Download RTMNU B.Pharma 4th Semester 2016 Winter Pharmacology 2 Question Paper

Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 4th Semester 2016 Winter Pharmacology 2 Question Paper

B.Pharm. Fourth Semester (C.B.S.) Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Full Marks : 80
NB. :? (1) Question N0. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any FOUR questions from the remaining.
(3) Draw neat labelled diagram wherever necessary.
1. Solve any FIVE :
(a) Give mechanism of action of central sympatholytics.
(b) J ustify verapamil 0r diltiazem is preferred in angina pectoris instead of nifedipine.
(c) Give adverse effects of statins.
((1) Explain triple response of Histamine.
(6) Explain use of ergotamine in migraine.
(1) Give mechanism of action of zafirlukast.
(g) Explain role of prostaglaudin in gastric secretion. 20
2. De?ne and classify diuretics with example. Give mechanism of action of any three classes of diuretics.
Explain cardiac arrhythmia. Give mechanism of action of each class of antiarrhythmic drugs. 15
4. (a) Classify anticoagulants with examples. Give pharmacological details of warfarin. 10
(b) Write therapeutic uses of F ibrinolytic agents. 5
5. (a) Give role of Nitrates in angina pectoris. 7
(b) Write mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Digitalis. 8
6. (a) What are haematinics ? Write phamacological details of haematinics. 10
(b) Write a note on antiplatelet drugs. 5
7. (a) Write various types of 5-HT receptors. Explain uses of Cyproheptadine. 8
(b) Give pharmacological account of Salicylates. 7

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