Download RTMNU B.Pharma 6th Semester 2016 Summer Clinical Pharmatherapeutics Question Paper

Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 6th Semester 2016 Summer Clinical Pharmatherapeutics Question Paper

Time : Three Hours ]
N. B.
Semester Examination for the Degree
01? Bachelor of Pharmacy
6 T 5
[ Max. Marks : 80
Question N0. 1 is compulsory.
Attempt any four questions from the remaining.
Draw neat labelled diagram wherever necessary.
Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever
(5) Use of electronic calculator is permitted.
(6) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
1. Answer the following questions (any ?ve) :?
Explain in short the term rational drug use with
suitable example. 4
Explain in brief the role of pharmacist in rational
drug use. 4
Why salbutamol is preferred over isoprenaline in
management of bronchial asthama ? 4
Explain the term? essential drug concept. 4
Explain the role of nicotinicacid in the
hyperlipidemia. 4
Explain in role of [3 blocker in the hypertensive
therapy. 4
Explain the role of transulosin in the treatment of
Benign prostatic hypertrophy. 4
TKN/KS/16?7003 Contd.
Explain in detail pathophysiology of hypertension. Explain
in detail the pharmacotherapy of ACE inhibitors. 15
3. Explain the pathophysiology of congestive heart failure.
Explain in detail the phannacotherapy of digitalis in CHF.
Give the detailed pharmacological account of drug used
in the management of bronchial asthma. 15
5. Explain in detail the phannacotherapy of drugs in peptic
ulcer. Adda note on the pathophysiology of peptic ulcer.
6. (a)
Explain the pathophysiology of the Alzheimers
disease. Explain in detail, the pharmacotherapy of
any one class of drugs in treatment of Alzheimer?s.
Expxlain pathophysiology of parkinsonis. Discuss
pharmacotherapy of dopamine class of drugs.
7. Give etiopathogenesis and phannacotherapy for (any three)
Rhematoid arthritis
Cough and cold
Liver diseases
Gout. 15
TKN/KS/16?7003 2 850

This post was last modified on 19 January 2020