Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 3rd Semester 2017 Summer Pharmaceutics 3 (Unit Operations) Question Paper
B.Pharm. Semester?III (C.B.S.) Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any four questions from the remaining.
(3) Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
(4) Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
(5) Use of electronic calculator is permitted.
(6) Assume suitable data wherever necessary,
1. Solve any ?ve of the following :? 4X5=20
(a) De?ne (i) Sieve number
(ii) Sieve size.
(b) Explain effect of speed of rotation on ball mill ef?ciency.
(0) What are ?lter aids ? Comment on their in?uence on rate of ?ltration.
(d) What is vortex formation ? Give the methods of prevention of vortex formation.
(e) Explain Centrifugal effect. Give significance of centrifugation process.
(f) What do you understand by Reynolds number ? What is its importance ?
(g) Compare surface ?ltration and depth ?ltration.
2. Explain :
(a) Principle of cyclone separator with well labelled diagram.
(b) Of?cial grades of powder as per 1P.
(0) Sieve analysis. 15
NXO?12534 l (Contd)
3. Discuss factors affecting size reduction. Give principle, construction, working and applications
of ?uid energy mill. 15
4. (a) Enlist ?ow meters. Compare Ori?ce meter and Venturimeter. 8
(b) Write a note on energy losses. 7
5. (21) Write in detail about belt conveyors and pneumatic conveyor. 8
(b) Discuss various theories of ?ltration. Write detailed account on Rotary Drum ?lter. 7
6. (a) Explain the mechanisms of solid mixing. Describe principle, construction, working and uses
of planetary mixer. 8
(b) Classify centrifugation equipments. Elaborate on supercentrifuge in detail. 7
7. Write short notes (any three) :
(a) Molecular diffusion in liquids.
(b) Silverson mixer homogenizer.
(c) Bernoulli's theorem.
(d) Ball mill. 5x3=15
NXO?12534 2 NKT/KS/17/6552
This post was last modified on 19 January 2020