Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 4th Semester 2016 Summer Pharmaceutical Management Question Paper
how the factory location, layout and factory planning
in?uences production. 15
4. (a)
5. (a)
Discuss various types of channels of distribution.
Explain the factors affectmg length of channel of
distribution. 7
Define Advertisement. Give objectives of
advertisement and discuss different types of media
of advertisement giving their advantages and
disadvantages. 8
What is the importance of Inventory Control and
discuss EOQ techniques of Inventory Control ? 7
Describe the functions of personnel management.
Write about testing and interview for personnel
selection. 8
Explain law of demand and supply. 7
What is Sales Promotion ? Discuss various techniques
of sales promotion. 8
Write about different ?nancial statements. 7
MXP?N?3720 2 1250
B.Pharm. Semester?IV (C.B.S.) Examination
Time?Three Hours]
Paper?6 (4-T-6)
[Maximum Marks?80
.B. :? (1) Question N0. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any FOUR questions from the
(3) Draw neat labeled diagram wherever
1. Explain any FIVE from the following :
Preparation of Trial Balance.
Market Research.
Bills of Exchange.
?Every transaction has two fold effect? implies double
entry book keeping.
Principles of Insurance.
Importance of CGMP.
Sources of ?nance. 5X4=20
2. De?ne the tenn ?Management? and discuss valious pnmary
and secondary functions of management. 15
MXP?N?3720 1 Contd.
This post was last modified on 19 January 2020