Download GTU MBA 2016 Summer 4th Sem 2840301 Human Resource Development Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2016 Summer 4th Sem 2840301 Human Resource Development Previous Question Paper


Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.: ___________


Subject Code: 2840301 Date: 05/05/2016
Subject Name: Human Resource Development
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q. No.
Q.1 (a) It is a developmental relationship focused on supporting the employee?s ability
to achieve his/her career objective. Here, more experienced persons help less
experienced employees through discussion and guidance. What is this process
called ?
A. Coaching B. Training
C. Mentoring D. Learning
Which of the following is the first step to developing an HRD Strategy ?
A. Identify Sources of
Competitive Advantage
B. Analysis of External & Internal

C. Design HRD Interventions D Identify the Resource Persons
The process of knowledge acquisition through reading, independently or as a
part of an education programme is known as :

A. Cognitive Learning B. Adaptive Learning
C. Behavioural Learning D. Explorative Learning
Development Centres contribute, in a big way, to :
A. Recruitment and Selection B. Grievance Handling
C. Career and Succession
D. Orientation Programmes
The rate of return, expressed as a percentage, on an investment in training , is
called :

A. Training Payback B. Rate of Return
C. Return on Training D. Return on Investment
__________________ places work practice at the center of the Learning
process, it focuses on experiential and situational learning .

A. Learning-by-doing B. Learning- by- asking
C. Observational Learning D. Experimentation
Q.1 (b) Define/Explain the following terms with atleast one example :
i) Role Play Method of Training
ii) Task Analysis
iii) Counseling
iv) Assessment Centers

Q.1 (c) Discuss the difference between Training, Education and Development.
How does each one of them contribute to Human Resource Development
? Explain .
04 - FirstRanker's Choice

Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.: ___________


Subject Code: 2840301 Date: 05/05/2016
Subject Name: Human Resource Development
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q. No.
Q.1 (a) It is a developmental relationship focused on supporting the employee?s ability
to achieve his/her career objective. Here, more experienced persons help less
experienced employees through discussion and guidance. What is this process
called ?
A. Coaching B. Training
C. Mentoring D. Learning
Which of the following is the first step to developing an HRD Strategy ?
A. Identify Sources of
Competitive Advantage
B. Analysis of External & Internal

C. Design HRD Interventions D Identify the Resource Persons
The process of knowledge acquisition through reading, independently or as a
part of an education programme is known as :

A. Cognitive Learning B. Adaptive Learning
C. Behavioural Learning D. Explorative Learning
Development Centres contribute, in a big way, to :
A. Recruitment and Selection B. Grievance Handling
C. Career and Succession
D. Orientation Programmes
The rate of return, expressed as a percentage, on an investment in training , is
called :

A. Training Payback B. Rate of Return
C. Return on Training D. Return on Investment
__________________ places work practice at the center of the Learning
process, it focuses on experiential and situational learning .

A. Learning-by-doing B. Learning- by- asking
C. Observational Learning D. Experimentation
Q.1 (b) Define/Explain the following terms with atleast one example :
i) Role Play Method of Training
ii) Task Analysis
iii) Counseling
iv) Assessment Centers

Q.1 (c) Discuss the difference between Training, Education and Development.
How does each one of them contribute to Human Resource Development
? Explain .
Q.2 (a) Draw a flow-chart of Training/ Training Cycle listing all the critical stages
of effective training,
Discuss the key issues in ?Designing of Training and Development
Intervention? with a brief explanation on each issue.

(b) How would you evaluate any Training and Development intervention ?
On the four levels of evaluation suggested by the Kirkpatrick Framework,
evaluate any training programme that you have attended or any of the
class lectures you have attended in any given subject of your choice..


(b) You must have, during your course of study at the MBA progamme, been
taught concepts and behaviours using either the Role Play Method or The
Case Study method. Identify one such incident and answer the following
questions :
i) Why do you think that the said method used (Role Play or Case Study)
was more effective than using the lecture method for the desired
learning ?
ii) Could any other method also be used to achieve the same learning
object ? Why and Why not?
iii)Did all the participants contribute well to the exercise? If yes? Explain
what went right.If NO, explain what could be improved.
Q.3 (a) Detail different training methods and explain in which conditions one
should use which training method.

(b) Visualise yourself as a Training In-charge of any organization. Select one
Programme / Title of Progarmme that you are asked to offer to the
company?s employees.
Discuss the steps you will take/ the design concers ? from start to finish-
to ensure the effectiveness of the programme .

Q.3 (a) Explain the need for Management Development Programmes and Explain
the basic requisites for the success of Management development

(b) In terms of Learner characteristics, discuss the students? characteristics
which can lead to making class room teaching effective and
characteristics which can hinder class room teaching ?

Q.4 (a) What are the possible challenges to an effective design of Learning and
Development interventions ?

(b) Explain, by relating to different subjects taught in Management Schools,
how management education is helping you develop as a prospective
manager and preparing you such that you may contribute to the growth
of organization you shall join.
Also, therefore, discuss in what form should such management education
be imparted to working professionals to help the company promote
professionals to managerial positions.

07 - FirstRanker's Choice

Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.: ___________


Subject Code: 2840301 Date: 05/05/2016
Subject Name: Human Resource Development
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q. No.
Q.1 (a) It is a developmental relationship focused on supporting the employee?s ability
to achieve his/her career objective. Here, more experienced persons help less
experienced employees through discussion and guidance. What is this process
called ?
A. Coaching B. Training
C. Mentoring D. Learning
Which of the following is the first step to developing an HRD Strategy ?
A. Identify Sources of
Competitive Advantage
B. Analysis of External & Internal

C. Design HRD Interventions D Identify the Resource Persons
The process of knowledge acquisition through reading, independently or as a
part of an education programme is known as :

A. Cognitive Learning B. Adaptive Learning
C. Behavioural Learning D. Explorative Learning
Development Centres contribute, in a big way, to :
A. Recruitment and Selection B. Grievance Handling
C. Career and Succession
D. Orientation Programmes
The rate of return, expressed as a percentage, on an investment in training , is
called :

A. Training Payback B. Rate of Return
C. Return on Training D. Return on Investment
__________________ places work practice at the center of the Learning
process, it focuses on experiential and situational learning .

A. Learning-by-doing B. Learning- by- asking
C. Observational Learning D. Experimentation
Q.1 (b) Define/Explain the following terms with atleast one example :
i) Role Play Method of Training
ii) Task Analysis
iii) Counseling
iv) Assessment Centers

Q.1 (c) Discuss the difference between Training, Education and Development.
How does each one of them contribute to Human Resource Development
? Explain .
Q.2 (a) Draw a flow-chart of Training/ Training Cycle listing all the critical stages
of effective training,
Discuss the key issues in ?Designing of Training and Development
Intervention? with a brief explanation on each issue.

(b) How would you evaluate any Training and Development intervention ?
On the four levels of evaluation suggested by the Kirkpatrick Framework,
evaluate any training programme that you have attended or any of the
class lectures you have attended in any given subject of your choice..


(b) You must have, during your course of study at the MBA progamme, been
taught concepts and behaviours using either the Role Play Method or The
Case Study method. Identify one such incident and answer the following
questions :
i) Why do you think that the said method used (Role Play or Case Study)
was more effective than using the lecture method for the desired
learning ?
ii) Could any other method also be used to achieve the same learning
object ? Why and Why not?
iii)Did all the participants contribute well to the exercise? If yes? Explain
what went right.If NO, explain what could be improved.
Q.3 (a) Detail different training methods and explain in which conditions one
should use which training method.

(b) Visualise yourself as a Training In-charge of any organization. Select one
Programme / Title of Progarmme that you are asked to offer to the
company?s employees.
Discuss the steps you will take/ the design concers ? from start to finish-
to ensure the effectiveness of the programme .

Q.3 (a) Explain the need for Management Development Programmes and Explain
the basic requisites for the success of Management development

(b) In terms of Learner characteristics, discuss the students? characteristics
which can lead to making class room teaching effective and
characteristics which can hinder class room teaching ?

Q.4 (a) What are the possible challenges to an effective design of Learning and
Development interventions ?

(b) Explain, by relating to different subjects taught in Management Schools,
how management education is helping you develop as a prospective
manager and preparing you such that you may contribute to the growth
of organization you shall join.
Also, therefore, discuss in what form should such management education
be imparted to working professionals to help the company promote
professionals to managerial positions.

Q.4 (a) What is the relevance of HRD Audit? How should HRD Audit be
conducted ?

(b) HRD may be a sure possibility with large scale and multinational
organizations, The reason being that it calls for both ? management vision
and conviction for HRD and also because of investments required for the
Does this mean that HRD is not required and not a possibility with
medium scale and small scale companies? Explain your answer .

Q.5 Incident 1:
In a training workshop, the HRD Manager of a Nationalised Bank
described very proudly, the new HRD system his bank was introducing to
develop their employee competencies. After listening carefully to his
narration, one of the participants from another organization remarked :
?how is it your services are so poor inspite of your bank having HRD?
That means HRD has failed in your Bank!? Interestingly, a few months
before that, in the same Bank, when a fraud case came to light, one of the
senior officers blamed HRD (still in it?s infancy in that Bank) for not
doing enough to prevent frauds.

Incident 2:
Another executive of another company that had introduced HRD system a
few years ago, remarked to an HRD consultant, ? your HRD had very
little impact in my company. Look at my case ? I have not been promoted
so far. Only those who butter the boss continue getting promotions and
HRD does nothing about it?.

Incident 3:
Still another executive asked an HRD consultant once, : ?Tell me Sir,
those companies that are using HRD, are they doing better than those
who don?t use HRD?

Q.1 In the Incident No 1. , what was the HRD Manager?s concept of
HRD and what were instead the expectations of either employees or
customers from HRD ? What corrections would you therefore make in
the HRD deliverables so as to satisfy the expectations from HRD?
( 5 marks)

Q.2 In the Incident No. 2 , was the executive who was complaining to
the consultant , right in saying what he said? Justify your answer . If you
were the HRD Consultant, what would be your answer to the executive?
( 5 marks )

Q.3 In Incident No.3 , What would be your reply as an HRD consultant?
(4 marks )

OR - FirstRanker's Choice

Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.: ___________


Subject Code: 2840301 Date: 05/05/2016
Subject Name: Human Resource Development
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q. No.
Q.1 (a) It is a developmental relationship focused on supporting the employee?s ability
to achieve his/her career objective. Here, more experienced persons help less
experienced employees through discussion and guidance. What is this process
called ?
A. Coaching B. Training
C. Mentoring D. Learning
Which of the following is the first step to developing an HRD Strategy ?
A. Identify Sources of
Competitive Advantage
B. Analysis of External & Internal

C. Design HRD Interventions D Identify the Resource Persons
The process of knowledge acquisition through reading, independently or as a
part of an education programme is known as :

A. Cognitive Learning B. Adaptive Learning
C. Behavioural Learning D. Explorative Learning
Development Centres contribute, in a big way, to :
A. Recruitment and Selection B. Grievance Handling
C. Career and Succession
D. Orientation Programmes
The rate of return, expressed as a percentage, on an investment in training , is
called :

A. Training Payback B. Rate of Return
C. Return on Training D. Return on Investment
__________________ places work practice at the center of the Learning
process, it focuses on experiential and situational learning .

A. Learning-by-doing B. Learning- by- asking
C. Observational Learning D. Experimentation
Q.1 (b) Define/Explain the following terms with atleast one example :
i) Role Play Method of Training
ii) Task Analysis
iii) Counseling
iv) Assessment Centers

Q.1 (c) Discuss the difference between Training, Education and Development.
How does each one of them contribute to Human Resource Development
? Explain .
Q.2 (a) Draw a flow-chart of Training/ Training Cycle listing all the critical stages
of effective training,
Discuss the key issues in ?Designing of Training and Development
Intervention? with a brief explanation on each issue.

(b) How would you evaluate any Training and Development intervention ?
On the four levels of evaluation suggested by the Kirkpatrick Framework,
evaluate any training programme that you have attended or any of the
class lectures you have attended in any given subject of your choice..


(b) You must have, during your course of study at the MBA progamme, been
taught concepts and behaviours using either the Role Play Method or The
Case Study method. Identify one such incident and answer the following
questions :
i) Why do you think that the said method used (Role Play or Case Study)
was more effective than using the lecture method for the desired
learning ?
ii) Could any other method also be used to achieve the same learning
object ? Why and Why not?
iii)Did all the participants contribute well to the exercise? If yes? Explain
what went right.If NO, explain what could be improved.
Q.3 (a) Detail different training methods and explain in which conditions one
should use which training method.

(b) Visualise yourself as a Training In-charge of any organization. Select one
Programme / Title of Progarmme that you are asked to offer to the
company?s employees.
Discuss the steps you will take/ the design concers ? from start to finish-
to ensure the effectiveness of the programme .

Q.3 (a) Explain the need for Management Development Programmes and Explain
the basic requisites for the success of Management development

(b) In terms of Learner characteristics, discuss the students? characteristics
which can lead to making class room teaching effective and
characteristics which can hinder class room teaching ?

Q.4 (a) What are the possible challenges to an effective design of Learning and
Development interventions ?

(b) Explain, by relating to different subjects taught in Management Schools,
how management education is helping you develop as a prospective
manager and preparing you such that you may contribute to the growth
of organization you shall join.
Also, therefore, discuss in what form should such management education
be imparted to working professionals to help the company promote
professionals to managerial positions.

Q.4 (a) What is the relevance of HRD Audit? How should HRD Audit be
conducted ?

(b) HRD may be a sure possibility with large scale and multinational
organizations, The reason being that it calls for both ? management vision
and conviction for HRD and also because of investments required for the
Does this mean that HRD is not required and not a possibility with
medium scale and small scale companies? Explain your answer .

Q.5 Incident 1:
In a training workshop, the HRD Manager of a Nationalised Bank
described very proudly, the new HRD system his bank was introducing to
develop their employee competencies. After listening carefully to his
narration, one of the participants from another organization remarked :
?how is it your services are so poor inspite of your bank having HRD?
That means HRD has failed in your Bank!? Interestingly, a few months
before that, in the same Bank, when a fraud case came to light, one of the
senior officers blamed HRD (still in it?s infancy in that Bank) for not
doing enough to prevent frauds.

Incident 2:
Another executive of another company that had introduced HRD system a
few years ago, remarked to an HRD consultant, ? your HRD had very
little impact in my company. Look at my case ? I have not been promoted
so far. Only those who butter the boss continue getting promotions and
HRD does nothing about it?.

Incident 3:
Still another executive asked an HRD consultant once, : ?Tell me Sir,
those companies that are using HRD, are they doing better than those
who don?t use HRD?

Q.1 In the Incident No 1. , what was the HRD Manager?s concept of
HRD and what were instead the expectations of either employees or
customers from HRD ? What corrections would you therefore make in
the HRD deliverables so as to satisfy the expectations from HRD?
( 5 marks)

Q.2 In the Incident No. 2 , was the executive who was complaining to
the consultant , right in saying what he said? Justify your answer . If you
were the HRD Consultant, what would be your answer to the executive?
( 5 marks )

Q.3 In Incident No.3 , What would be your reply as an HRD consultant?
(4 marks )

Q.5 The EML Story :

? It was our aim that our new plant should be a model one which could
give inspiration to our existing plants to strive for excellence. We
therefore wanted to set new standards in :
*Discipline , and
*Development of People
In order to achieve these, it was decided to develop a ?work culture ?
which promoted punctuality, timeliness, system adherence, obedience, to
bring a sense of achievement and pride, commitment to excellence by all,
participation in improvement of productivity, quality, work processes,
etc., effective communication, providing avenues for growth and
emphasis on team work and team achievement,

However, the situation dramatically changed when the tractor operations
were rationalized and surplus manpower had to be accommodated in this
new plant . The challenge was felt when it was decided to transfer so
many people that more than 50% of the employees in the new plant would
be those who came as a result of transfer from the tractor division.

The new plant took up the challenge and added one more objective: ?To
absorb and integrate the transferred employees into the new work
This was indeed a major challenge because te workers were accustomed
to working in an environment where production volumes and higher
productivity were linked to incentive earnings. The operations at the new
plant did not have such incentive schemes and yet the productivity targets
were comparatively much higher and hence the challenge!

Q.1.Discuss the various HRD interventions that would have been
undertaken at the new plant , so as to achieve all it?s objective inspite of
the big challenge described in the case. ( 5 marks )

Q.2. How, according to you, would the company have equal participation
by both old and new employees , to achieve it?s objectives ? ( 5 marks )

Q.3. Had you been the HR Manager of the new plant, would you have
accepted the challenge of absorbing so many employees from a plant that
had very different HR practices and culture ? Why and why not ? Justify.
( 4 marks )

14 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 19 February 2020