Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 3rd Semester 2016 Summer Pharmaceutics 3 (Unit Operations) Question Paper
Third Semester Examination for the Degree
0f BaChelor 0f Pharmacy 3. (a) What is mass transfer ? Comment on ?Molecular
PHARMACEUTICS ? 111 (Unit Operations) diffusion in liquids and mass transfer, in turbulent
3-T-1 and laminar ?ow. 8
(b) Give detailed account on pneumatic conveyor7
Time : Three Hours] [MaX. Marks : 80
N. B. ; (1) Question No.1 is Cgmpulsory. . . 4. What is cake filtration and clarification? Describe the
(2) 301?: any Four quesuf?ns from the remammg- factors affecting rate of ?ltration. Write detailed account
(3) Draw neat labeled diagram wherever neces? .
sary on rotary drum ?lter and leaf ?lter. 15
(4) Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever ? ? ?
necessary. 5. Give classi?cation of equipments based on centrifugation.
(5) Use of electronic calculator is permitted Elaborate 0n perforated basket centrifuge and
(6) Assume suitable data wherever necessary. supercentrifuge. 15
l. Solve any Five of the following :?
(a) Explain mechanisms of size reduction giving 6. (a) What is vortex formation ? What are the causes
examples. of vortex formation ? How vortex formation can
be prevented ? 8
(b) Write short note on mechanisms of liquid mixing.
(0) Draw well labeled diagram of belt conveyor. (b) Write a note on air jet mixer and jet mixer. 7
Give its principle.
(d) State Kozeny?Carrnan equation. Give its limitations. 7- Write short HOtCS (Any Three) 3?
(e) Explain theory of centrifugation in brief. (a) Orifice meter.
(i) Give an account on various grades of powder as (b) Silverson mixer homogenizer.
per I.P. (c) Cyclone separator.
(g) Define Reynolds? number. State its significance. ((1) Fluid energy mill. 15
2. Explain factors affecting size reduction. Describe
principle, construction, working and uses of ball mill.
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