Download RTMNU B.Pharma 4th Semester 2015 Winter Pharmacology 2 Question Paper

Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 4th Semester 2015 Winter Pharmacology 2 Question Paper

NTK/KW/ 15 ? 6990
Fourth Semester Examination for the Degree
of Bachelor of Pharmacy
Paper - 4.4
Time : Three Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
N. B. :(1) Question No. 1 is Compulsory.
(2) Solve any four questions from the remaining.
(3) Draw neat labeled diagram wherever neces?
1. Solve any five :?
(a) Aspirin in Rheumatoid arthritis.
(b) Epinephrine in hypovolemic shock.
(c) Cinnazirine in vertigo.
(d) Ezetimibe as hyperlipidemic drugs.
(6) Clinical uses of prostaglandius.
(t) Phosphodiaesterase III inhibitors.
(g) Antifibrinolytic agents. 4X5=20
2. (a) Classify antihypertensive drugs. Explain
pharmacology of ACE inhibitors in detail. 10
(b) Discuss various pharmacological approaches to
treat angina pectoris. 5
NTK/KW/ 1 5 ? 6990 Contd.

3. (a) Describe in detail synthesis, storage and distruction
of serotonin. Give mechanism, uses and adverse
effects of any two 5?HT antagonists. 10
(b) Write a note on platelet activating factor. 5
4. (a) Give classification of NSAIDS. Explain the mech-
anism, adverse effects and uses of :
(a) Oxicam devivatives.
(b) Coxibs. 10
(b) Explain potassium channel openers. 5
5. (a) Discuss antiarrthymic drugs. 10
(b) Comment on H2 antihistaminic drugs. 5
6. (a) Discuss pathophysiology of congestive heart
failure. Explain in detail about digitalis. 10
(b) Give detailed account on antiplatelet agents. 5
7. Give short note on any two :?
(a) Thiazide diuretics.
(b) Anti coagulants.
(c) Histamine receptors. 15
NTK/KW/IS ?6990 2 430

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