Download Post Basic B.Sc Nursing (PB B.SC Nursing) 1st Year 2018 Aug 684890 English Question Paper

Download Post Basic B.Sc Nursing (PB B.SC Nursing) 1st Year (First Year) 2018 Aug 684890 English Previous Question Paper

[LN 829] AUGUST 2018 Sub. Code: 4890
Q.P. Code : 684890
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer All Questions:
I. Rewrite the following as directed: (20 x 1 = 20)
Change the sentences into active or passive voice:
1. Caesar was stabbed by Brutus.
2. The enemy has defeated our army.
3. They have pulled down the old house.
4. I was being taken to prison by my captors.
Fill in the blanks with verbs using the correct tense:
5. The people of my own village __________ (go) mad.
6. For the next few days he__________(look) after me.
7. Having rekindled the fire, she ___________(think) she would go to market.
Change into direct Speech:
8. Pankaj asked, ?Can I help you with the cooking??
9. Kiran said to her friend, ?Please help me with the essay?.
10. They said that they had decorated the room before Afifa entered.
11. The officer ordered the cadets to walk in single file.
Fill in the blanks with the correct word:
12. One of my professors_________(live/lives) next door.
13. Half of the apples __________(is/are) rotten.
14. Raj congratulated me ___________ (for/on) my success.
Do as directed
15. Solomon was one of the wisest men. (into comparative degree).
16. She saw the result and was thrilled. (into simple sentence)
17. Has he come _____________ .(use a preposition)
Correct the mistakes in the sentences:
18. They stayed at home by finishing.
19. They were fortunate with getting it.
20. She was annoyed over finding it.
II. Give meanings of the words: (5 x 1 = 5)
1. Generosity
2. Sputum
3. Confederates
4. Ornithology
5. Interventions
Frame sentences using words/phrases given below (5 x 1 = 5)
1. Look into
2. Look for
3. Great wealth - FirstRanker's Choice
[LN 829] AUGUST 2018 Sub. Code: 4890
Q.P. Code : 684890
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer All Questions:
I. Rewrite the following as directed: (20 x 1 = 20)
Change the sentences into active or passive voice:
1. Caesar was stabbed by Brutus.
2. The enemy has defeated our army.
3. They have pulled down the old house.
4. I was being taken to prison by my captors.
Fill in the blanks with verbs using the correct tense:
5. The people of my own village __________ (go) mad.
6. For the next few days he__________(look) after me.
7. Having rekindled the fire, she ___________(think) she would go to market.
Change into direct Speech:
8. Pankaj asked, ?Can I help you with the cooking??
9. Kiran said to her friend, ?Please help me with the essay?.
10. They said that they had decorated the room before Afifa entered.
11. The officer ordered the cadets to walk in single file.
Fill in the blanks with the correct word:
12. One of my professors_________(live/lives) next door.
13. Half of the apples __________(is/are) rotten.
14. Raj congratulated me ___________ (for/on) my success.
Do as directed
15. Solomon was one of the wisest men. (into comparative degree).
16. She saw the result and was thrilled. (into simple sentence)
17. Has he come _____________ .(use a preposition)
Correct the mistakes in the sentences:
18. They stayed at home by finishing.
19. They were fortunate with getting it.
20. She was annoyed over finding it.
II. Give meanings of the words: (5 x 1 = 5)
1. Generosity
2. Sputum
3. Confederates
4. Ornithology
5. Interventions
Frame sentences using words/phrases given below (5 x 1 = 5)
1. Look into
2. Look for
3. Great wealth
4. Plenty of
5. Look back on
III. Write short notes to any Five questions based on prescribed text: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. How does Helen describe the seasons?
2. What was Jimmy?s life in Elmore like?
3. What according to the writer does ?Johar? mean?
4. Why didn?t Megan come for pre-natal care earlier?
5. How did the Jharkhandis protect their forests?
6. What is the purpose of covering the burn victims with sterile towels?
IV. Summarize the given passage to one third of its length and give a suitable title:
(1 x 10 = 10)
It is very easy to acquire bad habits, such as eating too many sweets or too much food, or
drinking too much fluid of any kind, or smoking. The more we do a thing, the more we tend to
like doing it; and, if we do not continue to do it, we feel unhappy. This is called the force of
habit, and the force of habit should be fought against.
Things which may be very good when only done from time to time, tend to become very
harmful when done too often and too much. This applies even to such good things as work or
rest. Some people form a bad habit of working too much, and others of idling too much. The
wise man always remembers that this is true and checks any bad habit. He sys to himself, ?I am
now becoming idle? or ?I like too many sweets,? or ?I smoke too much? and then adds, ?I will
get myself out of this bad habit at once?.
One of the most widely spread of bad habits is the use of tobacco. Tobacco is now smoked
or chewed by men, often by women, and even by children, almost all over the world. It was
brought into Europe from America by Sir Walter Raleigh, four centuries ago, and has thence
spread everywhere. I very much doubt whether there is any good in the habit, even when tobacco
is not used in excess; and it is extremely difficult to get rid of the habit when once it has been
Alcohol is taken in almost all cool and cold climates, and to a very much less extent in hot
ones. Thus, it is taken by people who live in the Himalaya Mountains, but not nearly so much by
those who live in the plains of India. Alcohol is not necessary in any way to anybody. Millions of
people are beginning to do without it entirely; once the United States of America has passed
laws which forbid its manufacture or sale throughout the length and breadth of their vast country.
In India it is not required by the people at all, and should be avoided by them altogether. The
regular use of alcohol, even in small quantities, tends to cause mischief in many ways to various
organs of the body. It affects the liver, it weakens the mental powers, and lessens the general
energy of body.

V. Letter Writing: (1 x 10 = 10)
Write a letter to a friend, arranging for an excursion with family.
Write a letter to the Hospital Administrator asking him/her/to permit your class to have
clinical practice for a month. Mention clearly the dates for the clinical practice.

VI. Write an essay in about 350 words on any ONE of the topics given below: (1 x 15 = 15)
1. Sports and games ? their importance.
2. Role of Judiciary in the Country today.

******** - FirstRanker's Choice

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