post was last modified on 18 April 2020