Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 3rd Semester 2017 Winter Pharmaceutics 3 (Unit Operations) Question Paper
B.Pharm Third Semester (C.B.S.) Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
NB. :? (1) Question N0. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining.
(3) Draw neat labelled diagram wherever necessary.
1. Solve any five of the following :
Explain factors in?uencing ?ltration.
Give an account on various grades of powder as per I.P.
Give the objectives of size reduction process.
Explain different types of sieves used for size separation.
De?ne centrifugation. Explain centri?rgal effect.
Classify equipments for solid mixing.
Explain molecular diffusion in liquids. 4X5=20
2. Give the objectives of conveying. Discuss the principle, construction and working of belt conveyor and
screw conveyor. 15
3. Explain ?lter media and ?lter aids. Discuss ?lter press along with the washing operation. 15
4. Discuss the principle, construction, working and applications of Ball mill and Colloid mill. 15
5. Discuss :
6. (a)
Perforated basket centrifuge
Reynold?s experiment. 15
Explain mechanisms of mixing in liquids. Discuss mixing devices for liquid mixing. 8
Discuss the principle, construction and working of eyclone separator.
7. Write short notes on (any three) :
Ori?ce and venturi meter
Planetary mixer
Factor in?uencing size reduction
Sieve analysis. 5X3=15
This post was last modified on 19 January 2020