Download JNTUK MBA 3rd Sem 2018 Nov R16MBA302 Strategic Management Question Paper

Download JNTUK (JNTU-Kakinada) MBA New folder R16MBA302 Strategic Management Question Paper.

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Subjt Code: R16MBA302
MBA - III Semester Regular and Supplementary Examinations, Nov-2018.
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B.
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory & Four Questions should be answered from Part-B
All questions carry equal marks of 12.
1 X 12 = 12
1.Kiran Mazumdar Shaw steered the company through several reinventions, first moving
from being an enzyme maker to stains (cholesterol busting drugs) and when prices crashed
and Chinese competition intensified, she shifted focus to bio-pharma. Now she wants to
unlock value from her three main businesses-Biocon, Syngene and Clinigene and the
company as a major biopharma company. She expressed herself well: We keep reinventing
ourselves. In the first 20 years we focused on enzymes, in the last 10 we focused on
biopharma and services. We now want to get into the market with our own products. It was
first about branded enzymes, now it is about branded biopharma.
While markets like China are good stepping stones, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw is aware that the
real opportunity lies in the US and Western Europe, where hundreds of billions of dollars are spent
on pharmaceuticals every year. However, she also realizes that such markets are difficult to enter as
regulatory charges are high and there are many large competitors, much larger than Biocon. Hence,
she feels, Biocon will not be able to make money for at least 4-5 years in the US Market, apart from
facing tough competition from firms such as the US $13 billion Amgen and Biogen, which may
also foray into India. That leaves just one option-acquisitions. However, that too requires heavy
investment of funds. Kiran is certain that they will not go to market to raise funds for future growth,
but may think of leveraging the borrowings completely. Considering that Kiran has successfully
steered her company through previous evolutions.
Question: Would you bet against her?
4X 12 = 48
2. What are vision and mission? What is their value for the strategic management process?
3. (a) Explain in brief environmental scanning process?
(b) Explain the difference between related and unrelated diversification.
4. (a) Explain the tools and thniques of strategic leadership?
(b) write short notes on balanced scorard?
5. (a) write about porter's value chain analysis?
(b) How strategies at corporate and business level are formulated?
6. (a) Explain strategic leadership, its relation with strategy and culture?
(b) What is the impact of organizational values on firm's strategy?
7. What is strategic surveillance? Provide Guidelines for strategic control in the organization?
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This post was last modified on 18 November 2019
