Download GTU MBA 2019 Summer 2nd Sem 2820002 Management Information System Mis Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2019 Summer 2nd Sem 2820002 Management Information System Mis Previous Question Paper

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Seat No.: ___________________ Enrolment No.__________________

Subject Code: 2820002 Date: 17/05/2019
Subject Name: Management Information System (MIS)
Time: 10:30 AM To 01:30 PM Total Marks: 70

1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 A Choose the Best Possible Answer from the 4 options (Multiple Choice
1 Which one of the following is not a business driver for an information

A. Business Process Re-design B. Knowledge Asset Management
C. Security and Privacy D. Proliferation of Networks and
the Internet

2 The most important reason for failure of MIS is
A. use of improper tools for
B. Non involvement of end user
C. improper specifications D. None of the above
3 __________ is a computer based system that stores and manipulates
data that are viewed from a geographical point or reference

A. Geographical Information
B. Database System
C. Geographic System D. Software System
4 An information system that supports the planning and assessment needs
of executive management is

C. TPS D.None of the above
5 A hotel reservation system would be classified as a(n):
A. transaction level B. Management level
C. operational level D. Strategic level
6 _________ systems keep a track on the daily regular business
transactions of the organization

A. Management-level B. operational level
C. Strategic-level D. executive information - FirstRanker's Choice

Seat No.: ___________________ Enrolment No.__________________

Subject Code: 2820002 Date: 17/05/2019
Subject Name: Management Information System (MIS)
Time: 10:30 AM To 01:30 PM Total Marks: 70

1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 A Choose the Best Possible Answer from the 4 options (Multiple Choice
1 Which one of the following is not a business driver for an information

A. Business Process Re-design B. Knowledge Asset Management
C. Security and Privacy D. Proliferation of Networks and
the Internet

2 The most important reason for failure of MIS is
A. use of improper tools for
B. Non involvement of end user
C. improper specifications D. None of the above
3 __________ is a computer based system that stores and manipulates
data that are viewed from a geographical point or reference

A. Geographical Information
B. Database System
C. Geographic System D. Software System
4 An information system that supports the planning and assessment needs
of executive management is

C. TPS D.None of the above
5 A hotel reservation system would be classified as a(n):
A. transaction level B. Management level
C. operational level D. Strategic level
6 _________ systems keep a track on the daily regular business
transactions of the organization

A. Management-level B. operational level
C. Strategic-level D. executive information
B. Short / Definition Questions 04
1 Complementary assets 2. Digital firm
3 Firewall 4. Phishing
C. Should companies be responsible for unemployment caused by their
Information System? Why or Why Not?
Q.2 (a) Identify and discuss the major types of information systems that serve
the main management groups within a business. What are the
relationships among these systems?
(b) Identify and describe the current trends in contemporary software
(b) Define Networking. Discuss different forms of Networking with its
characteristics. Also Elaborate how each one of them will provide
value to business.
Q.3 (a) What are the principal components of telecommunications networks
and key networking technologies?
(b) Supply chain management is less about managing the physical
movement of goods and more about managing information. Discuss the
implications of this statement.
Q.3 (a) How would you use capabilities like Data warehousing and Data
Mining to
improve business performance and decision making? Explain.
(b) "Knowledge increases exponentially," is a phrase with which we are all
familiar. How does this concept apply to electronic business and the
emergence of the digital firm? Support your contentions.
Q.4 (a) Explain in detail Computer crime and Hacking as the biggest issue to
the information system.
(b) ERP has its base in the manufacturing and evolved from there to serve
practically every type of industry. Comment with suitable illustration.
(a) Why are radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensor
networks valuable for business?
to solve problems.
(b) Security isn?t simply a technology issue, it?s a business issue. Discuss. 07
Q.5 Case Study: 14
Implications of MIS: For EACH of the following situations, briefly describe and justify the most suitable
Management Information System sub-type that could be implemented: - FirstRanker's Choice

Seat No.: ___________________ Enrolment No.__________________

Subject Code: 2820002 Date: 17/05/2019
Subject Name: Management Information System (MIS)
Time: 10:30 AM To 01:30 PM Total Marks: 70

1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 A Choose the Best Possible Answer from the 4 options (Multiple Choice
1 Which one of the following is not a business driver for an information

A. Business Process Re-design B. Knowledge Asset Management
C. Security and Privacy D. Proliferation of Networks and
the Internet

2 The most important reason for failure of MIS is
A. use of improper tools for
B. Non involvement of end user
C. improper specifications D. None of the above
3 __________ is a computer based system that stores and manipulates
data that are viewed from a geographical point or reference

A. Geographical Information
B. Database System
C. Geographic System D. Software System
4 An information system that supports the planning and assessment needs
of executive management is

C. TPS D.None of the above
5 A hotel reservation system would be classified as a(n):
A. transaction level B. Management level
C. operational level D. Strategic level
6 _________ systems keep a track on the daily regular business
transactions of the organization

A. Management-level B. operational level
C. Strategic-level D. executive information
B. Short / Definition Questions 04
1 Complementary assets 2. Digital firm
3 Firewall 4. Phishing
C. Should companies be responsible for unemployment caused by their
Information System? Why or Why Not?
Q.2 (a) Identify and discuss the major types of information systems that serve
the main management groups within a business. What are the
relationships among these systems?
(b) Identify and describe the current trends in contemporary software
(b) Define Networking. Discuss different forms of Networking with its
characteristics. Also Elaborate how each one of them will provide
value to business.
Q.3 (a) What are the principal components of telecommunications networks
and key networking technologies?
(b) Supply chain management is less about managing the physical
movement of goods and more about managing information. Discuss the
implications of this statement.
Q.3 (a) How would you use capabilities like Data warehousing and Data
Mining to
improve business performance and decision making? Explain.
(b) "Knowledge increases exponentially," is a phrase with which we are all
familiar. How does this concept apply to electronic business and the
emergence of the digital firm? Support your contentions.
Q.4 (a) Explain in detail Computer crime and Hacking as the biggest issue to
the information system.
(b) ERP has its base in the manufacturing and evolved from there to serve
practically every type of industry. Comment with suitable illustration.
(a) Why are radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensor
networks valuable for business?
to solve problems.
(b) Security isn?t simply a technology issue, it?s a business issue. Discuss. 07
Q.5 Case Study: 14
Implications of MIS: For EACH of the following situations, briefly describe and justify the most suitable
Management Information System sub-type that could be implemented:
A food producing company wants to make different decisions regarding the production process whenever
these are required. Specifically, they want to be able to effectively answer questions such as ?If one of the
production process machines breaks down, what is the effect on the company?s ability to satisfy customer
demand for our products? and ?If we add an additional shift to our daily work schedule on one of our
production process machines, what impact would this have on our throughput per day?.
A food producing company wants to make different decisions regarding the production process whenever
these are required. Specifically, they want to be able to effectively answer questions such as ?If one of the
production process machines breaks down, what is the effect on the company?s ability to satisfy customer
demand for our products? and ?If we add an additional shift to our daily work schedule on one of our
production process machines, what impact would this have on our throughput per day?. Commission and
wait for the human expert to attend each time.
The management of a university wants to report percentage attendances in classes for students on a weekly
basis, as well as analyzing some of the student data on an ad-hoc basis according to current information
Q. 5 Saab Cars USA imports more than 37,000 Saab sedans, convertibles, and wagons annually and
distributes the cars to 220 U.S. delegates. Saab competes in the premium automotives market, and its primary
rivals attract customers through aggressive marketing campaigns, reduced prices, and in expensive financing.
Saab decided that the answer to beating its competition was not to spend capital on additional advertising,
but to invest in Siebel Automotives, a customer relationship management system.
Until recently, the company communicated with its customers through three primary channels (1) dealer
network, (2) customer assistance centre, (3) leadSaab required a solution that would provide a consolidated
customer view from all three touchpoints. In 2002, Saab implemented Siebel CRM solution, which provided
Saab?s call centre employees with a 360-degree view of each customer, including prior service-related
questions and all the marketing communications they have received. Known internally as ?TouchPoint?, the
Siebel application provides Saab?s dealers with a powerful Web-basedsolution for coordinating sales and
marketing activities. These tracking capabilities enable Saab to measure the sales results of specific leads,
recommend more efficient selling techniques, and target its leads more precisely in the future. Using Siebel
Automotive, Saab receive the following benefits:
? Direct marketing costs decreased by 5 percent
? Lead follow-up increased from 38 percent to 50 percent
? Customer satisfaction increased from 69 percent to 75 percent
? Saab gained a single view of its customers across multiple channels
Question-1: Explain how implementing a CRM system enabled Saab to gain a competitive advantage.
Question-2 Estimate the potential impact to Saab?s business if it had not implemented a CRM system.
Question-3What additional benefits could Saab receive from implementing a supply chain management
************* - FirstRanker's Choice

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