Download GTU MBA 2019 Winter 3rd Sem 2830101 Consumer Behaviour Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University) MBA 2019 Winter 3rd Sem 2830101 Consumer Behaviour Previous Question Paper

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2830101 Date: 03-12-2019

Subject Name: Consumer Behaviour

Time: 10:30 AM TO 1.30 PM Total Marks: 70


1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Answer the following multiple choice questions: 06
1. The goods which satisfy human wants directly are called as ___________.
A. Consumer?s goods B. Producers? goods
C. Public goods D. Intermediate goods
2. Which of the following would be the best illustration of a subculture?
A. A group of close friends B. Your university
C. A religion D. A fraternity or sorority
Purchasing family when Gary was a high school student, he enjoyed rock music
and regularly purchased hip clothing sported by his favorite rock band. However,
five years later, when Gary became an accountant, his preference shifted toward
formal clothing. Which of the following personal characteristics is likely to have
had the most influence on Gary's preferences during his high school days?

A. Education B. Age
C. Income D. Gender
At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs are ________ needs.

A. Esteem B. Social
C. Safety D. Self-actualization
5. Understanding of consumer needs and then develops a marketing mix to satisfy
these needs.

A. The Marketing concept B. The Strategic plan
C. The Product influences D. The Price influences
6. __________ is the single factor that best indicates social class.
A. Time B. Money
C. Occupation D. Fashion

Q.1 (b) Define following terms briefly:
1. ELM
2. Defense mechanism
3. Dogmatism
4. Weber?s law
Q.1 (c) Do you really believe that, ?Subliminal Advertisement? works in real world?
Comment & Justify.


Q.2 (a) What do you mean by ?Projective Techniques?? What are the advantages
and disadvantages of it?
(b) Explain the concept of Just Noticeable Difference (JND) and its implications 07 - FirstRanker's Choice
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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2830101 Date: 03-12-2019

Subject Name: Consumer Behaviour

Time: 10:30 AM TO 1.30 PM Total Marks: 70


1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Answer the following multiple choice questions: 06
1. The goods which satisfy human wants directly are called as ___________.
A. Consumer?s goods B. Producers? goods
C. Public goods D. Intermediate goods
2. Which of the following would be the best illustration of a subculture?
A. A group of close friends B. Your university
C. A religion D. A fraternity or sorority
Purchasing family when Gary was a high school student, he enjoyed rock music
and regularly purchased hip clothing sported by his favorite rock band. However,
five years later, when Gary became an accountant, his preference shifted toward
formal clothing. Which of the following personal characteristics is likely to have
had the most influence on Gary's preferences during his high school days?

A. Education B. Age
C. Income D. Gender
At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs are ________ needs.

A. Esteem B. Social
C. Safety D. Self-actualization
5. Understanding of consumer needs and then develops a marketing mix to satisfy
these needs.

A. The Marketing concept B. The Strategic plan
C. The Product influences D. The Price influences
6. __________ is the single factor that best indicates social class.
A. Time B. Money
C. Occupation D. Fashion

Q.1 (b) Define following terms briefly:
1. ELM
2. Defense mechanism
3. Dogmatism
4. Weber?s law
Q.1 (c) Do you really believe that, ?Subliminal Advertisement? works in real world?
Comment & Justify.


Q.2 (a) What do you mean by ?Projective Techniques?? What are the advantages
and disadvantages of it?
(b) Explain the concept of Just Noticeable Difference (JND) and its implications 07
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on price and quality.
(b) Define ?Consumer Behavior?. Explain the three stages of a consumer
decision making model with the help of a diagram.

Q.3 (a) What is ?Product Positioning?? Explain the major positioning strategies used
by marketers with an example of each from the Indian consumer market.
(b) What is the theory of ?Classical Conditioning?? Explain using an example.
How do some marketers make use of the concept of stimulus generalization?
Q.3 (a) Explain Traditional Family Life Cycle (FLC) stages and its marketing
(b) Write down short note on: Tri-Component Attitude Model 07

Q.4 (a) What is the function of ?Culture?? What are the core cultural values held by
members of the Indian culture? Discuss its significance in consumer
(b) Write down short note on: Freudian theory of personality 07
Q.4 (a) Explain with suitable examples the various product characteristics that
influence diffusion of innovation.
(b) Explain different types of consumer decision making rules. In which case
?Affect Referral Rule? is supposed to be applied?

Q.5 Discuss the given case study with answers of following questions. 14

Apple vs. Nokia
Apple has superior innovation expertise ? they are very good at enhancing
existing technology and improving its capability and making it easy and
enjoyable to use. They are also quite good at growing markets and attracting
large numbers of consumers to new technology. This skill set means that
they will have ongoing success in the marketplace because they are able to
keep delivering exciting and interesting new products and generating large
scale demand.
Compare this position to Nokia ? that not that long ago was a leading mobile
phone provider. They had the resource advantage of a larger market share, a
larger selection of mobile phone products, and a strong established brand in
the mobile phone market.
But along comes Apple who leverages this skill set for innovation into the
mobile phone market ? the results have been spectacular, with Apple
becoming a dominant player in the market and extremely profitable.

(a) Contrast the position between Apple and Nokia ? to what extent has
this dramatic shift in competitive position been driven by underlying
core competencies, or are there other factors in play?
(b) How possible is it for Nokia to duplicate Apple?s core competencies
and become more competitive in the smart phone market? - FirstRanker's Choice
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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2830101 Date: 03-12-2019

Subject Name: Consumer Behaviour

Time: 10:30 AM TO 1.30 PM Total Marks: 70


1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Answer the following multiple choice questions: 06
1. The goods which satisfy human wants directly are called as ___________.
A. Consumer?s goods B. Producers? goods
C. Public goods D. Intermediate goods
2. Which of the following would be the best illustration of a subculture?
A. A group of close friends B. Your university
C. A religion D. A fraternity or sorority
Purchasing family when Gary was a high school student, he enjoyed rock music
and regularly purchased hip clothing sported by his favorite rock band. However,
five years later, when Gary became an accountant, his preference shifted toward
formal clothing. Which of the following personal characteristics is likely to have
had the most influence on Gary's preferences during his high school days?

A. Education B. Age
C. Income D. Gender
At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs are ________ needs.

A. Esteem B. Social
C. Safety D. Self-actualization
5. Understanding of consumer needs and then develops a marketing mix to satisfy
these needs.

A. The Marketing concept B. The Strategic plan
C. The Product influences D. The Price influences
6. __________ is the single factor that best indicates social class.
A. Time B. Money
C. Occupation D. Fashion

Q.1 (b) Define following terms briefly:
1. ELM
2. Defense mechanism
3. Dogmatism
4. Weber?s law
Q.1 (c) Do you really believe that, ?Subliminal Advertisement? works in real world?
Comment & Justify.


Q.2 (a) What do you mean by ?Projective Techniques?? What are the advantages
and disadvantages of it?
(b) Explain the concept of Just Noticeable Difference (JND) and its implications 07
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on price and quality.
(b) Define ?Consumer Behavior?. Explain the three stages of a consumer
decision making model with the help of a diagram.

Q.3 (a) What is ?Product Positioning?? Explain the major positioning strategies used
by marketers with an example of each from the Indian consumer market.
(b) What is the theory of ?Classical Conditioning?? Explain using an example.
How do some marketers make use of the concept of stimulus generalization?
Q.3 (a) Explain Traditional Family Life Cycle (FLC) stages and its marketing
(b) Write down short note on: Tri-Component Attitude Model 07

Q.4 (a) What is the function of ?Culture?? What are the core cultural values held by
members of the Indian culture? Discuss its significance in consumer
(b) Write down short note on: Freudian theory of personality 07
Q.4 (a) Explain with suitable examples the various product characteristics that
influence diffusion of innovation.
(b) Explain different types of consumer decision making rules. In which case
?Affect Referral Rule? is supposed to be applied?

Q.5 Discuss the given case study with answers of following questions. 14

Apple vs. Nokia
Apple has superior innovation expertise ? they are very good at enhancing
existing technology and improving its capability and making it easy and
enjoyable to use. They are also quite good at growing markets and attracting
large numbers of consumers to new technology. This skill set means that
they will have ongoing success in the marketplace because they are able to
keep delivering exciting and interesting new products and generating large
scale demand.
Compare this position to Nokia ? that not that long ago was a leading mobile
phone provider. They had the resource advantage of a larger market share, a
larger selection of mobile phone products, and a strong established brand in
the mobile phone market.
But along comes Apple who leverages this skill set for innovation into the
mobile phone market ? the results have been spectacular, with Apple
becoming a dominant player in the market and extremely profitable.

(a) Contrast the position between Apple and Nokia ? to what extent has
this dramatic shift in competitive position been driven by underlying
core competencies, or are there other factors in play?
(b) How possible is it for Nokia to duplicate Apple?s core competencies
and become more competitive in the smart phone market?

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Q.5 Discuss the given case study with answers of following questions. 14

The Ethics of McDonald?s Sponsorships
McDonald?s is a well-known fast food chain throughout the world. In recent
years, it has worked hard to broaden its menu offering and try to broaden its
food appeal. It has introduced some healthier options and has also added
higher quality food and coffee as well.
In addition to having thousands of locations throughout the world,
McDonald?s also has very strong brand equity and is generally considered
one of the top 10 most valuable brands in the world. This has been achieved
over many years through a combination of store locations, media attention,
advertising and other forms of promotion, including sponsorships.
McDonald?s is a significant user of sponsorship as a key form of promotion.
Because of McDonald?s long history in fast food offerings, there is a
proportion of consumers that have a strong negative attitude towards
McDonald?s ? because they perceive McDonald?s as primarily selling ?junk?
food. And McDonald?s uses sponsorships in order to counteract this and
create positive view of the company by doing good things in the community
and for local groups.
For example, for many years, McDonald?s have been involved in Ronald
McDonald house and various other related health sponsorships. In many
countries, they also are sponsors of sport and children?s activities. However,
critics argue that McDonald?s should not be associated with anything
regarding health or sport.

(a) What is your current perception of McDonald?s in terms of their food
offerings? Do you think that they have worked hard enough to broaden
and diversified their product offering or are they still primarily a fast
food chain?
(b) Marlboro (cigarettes) is still one of the strongest brands in the world,
despite not being able to advertise in many countries for decades.
They are still allowed sponsorship of Formula One racing ? do you
think that is a suitable arrangement? And do you think it is
conceptually different to the McDonald?s and health and sport

************* - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 19 February 2020