Download GTU MBA 2018 Winter 1st Sem 2810004 Organizational Behaviour Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2018 Winter 1st Sem 2810004 Organizational Behaviour Previous Question Paper


Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2810004 Date: 28/12/2018
Subject Name: Organizational Behaviour
Time: 10:30am to 1:30pm Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Objective Questions 06
Which of the following is true about personality
A. Personality is
always stable
B. Personality depends on situation
C. Personality depends
on clothing
D. Personality comprises of traits, some of
which are stable and some may change

Which of the following fields do not contribute to the field of organizational

A. Anthropology B. Sociology
C. Economics D psychology
_________________ is the key to power
A. Dependency B. Position in the company
C. Personality D. leadership
Sunita?s boss thinks that because she is a woman, she will not accept foreign
assignment. Which kind of shortcut is used here in judging Sunita?

A. Stereotyping B. Contrast effect
C. Selective perception D. None of the above
What does Rockeach?s model studies?
A. Instrumental and
terminal values
B. motivation
C. Teams and groups D. personality
Which of the following is not an ego state as per transaction analysis
A. Parent B. Child
C. Adult D. Teacher
Q.1 (b) Define the Following
1. Machiavellianism
2. Organizational Behaviour
3. Instrumental Values
4. Person-job fit
Q.1 (c) Explain the difference between group and team. 04

Q.2 (a) Compare and contrast the need theories of motivation. 07
(b) Modern organizations give more and more emphasis to teams; but teams
are not the answer to all your problems. Justify the statements and
explain various types of teams.

(b) ?Perception of a person depends on various factors.? Explain the
07 - FirstRanker's Choice

Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2810004 Date: 28/12/2018
Subject Name: Organizational Behaviour
Time: 10:30am to 1:30pm Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Objective Questions 06
Which of the following is true about personality
A. Personality is
always stable
B. Personality depends on situation
C. Personality depends
on clothing
D. Personality comprises of traits, some of
which are stable and some may change

Which of the following fields do not contribute to the field of organizational

A. Anthropology B. Sociology
C. Economics D psychology
_________________ is the key to power
A. Dependency B. Position in the company
C. Personality D. leadership
Sunita?s boss thinks that because she is a woman, she will not accept foreign
assignment. Which kind of shortcut is used here in judging Sunita?

A. Stereotyping B. Contrast effect
C. Selective perception D. None of the above
What does Rockeach?s model studies?
A. Instrumental and
terminal values
B. motivation
C. Teams and groups D. personality
Which of the following is not an ego state as per transaction analysis
A. Parent B. Child
C. Adult D. Teacher
Q.1 (b) Define the Following
1. Machiavellianism
2. Organizational Behaviour
3. Instrumental Values
4. Person-job fit
Q.1 (c) Explain the difference between group and team. 04

Q.2 (a) Compare and contrast the need theories of motivation. 07
(b) Modern organizations give more and more emphasis to teams; but teams
are not the answer to all your problems. Justify the statements and
explain various types of teams.

(b) ?Perception of a person depends on various factors.? Explain the

Q.3 (a) What are the stages of a group development process? 07
(b) Explain similarities and dissimilarities between charismatic leadership
and transformational leadership
Q.3 (a) What is transaction analysis? Write a detailed note on Johari Window. 07
(b) Orange pvt. Ltd. is a 50 year old firm. Since last few years, the sales of
the firm are continuously dropping and employee turnover has also
increased. The owners think that a good leader can bring the company
out of these crisis. With the help of managerial grid, explain which type
of leader will be best suited for the position and why?

Q.4 (a) How do new employees learn about the culture of the organization? 07
(b) You have been appointed as the manager of a design department at an
automobile company. You have observed that most of the employees
in your department are having high stress levels. What steps would you
take to reduce their stress? What would you suggest the employees, do
on their own to reduce their stress?
Q.4 (a) Identify and explain the five stages of conflict process. 07
(b) As a manager if you have to apply the Kurt Lewin?s change model to
change the produ ction process of your organization, how can you do it?

Q.5 Metropolitan Hospital was built two years ago and currently has a workforce
of 235 people. The hospital is small, but because it is new, it is extremely
efficient. The board has voted to increase its capacity from 60 to 190 beds. By
this time next year, the hospital will be over three times as large as it is now in
terms of both beds and personnel. The administrator, Clara Hawkins, feels that
the major problem with this proposed increase is that the hospital will lose its
efficiency. ?I want to hire people who are just like our current team of
personnel?hardworking, dedicated, talented, and able to interact well with
patients. If we triple the number of employees, I don?t see how it will be
possible to maintain our quality patient care. We are going to lose our family
atmosphere. We will be inundated with mediocrity, and we?ll end up being
like every other institution in the local area?large and uncaring!? The
chairman of the board is also concerned about the effect of hiring such a large
number of employees. However, he believes that Clara is overreacting. ?It
can?t be that hard to find people who are like our current staff. There must be
a lot of people out there who are just as good. What you need to do is develop
a plan of action that will allow you to carefully screen those who will fit into
your current organizational culture and those who will not. It?s not going to be
as difficult as you believe. Trust me. Everything will work out just fine.? As a
result of the chairman?s comments, Clara has decided that the most effective
way of dealing with the situation is to develop a plan of action. She intends to
meet with her administrative group and determine the best way of screening
incoming candidates and then helping those who are hired to become
socialized in terms of the hospital?s culture. Clara has called a meeting for the
day after tomorrow. At that time she intends to discuss her ideas, get
suggestions from her people, and then formulate a plan of action. ?We?ve
come too far to lose it all now,? she told her administrative staff assistant. ?If
we keep our wits about us, I think we can continue to keep Metropolitan as the
showcase hospital in this region.?
1. What steps should be taken by the hospital to maintain its current
culture with the increasing workforce?
2. Do you think a strong orientation program and socialization process
can be useful? How?
14 - FirstRanker's Choice

Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2810004 Date: 28/12/2018
Subject Name: Organizational Behaviour
Time: 10:30am to 1:30pm Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Objective Questions 06
Which of the following is true about personality
A. Personality is
always stable
B. Personality depends on situation
C. Personality depends
on clothing
D. Personality comprises of traits, some of
which are stable and some may change

Which of the following fields do not contribute to the field of organizational

A. Anthropology B. Sociology
C. Economics D psychology
_________________ is the key to power
A. Dependency B. Position in the company
C. Personality D. leadership
Sunita?s boss thinks that because she is a woman, she will not accept foreign
assignment. Which kind of shortcut is used here in judging Sunita?

A. Stereotyping B. Contrast effect
C. Selective perception D. None of the above
What does Rockeach?s model studies?
A. Instrumental and
terminal values
B. motivation
C. Teams and groups D. personality
Which of the following is not an ego state as per transaction analysis
A. Parent B. Child
C. Adult D. Teacher
Q.1 (b) Define the Following
1. Machiavellianism
2. Organizational Behaviour
3. Instrumental Values
4. Person-job fit
Q.1 (c) Explain the difference between group and team. 04

Q.2 (a) Compare and contrast the need theories of motivation. 07
(b) Modern organizations give more and more emphasis to teams; but teams
are not the answer to all your problems. Justify the statements and
explain various types of teams.

(b) ?Perception of a person depends on various factors.? Explain the

Q.3 (a) What are the stages of a group development process? 07
(b) Explain similarities and dissimilarities between charismatic leadership
and transformational leadership
Q.3 (a) What is transaction analysis? Write a detailed note on Johari Window. 07
(b) Orange pvt. Ltd. is a 50 year old firm. Since last few years, the sales of
the firm are continuously dropping and employee turnover has also
increased. The owners think that a good leader can bring the company
out of these crisis. With the help of managerial grid, explain which type
of leader will be best suited for the position and why?

Q.4 (a) How do new employees learn about the culture of the organization? 07
(b) You have been appointed as the manager of a design department at an
automobile company. You have observed that most of the employees
in your department are having high stress levels. What steps would you
take to reduce their stress? What would you suggest the employees, do
on their own to reduce their stress?
Q.4 (a) Identify and explain the five stages of conflict process. 07
(b) As a manager if you have to apply the Kurt Lewin?s change model to
change the produ ction process of your organization, how can you do it?

Q.5 Metropolitan Hospital was built two years ago and currently has a workforce
of 235 people. The hospital is small, but because it is new, it is extremely
efficient. The board has voted to increase its capacity from 60 to 190 beds. By
this time next year, the hospital will be over three times as large as it is now in
terms of both beds and personnel. The administrator, Clara Hawkins, feels that
the major problem with this proposed increase is that the hospital will lose its
efficiency. ?I want to hire people who are just like our current team of
personnel?hardworking, dedicated, talented, and able to interact well with
patients. If we triple the number of employees, I don?t see how it will be
possible to maintain our quality patient care. We are going to lose our family
atmosphere. We will be inundated with mediocrity, and we?ll end up being
like every other institution in the local area?large and uncaring!? The
chairman of the board is also concerned about the effect of hiring such a large
number of employees. However, he believes that Clara is overreacting. ?It
can?t be that hard to find people who are like our current staff. There must be
a lot of people out there who are just as good. What you need to do is develop
a plan of action that will allow you to carefully screen those who will fit into
your current organizational culture and those who will not. It?s not going to be
as difficult as you believe. Trust me. Everything will work out just fine.? As a
result of the chairman?s comments, Clara has decided that the most effective
way of dealing with the situation is to develop a plan of action. She intends to
meet with her administrative group and determine the best way of screening
incoming candidates and then helping those who are hired to become
socialized in terms of the hospital?s culture. Clara has called a meeting for the
day after tomorrow. At that time she intends to discuss her ideas, get
suggestions from her people, and then formulate a plan of action. ?We?ve
come too far to lose it all now,? she told her administrative staff assistant. ?If
we keep our wits about us, I think we can continue to keep Metropolitan as the
showcase hospital in this region.?
1. What steps should be taken by the hospital to maintain its current
culture with the increasing workforce?
2. Do you think a strong orientation program and socialization process
can be useful? How?

Q.5 Kelly Sellers is really fed up with his department?s performance. He
knows that his people have a very boring job, and the way the
technological process is set up leaves little latitude for what he has
learned about vertically loading the job through job enrichment. Yet he
is convinced that there must be some way to make it more interesting to
do a dull job. ?At least I want to find out for my people and improve
their performance,? he thinks. The employees in Kelly?s department are
involved in the assembly of small hair dryer motors. There are 25 to 30
steps in the assembly process, depending on the motor that is being
assembled. The process is very simple, and currently each worker
completes only one or two steps of the operation. Each employee has his
or her own assigned workstation and stays at that particular place for the
entire day. Kelly has decided to try a couple of things to improve
performance. First, he has decided to organize the department into work
teams. The members of each team would be able to move the
workstations around as they desired. He has decided to allow each team
to divide the tasks up as they see fit.
Next, Kelly has decided to post each team?s performance on a daily basis
and to reward the team with the highest performance by giving them a
?rubber chicken? award that they can display at their workbenches. The
production manager, after checking with engineering, has reluctantly
agreed to Kelly?s proposal on a trial basis.

1. Do you think Kelly?s approach to job redesign will work? Justify
your answer with appropriate arguments.
2. If you were in Kelly?s place, what would you have done
differently to motivate your employees?

************* - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 19 February 2020