Download Post Basic B.Sc Nursing (PB B.SC Nursing) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2010 Feb 684894 Introduction To Nursing Education Previous Question Paper
[KW 834] Sub. Code: 4894
(For Trained Nurses)
Second Year
Q.P. Code : 684894
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer All questions.
Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. a) What are the basic principles of guidance and counseling? (7)
b) Organize a guidance and counseling programme for I year B.Sc
nursing students. (8)
2. a) Define the term learning. (2)
b) What are the characteristics of learning? (3)
c) Explain the maxims of teaching with examples. (10)
II. Write Short Notes on : (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Philosophies of nursing education.
2. Principles and uses of master rotation plan.
3. Symposium.
4. Field trip.
5. Communication process.
III. Short Answers Questions: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. List any two factors affecting communication.
2. Name any two projected Aids.
3. Write any two characteristics of good A-v aids.
4. List any two advantages of computer instruction.
5. Write any two principles of evaluation.
6. Name any two types of evaluation.
7. Write four examples of objective type test.
8. List any two qualities of good counselor.
9. List any two functions of management.
10. Name any four factors affecting inservice education programme.
***** - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 18 September 2020