Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2nd Semester 2015 Winter Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 Question Paper
Discuss the role of Bile in absorption and digestion
phenomenon. 15 B. Pharm. (Second Semester) (C.B.S.) Examination
3. Discuss physiology of urine formation mention the HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY_H
composition of urine and functions of urine constituents. Paper?III
15 Tirne?Three Hours] [Full Marks?8O
4. (a) Explain the process of Neurotransmission with special N.B. ;_ (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
empha51s on Actlon Potentlal. 10 (2) Solve any FOUR questions from the remaining.
(b) Discuss the organization oflimbic system. 5 (3) Draw neat labeled diagram wherever necessary.
5. Discuss the secretion of Hypothalamus and Pitaitarygland . . . . . .
_ . 1. (a) Explaln physmloglcal role of Renm?Anglotensm
and descrlbe the ?mctlons of each secretory hormone.
S stem.
15 y
. . . . (b) Name the types and functions of Glia cells.
6. (a) Explaln the organlzatlon 0f sympathetlc and
parasympathetic nervous system. 10 (0) Explain the role of vestibular apparatus and semi-
circ lar canals in h 51010 of ear.
(b) Add a note on cranial and spinal nerves. 5 u p y gy
. . . . . ((1) Discuss various Brain nuclei and pathways that help
7. (a) Dlscuss the physwlogy 0f v1310n w1th well labelled . .
. 1n temperatures regulatlon.
dlagram of eye. 10
(b) Discuss the physiology ofolfactory sensation 5 (6) Explain the organization and functional role of
' Extrapyramidal system in brain.
(1) Discuss the role of pancreatic secretions in digestion.
(g) Discuss the role of parathyroid secretions in calcium
homeostasis. 4X5=20
MVM?46554 2 425 MVM?46554 1 (C0ntd.)
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