Download RTMNU B.Pharma 4th Semester 2016 Winter Pharmaceutical Management Question Paper

Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 4th Semester 2016 Winter Pharmaceutical Management Question Paper

B.Pharm. Fourth Semester (C.B.S.) Examination
Paper?6 (4 T 6)
Time : Three Hours]
N.B. :?
(1) Question N0. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any FOUR questions from the remaining.
(3) Draw neat labelled diagram wherever necessary.
1. Write short notes (any FIVE) :
[Full Marks : 80
(a) Management
(b) Principles of Insurance
(c) Mail Order Business
((1) Sales Promotion
(e) GMP
(1) Career Flaming
(g) Motivation. 20
2. (a) Discuss the principles of Management. 10
(b) Explain the managerial function of planning. 5
3. (a) Discuss various factors affecting the length of channel of distribution. 8
(b) Explain the functions of Marketing Management. 7
4. Give an elaborative account on salesmanship emphasizing its attributes. 15
5. (a) Explain various types of production. 8
(b) Explain production planning and control. 7
6. Discuss in detail the recruitment and interview process in Human Resource Management. 15
7. (a) Give the concept of Double Entry Book Keeping and Accountancy. 7
(b) Explain the purchase procedure in a pharmaceutical company. 8

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