Download GTU MBA 2016 Winter 3rd Sem 2830103 Sales And Distribution Management Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2016 Winter 3rd Sem 2830103 Sales And Distribution Management Previous Question Paper

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2830103 Date: 05/01/2017
Subject Name: Sales and Distribution Management
Time: 02.30 PM TO 05.30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) From the four alternative answers given against each of the
following cases, indicate the correct answer: (Just state A,B,C or D)
1,What is the full form of CIS?
A.Channel information system
B.Channel induced system
C.Channel information system
D.Channel incorporated system

2, When the manufacturer establishes two or more channels
catering to the same market, then ? occurs.
A, Vertical channel conflict
B, Horizontal channel conflict
C, Multi channel conflict
D, None of the above

3, From the economic system?s point of view, the role of marketing
intermediaries is to
A, raw products into finished products.
B, consumer needs into producer needs.
C, consumer needs and wants into product desires.
D, assortments of products made by producers into the assortments
wanted by

4, A large marketing intermediary, but not as large as a sole selling
agent in terms of size, resources and territory of operation is known
A. Wholesaler
B. Sole selling agent
C. Direct marketing channel
D. Semi-wholesalers

5, Which of the following is an advantage of using a commission
06 - FirstRanker's Choice
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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2830103 Date: 05/01/2017
Subject Name: Sales and Distribution Management
Time: 02.30 PM TO 05.30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) From the four alternative answers given against each of the
following cases, indicate the correct answer: (Just state A,B,C or D)
1,What is the full form of CIS?
A.Channel information system
B.Channel induced system
C.Channel information system
D.Channel incorporated system

2, When the manufacturer establishes two or more channels
catering to the same market, then ? occurs.
A, Vertical channel conflict
B, Horizontal channel conflict
C, Multi channel conflict
D, None of the above

3, From the economic system?s point of view, the role of marketing
intermediaries is to
A, raw products into finished products.
B, consumer needs into producer needs.
C, consumer needs and wants into product desires.
D, assortments of products made by producers into the assortments
wanted by

4, A large marketing intermediary, but not as large as a sole selling
agent in terms of size, resources and territory of operation is known
A. Wholesaler
B. Sole selling agent
C. Direct marketing channel
D. Semi-wholesalers

5, Which of the following is an advantage of using a commission
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form of sales compensation?
A, The salesperson will be highly motivated.
B, Marketing information will be regularly collected by the
C, The account will be serviced on a regular basis.
D, All of the above

6, ________________ is a marketing channel that has no
intermediary levels.
A. Direct marketing channel
B. Indirect marketing channel
C. Forward channel
D. Hybrid channel



Define Following Terms:
1, Vertical Marketing System
2, Distribution Structure
3, Semi Wholesalers
4, Routing and Scheduling

Explain types of retailers.

Need satisfaction method of sales presentation is effective with
the use of FAB approach. Identify a feature, an advantage, and
benefit for the following products and services:
A-Passenger Car


(b) Suggest sales strategy for a hotel operating in the your city. Make
suitable assumptions, if needed
(b) What is sales forecast? Explain different methods of forecasting in

Q.3 (a) What is a sales territory? What are the major differences between
build-up and break-down methods, which are used for designing
sales territories?
(b) Why are distribution channels required? Explain in detail the
different kinds of channel partners.
Q.3 (a) Assume you are a branch manager of a company, which has
recently introduced a sales quotas system. Company found out that
because of poor implementation of these sales quotas, sales people
easily achieve their targets. What kind of different methods are
there for setting sales quotas that helps to your organization?
(b) List down the channel flows with a brief explanation of each of 07 - FirstRanker's Choice
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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2830103 Date: 05/01/2017
Subject Name: Sales and Distribution Management
Time: 02.30 PM TO 05.30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) From the four alternative answers given against each of the
following cases, indicate the correct answer: (Just state A,B,C or D)
1,What is the full form of CIS?
A.Channel information system
B.Channel induced system
C.Channel information system
D.Channel incorporated system

2, When the manufacturer establishes two or more channels
catering to the same market, then ? occurs.
A, Vertical channel conflict
B, Horizontal channel conflict
C, Multi channel conflict
D, None of the above

3, From the economic system?s point of view, the role of marketing
intermediaries is to
A, raw products into finished products.
B, consumer needs into producer needs.
C, consumer needs and wants into product desires.
D, assortments of products made by producers into the assortments
wanted by

4, A large marketing intermediary, but not as large as a sole selling
agent in terms of size, resources and territory of operation is known
A. Wholesaler
B. Sole selling agent
C. Direct marketing channel
D. Semi-wholesalers

5, Which of the following is an advantage of using a commission
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form of sales compensation?
A, The salesperson will be highly motivated.
B, Marketing information will be regularly collected by the
C, The account will be serviced on a regular basis.
D, All of the above

6, ________________ is a marketing channel that has no
intermediary levels.
A. Direct marketing channel
B. Indirect marketing channel
C. Forward channel
D. Hybrid channel



Define Following Terms:
1, Vertical Marketing System
2, Distribution Structure
3, Semi Wholesalers
4, Routing and Scheduling

Explain types of retailers.

Need satisfaction method of sales presentation is effective with
the use of FAB approach. Identify a feature, an advantage, and
benefit for the following products and services:
A-Passenger Car


(b) Suggest sales strategy for a hotel operating in the your city. Make
suitable assumptions, if needed
(b) What is sales forecast? Explain different methods of forecasting in

Q.3 (a) What is a sales territory? What are the major differences between
build-up and break-down methods, which are used for designing
sales territories?
(b) Why are distribution channels required? Explain in detail the
different kinds of channel partners.
Q.3 (a) Assume you are a branch manager of a company, which has
recently introduced a sales quotas system. Company found out that
because of poor implementation of these sales quotas, sales people
easily achieve their targets. What kind of different methods are
there for setting sales quotas that helps to your organization?
(b) List down the channel flows with a brief explanation of each of 07
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them. What are the channel formats possible and their

Q.4 (a) What are the functions of wholesaler? What is the expectation of
company from its distributors and how do the distributors discharge
these responsibilities?
(b) Explain the channel flows required for a company selling electric
motors and pumps and identify the channel intermediaries who can
best perform these flows.
Q.4 (a) What are channel conflicts? What are the four stages in which it
evolves? Enumerate the various methods used to resolve conflicts?
(b) What are the major functions of warehouse? How is warehousing
related to inventory decisions?

Q.5 MM Marketing Company ?
Territory and Quotas for a NEW Product.

Krishna Kumar, the marketing manager of MM marketing company
was thinking how to go About designing sales territories, assigning
salespeople to the territories and setting sales quotas, particularly as
the product was new. The new product, called swishflow fan was a
unique kind of a table fan with attractive air-conditioner like looks.
Considering the initial production capacity of 1,00,000 numbers in
the first year, Krishna Kumar decided to market the product in and
around Mumbai, where the marketing and sales office was located.
The target consumers were household as well as commercial
organizations, who could use this product as table fan and wall
mounted fan.
Krishna Kumar thought that the territory design should include
geographical areas with high market potential for achieving the
sales budget of 1,00,000 numbers in the first year and a growth of
25 per cent per year for subsequent four years. He calculated a
salesforce size of seven numbers, and decided to launch the product
initially in major metros and cities in Maharashtra and Gujarat.
Krishna kumar was of the view that sales quotas should consider
sales volume, selling expense, and also number of sales calls per
day, in order to have a proper control on salespeople. He wondered
how to design sales territories, what criteria he should consider
while assigning salespersons to territories, and how to design the
sales quotas considering the factors mentioned above.

14 - FirstRanker's Choice
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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 2830103 Date: 05/01/2017
Subject Name: Sales and Distribution Management
Time: 02.30 PM TO 05.30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) From the four alternative answers given against each of the
following cases, indicate the correct answer: (Just state A,B,C or D)
1,What is the full form of CIS?
A.Channel information system
B.Channel induced system
C.Channel information system
D.Channel incorporated system

2, When the manufacturer establishes two or more channels
catering to the same market, then ? occurs.
A, Vertical channel conflict
B, Horizontal channel conflict
C, Multi channel conflict
D, None of the above

3, From the economic system?s point of view, the role of marketing
intermediaries is to
A, raw products into finished products.
B, consumer needs into producer needs.
C, consumer needs and wants into product desires.
D, assortments of products made by producers into the assortments
wanted by

4, A large marketing intermediary, but not as large as a sole selling
agent in terms of size, resources and territory of operation is known
A. Wholesaler
B. Sole selling agent
C. Direct marketing channel
D. Semi-wholesalers

5, Which of the following is an advantage of using a commission
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form of sales compensation?
A, The salesperson will be highly motivated.
B, Marketing information will be regularly collected by the
C, The account will be serviced on a regular basis.
D, All of the above

6, ________________ is a marketing channel that has no
intermediary levels.
A. Direct marketing channel
B. Indirect marketing channel
C. Forward channel
D. Hybrid channel



Define Following Terms:
1, Vertical Marketing System
2, Distribution Structure
3, Semi Wholesalers
4, Routing and Scheduling

Explain types of retailers.

Need satisfaction method of sales presentation is effective with
the use of FAB approach. Identify a feature, an advantage, and
benefit for the following products and services:
A-Passenger Car


(b) Suggest sales strategy for a hotel operating in the your city. Make
suitable assumptions, if needed
(b) What is sales forecast? Explain different methods of forecasting in

Q.3 (a) What is a sales territory? What are the major differences between
build-up and break-down methods, which are used for designing
sales territories?
(b) Why are distribution channels required? Explain in detail the
different kinds of channel partners.
Q.3 (a) Assume you are a branch manager of a company, which has
recently introduced a sales quotas system. Company found out that
because of poor implementation of these sales quotas, sales people
easily achieve their targets. What kind of different methods are
there for setting sales quotas that helps to your organization?
(b) List down the channel flows with a brief explanation of each of 07
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them. What are the channel formats possible and their

Q.4 (a) What are the functions of wholesaler? What is the expectation of
company from its distributors and how do the distributors discharge
these responsibilities?
(b) Explain the channel flows required for a company selling electric
motors and pumps and identify the channel intermediaries who can
best perform these flows.
Q.4 (a) What are channel conflicts? What are the four stages in which it
evolves? Enumerate the various methods used to resolve conflicts?
(b) What are the major functions of warehouse? How is warehousing
related to inventory decisions?

Q.5 MM Marketing Company ?
Territory and Quotas for a NEW Product.

Krishna Kumar, the marketing manager of MM marketing company
was thinking how to go About designing sales territories, assigning
salespeople to the territories and setting sales quotas, particularly as
the product was new. The new product, called swishflow fan was a
unique kind of a table fan with attractive air-conditioner like looks.
Considering the initial production capacity of 1,00,000 numbers in
the first year, Krishna Kumar decided to market the product in and
around Mumbai, where the marketing and sales office was located.
The target consumers were household as well as commercial
organizations, who could use this product as table fan and wall
mounted fan.
Krishna Kumar thought that the territory design should include
geographical areas with high market potential for achieving the
sales budget of 1,00,000 numbers in the first year and a growth of
25 per cent per year for subsequent four years. He calculated a
salesforce size of seven numbers, and decided to launch the product
initially in major metros and cities in Maharashtra and Gujarat.
Krishna kumar was of the view that sales quotas should consider
sales volume, selling expense, and also number of sales calls per
day, in order to have a proper control on salespeople. He wondered
how to design sales territories, what criteria he should consider
while assigning salespersons to territories, and how to design the
sales quotas considering the factors mentioned above.

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1, Define Sales territory, what is territories design?
2, If you were Krishna Kumar, what will you do and why?

Q.5 AG Refrigerators Ltd-Developing Sales Forecast.
?The company?s sales forecast for the year 2006-07 will be 880000
numbers of refrigerators.? Said Satish Kumar, General Manager
(Sales) of AG Refrigerators, in the budget meeting held on January
20,2006 at the company?s headquarter at Bangalore.
?For determining the company?s sales budget, we also need the
information about market segments, such as the share of household
and institutional customers as well as that of rural and urban
markets. Production function would like to know product type share
between frost-free and direct-cool, as well as different sizes from 55
litres to 310 litres. These figures are absolutely essential for
working our marketing and production plans, and thereafter, overall
company?s budget for the year 2006-07,? intervened Vinod Dhavan,
President of AG Refrigerators, before Vice president (Sales and
Marketing) could say something.
Satis Kumar responded, ?yes, we can estimate the break-up of total
numbers of refrigerators into product types and sizes, as well as
market segments, but we have to first decide whether our sales
budget would be equal to or lower than the sales forecast.?
?I think, before we take that decision, we would like to know how
accurate is your sales forecast, and which forecasting method have
you used,? asked Vice President (Sales and Marketing).
?Well, the method used by us was moving averages and the
accuracy of our sales forecasting is good for short-term forecasting
with stable market conditions and availability of historical data,?
said a confident Satis Kumar.

1, What do you suggest to improve the accuracy of the sales
forecast and to get the break-up of the sales forecast into
product types and sizes, and market segments.
2, Should the company?s sales budget be lower, higher, or equal
to the sales forecast and why?


************* - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 19 February 2020