Download JNTUK (JNTU-Kakinada) MBA New folder R16MBA308H1 Management Of Industrial Relations Question Paper.
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Subjt Code: R16MBA308H1
MBA - III Semester Regular and Supplementary Examinations, November-
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B.
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory & Four Questions should be answered from Part-B
All questions carry equal marks of 12.
1 X 12 = 12
1. Foot comfort was India's largest manufacturer and marketer of footwear products. For years,
Foot comfort reasonably priced, sturdy footwear had made it one of India's best known brands.
The company provided employment to over 15,000 people in its manufacturing and sales
operations throughout India. Despite of all its successes, Foot comfort had one problem, that was
its labor. The workers resorted to strikes at the slightest provocation throwing production
schedules out of gear. They bame perennial problems for the management. On one occasion,
the company's factory at Calcutta remained closed for four and a half months bause the union
was against the policy of outsourcing. Foot Comfort had started outsourcing the complete
manufacture of the power range of shoes to China. The company had been outsourcing only the
assembly and sewing line jobs earlier. The workers felt, the dision had resulted in lower
income for them and they also feared that they could lose their jobs in future, if this trend
continued. For the first time in its history, the company remained dysfunctional for more than
four months. The workers threatened the management that they would make their strike intensive
and garner support from all other unions. The main demand of the trade union was that either
their salaries would have to be increased or the outsourcing of the work to China had to be
stopped. Management entered into an long term agreement with the workers and trade unions at
Banglore and Faridabad so that they would not be disrupting the work in future. This agreement
regarding wages was valid for a year. Despite the above agreement, a lockout was dlared at
Foot Comfort factory in Banglore, with the new leadership of the union had refused to abide by
the wage agreement. Following the failure of its negotiations with the union, the management
dided to go in for a lock ? out. The footwear manufactured in the factory could be shifted to
the company's other factories. The negotiation process started again and the company got an
undertaking from the factory employees that they would resume work and to phasing out of
welfare schemes to cut down costs. There was dissatisfaction among the workers.
a) Maintaining good industrial relations have always been a problem for Foot comfort. Why? How
do you think Foot Comfort can maintain sound industrial relations?
b) Do you think it right to phase out welfare schemes to cut costs? Give reasons for your answer.
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Subjt Code: R16MBA308H1
MBA - III Semester Regular and Supplementary Examinations, November-
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B.
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory & Four Questions should be answered from Part-B
All questions carry equal marks of 12.
1 X 12 = 12
1. Foot comfort was India's largest manufacturer and marketer of footwear products. For years,
Foot comfort reasonably priced, sturdy footwear had made it one of India's best known brands.
The company provided employment to over 15,000 people in its manufacturing and sales
operations throughout India. Despite of all its successes, Foot comfort had one problem, that was
its labor. The workers resorted to strikes at the slightest provocation throwing production
schedules out of gear. They bame perennial problems for the management. On one occasion,
the company's factory at Calcutta remained closed for four and a half months bause the union
was against the policy of outsourcing. Foot Comfort had started outsourcing the complete
manufacture of the power range of shoes to China. The company had been outsourcing only the
assembly and sewing line jobs earlier. The workers felt, the dision had resulted in lower
income for them and they also feared that they could lose their jobs in future, if this trend
continued. For the first time in its history, the company remained dysfunctional for more than
four months. The workers threatened the management that they would make their strike intensive
and garner support from all other unions. The main demand of the trade union was that either
their salaries would have to be increased or the outsourcing of the work to China had to be
stopped. Management entered into an long term agreement with the workers and trade unions at
Banglore and Faridabad so that they would not be disrupting the work in future. This agreement
regarding wages was valid for a year. Despite the above agreement, a lockout was dlared at
Foot Comfort factory in Banglore, with the new leadership of the union had refused to abide by
the wage agreement. Following the failure of its negotiations with the union, the management
dided to go in for a lock ? out. The footwear manufactured in the factory could be shifted to
the company's other factories. The negotiation process started again and the company got an
undertaking from the factory employees that they would resume work and to phasing out of
welfare schemes to cut down costs. There was dissatisfaction among the workers.
a) Maintaining good industrial relations have always been a problem for Foot comfort. Why? How
do you think Foot Comfort can maintain sound industrial relations?
b) Do you think it right to phase out welfare schemes to cut costs? Give reasons for your answer.
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4X 12 = 48
2. (a) What is the impact of onomic and social environment in which organization exists on the IR of the
(b) Briefly discuss the approaches of industrial relations in India.
3. (a) What are the factors that lead to the growth of trade unions in Indian context? Discuss the role
of trade unions in promoting a healthy work environment in a organization.
(b) Eloborate Trade Unions Act 1926.
4. (a) What do you understand by colltive bargaining? Explain about the nature and significance
of wage and salary administration in organization.
(b) Discuss the role of tripartism bodies in strengthening industrial relations.
5. (a) Discuss the parameters in quality of worklife.
(b) Discuss any three major constraints in wage determination in Indian context.
6. (a) What do you understand by the term 'social surity'? What have been the major trends and
emerging issues in social surity in the context of onomic liberalization?
(b) What are the different provisions in Workmen Compensation Act?
7. (a) What is grievance and discuss how to reduce grievance?
(b) What is the grievance redressal procedure for settlement of grievance?
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This post was last modified on 18 November 2019