Download JNTUK MBA 4th Sem 2018 April R16MBA403 Business Ethics And Values Question Paper

Download JNTUK (JNTU-Kakinada) MBA New folder R16MBA403 Business Ethics And Values Question Paper.

Subjt Code: R16MBA403
MBA - IV Semester Regular Examinations, April-2018.
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B.
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory & Four Questions should be answered from Part-B
All questions carry equal marks of 12.
1 X 12 = 12
1. On January 08, 2009, M. Rammohan Rao ,resigned as the Dean of the Indian School of Business (ISB) .The
resignation followed the announcement of the previous day by B.Ramalinga Raju ,Founder and Chairmen of
India's fourth largest IT Services company, Satyam Computer services Limited ,that the company had been
inflating the revenue and profit figures for past several years. In his resignation letter ,Rao who has rently
resigned as independent dirtor on the satyam board ,said , "Unfortunately ,yesterday's shocking
revelations (by raju) , of which I had absolutely no prior knowledge, mean that we are far from seeing the
end of the controversy surrounding Satyam Computers. My continued concern and pre occupation with the
evolving situation are impacting my role as dean of ISB at a critical time for the school. On Dember 30th
2008 Rao, resigned from the board of satyam. with him two other independent dirtors, Vinod Dham,
inventor of the Pentium chip and Krishna Palep , Professor at the Harvard Business School also submitted
their resignations to the board of the company. Another independent dirtor, Mangalam Srinivasan had
resigned from the satyam board a few days earlier, on Dember 25th 2008 the resignations of these
dirtors were the result of an aborted deal by satyam to acquire two companies run by Raju's Son's,
Mayta's Properties Pvt.Ltd and Maytas Infrastructure Limited for US$1.6 billion.
Questions: a) What is the state of business ethics involved in this case?
b) Do you think that the organization followed sound corporate governance principles? Give reasons.
4X 12 = 48
2. (a)what is business ethics? Distinguish between personal ethics and business ethics?
(b) define value? What are the major sources of your values?
3. (a) explain the salient features of any two theories of business ethics?
(b) identify ethical aspts in Neerav Modi- Punjab National Bank case?
4. (a)what is collegiality? Explain the thniques for achieving collegiality?
(b) Define profession? What are its characteristics?
5. (a) what is the importance of Ethics in product safety?
(b) Explain the ethical factors to be followed in advertising?
6. (a) write an essay on whistle blowing? Explain its purpose and importance?
(b) What are the reasons for unethical practices among Indian companies?
7. (a) discuss the major ethical issues involved in environmental pollution?
(b) Critically compare business ethics of India with any one of its neighbouring countries?
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