DUET 2019 MA Geography Previous Queston Papers

Delhi University Entrance Test (DUET) 2019 MA Geography Previous Queston Papers

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DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]

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DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]

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DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]

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DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Correct Answer :-
Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Mass production based on assembly line techniques and scientific management together
with mass consumption is referred to as: [Question ID = 1405]
1. Fordism [Option ID = 5620]
2. Just in time production [Option ID = 5618]
3. Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
4. Vertical disintegration [Option ID = 5619]
Correct Answer :-
Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
The water table marks: [Question ID = 1354]
1. Bottom of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5416]
2. Top of the unsaturated zone [Option ID = 5414]
3. Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
4. Top of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5415]
Correct Answer :-
Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
Tsunami is associated with a major earthquake
[Question ID = 1348]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5392]
2. Along a major transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5390]
3. Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
4. Along spreading boundaries [Option ID = 5391]
Correct Answer :-
Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
Aggradation is a process that is usually associated with: [Question ID = 1361]
1. Formation of braided stream [Option ID = 5442]
2. Formation of natural levee [Option ID = 5444]
3. Formation of ox-bow lake [Option ID = 5443]
4. Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Correct Answer :-
Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Moving away from a specialization in primary commodities towards a more diversified
manufacturing base is known as: [Question ID = 1402]
1. Import substitution [Option ID = 5608]
2. Dual economy [Option ID = 5606]
3. Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
4. Geographical path dependence [Option ID = 5607]
Correct Answer :-

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Correct Answer :-
Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Mass production based on assembly line techniques and scientific management together
with mass consumption is referred to as: [Question ID = 1405]
1. Fordism [Option ID = 5620]
2. Just in time production [Option ID = 5618]
3. Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
4. Vertical disintegration [Option ID = 5619]
Correct Answer :-
Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
The water table marks: [Question ID = 1354]
1. Bottom of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5416]
2. Top of the unsaturated zone [Option ID = 5414]
3. Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
4. Top of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5415]
Correct Answer :-
Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
Tsunami is associated with a major earthquake
[Question ID = 1348]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5392]
2. Along a major transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5390]
3. Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
4. Along spreading boundaries [Option ID = 5391]
Correct Answer :-
Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
Aggradation is a process that is usually associated with: [Question ID = 1361]
1. Formation of braided stream [Option ID = 5442]
2. Formation of natural levee [Option ID = 5444]
3. Formation of ox-bow lake [Option ID = 5443]
4. Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Correct Answer :-
Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Moving away from a specialization in primary commodities towards a more diversified
manufacturing base is known as: [Question ID = 1402]
1. Import substitution [Option ID = 5608]
2. Dual economy [Option ID = 5606]
3. Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
4. Geographical path dependence [Option ID = 5607]
Correct Answer :-
Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
Guyot is
[Question ID = 1345]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5380]
2. Circular coral reef enclosing a lagoon [Option ID = 5378]
3. Sunken island formed from continued subsidence of coral reef [Option ID = 5379]
4. Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
Correct Answer :-
Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
When folding is accompanied by faulting in which slices of rock move over the underlying
rock on fault surfaces. These are called: [Question ID = 1349]
1. Overturned folds [Option ID = 5396]
2. Thrust sheets [Option ID = 5394]
3. Overthrust faults [Option ID = 5395]
4. Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Correct Answer :-
Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Spaces described in terms of places, territories, whose attributes carry special meaning for a
particular group is known as: [Question ID = 1407]
1. Topological space [Option ID = 5626]
2. Socio-economic space [Option ID = 5628]
3. Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
4. Cognitive space [Option ID = 5627]
Correct Answer :-
Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
The largest producer of copper is: [Question ID = 1382]
1. Balaghat mines [Option ID = 5528]
2. Singbhum mines [Option ID = 5526]
3. Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
4. Koraput mines [Option ID = 5527]
Correct Answer :-
Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
Over elaboration of labour intensive methods of agricultural production is known as:
[Question ID = 1411]
1. Agricultural involution [Option ID = 5642]
2. Producer services [Option ID = 5644]
3. Green revolution [Option ID = 5643]
4. Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Correct Answer :-

FirstRanker.com - FirstRanker's Choice
DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Correct Answer :-
Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Mass production based on assembly line techniques and scientific management together
with mass consumption is referred to as: [Question ID = 1405]
1. Fordism [Option ID = 5620]
2. Just in time production [Option ID = 5618]
3. Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
4. Vertical disintegration [Option ID = 5619]
Correct Answer :-
Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
The water table marks: [Question ID = 1354]
1. Bottom of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5416]
2. Top of the unsaturated zone [Option ID = 5414]
3. Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
4. Top of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5415]
Correct Answer :-
Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
Tsunami is associated with a major earthquake
[Question ID = 1348]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5392]
2. Along a major transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5390]
3. Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
4. Along spreading boundaries [Option ID = 5391]
Correct Answer :-
Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
Aggradation is a process that is usually associated with: [Question ID = 1361]
1. Formation of braided stream [Option ID = 5442]
2. Formation of natural levee [Option ID = 5444]
3. Formation of ox-bow lake [Option ID = 5443]
4. Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Correct Answer :-
Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Moving away from a specialization in primary commodities towards a more diversified
manufacturing base is known as: [Question ID = 1402]
1. Import substitution [Option ID = 5608]
2. Dual economy [Option ID = 5606]
3. Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
4. Geographical path dependence [Option ID = 5607]
Correct Answer :-
Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
Guyot is
[Question ID = 1345]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5380]
2. Circular coral reef enclosing a lagoon [Option ID = 5378]
3. Sunken island formed from continued subsidence of coral reef [Option ID = 5379]
4. Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
Correct Answer :-
Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
When folding is accompanied by faulting in which slices of rock move over the underlying
rock on fault surfaces. These are called: [Question ID = 1349]
1. Overturned folds [Option ID = 5396]
2. Thrust sheets [Option ID = 5394]
3. Overthrust faults [Option ID = 5395]
4. Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Correct Answer :-
Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Spaces described in terms of places, territories, whose attributes carry special meaning for a
particular group is known as: [Question ID = 1407]
1. Topological space [Option ID = 5626]
2. Socio-economic space [Option ID = 5628]
3. Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
4. Cognitive space [Option ID = 5627]
Correct Answer :-
Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
The largest producer of copper is: [Question ID = 1382]
1. Balaghat mines [Option ID = 5528]
2. Singbhum mines [Option ID = 5526]
3. Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
4. Koraput mines [Option ID = 5527]
Correct Answer :-
Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
Over elaboration of labour intensive methods of agricultural production is known as:
[Question ID = 1411]
1. Agricultural involution [Option ID = 5642]
2. Producer services [Option ID = 5644]
3. Green revolution [Option ID = 5643]
4. Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Correct Answer :-
Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Underground water that has been heated in contact with hot rock and reaches the surface
with temperatures not far below the boiling point of water are known as: [Question ID = 1350]
1. Hot spring [Option ID = 5400]
2. Jet stream [Option ID = 5398]
3. Geyser [Option ID = 5399]
4. Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Correct Answer :-
Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Deposits of wind transported silt that has settles out from dust storms over thousands of
years are known as: [Question ID = 1371]
1. Foredunes [Option ID = 5484]
2. Dunes [Option ID = 5482]
3. Loess [Option ID = 5483]
4. Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Correct Answer :-
Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Agro-system is a complex unity of the following sectors: [Question ID = 1412]
1. Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5646]
2. Food industry, food consumption, Agri-technology industry [Option ID = 5648]
3. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
4. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5647]
Correct Answer :-
Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
Gentle, sloping rock floor formed close to receding desert mountain masses are called:
[Question ID = 1362]
1. Playa [Option ID = 5446]
2. Peneplain [Option ID = 5448]
3. Talus [Option ID = 5445]
4. Pediment [Option ID = 5447]
Correct Answer :-
Talus [Option ID = 5445]
Forms of stream load are as follows:
[Question ID = 1360]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5440]
2. Suspension load [Option ID = 5438]
3. Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
4. Dissolved matter [Option ID = 5439]
Correct Answer :-

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Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Correct Answer :-
Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Mass production based on assembly line techniques and scientific management together
with mass consumption is referred to as: [Question ID = 1405]
1. Fordism [Option ID = 5620]
2. Just in time production [Option ID = 5618]
3. Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
4. Vertical disintegration [Option ID = 5619]
Correct Answer :-
Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
The water table marks: [Question ID = 1354]
1. Bottom of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5416]
2. Top of the unsaturated zone [Option ID = 5414]
3. Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
4. Top of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5415]
Correct Answer :-
Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
Tsunami is associated with a major earthquake
[Question ID = 1348]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5392]
2. Along a major transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5390]
3. Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
4. Along spreading boundaries [Option ID = 5391]
Correct Answer :-
Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
Aggradation is a process that is usually associated with: [Question ID = 1361]
1. Formation of braided stream [Option ID = 5442]
2. Formation of natural levee [Option ID = 5444]
3. Formation of ox-bow lake [Option ID = 5443]
4. Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Correct Answer :-
Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Moving away from a specialization in primary commodities towards a more diversified
manufacturing base is known as: [Question ID = 1402]
1. Import substitution [Option ID = 5608]
2. Dual economy [Option ID = 5606]
3. Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
4. Geographical path dependence [Option ID = 5607]
Correct Answer :-
Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
Guyot is
[Question ID = 1345]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5380]
2. Circular coral reef enclosing a lagoon [Option ID = 5378]
3. Sunken island formed from continued subsidence of coral reef [Option ID = 5379]
4. Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
Correct Answer :-
Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
When folding is accompanied by faulting in which slices of rock move over the underlying
rock on fault surfaces. These are called: [Question ID = 1349]
1. Overturned folds [Option ID = 5396]
2. Thrust sheets [Option ID = 5394]
3. Overthrust faults [Option ID = 5395]
4. Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Correct Answer :-
Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Spaces described in terms of places, territories, whose attributes carry special meaning for a
particular group is known as: [Question ID = 1407]
1. Topological space [Option ID = 5626]
2. Socio-economic space [Option ID = 5628]
3. Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
4. Cognitive space [Option ID = 5627]
Correct Answer :-
Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
The largest producer of copper is: [Question ID = 1382]
1. Balaghat mines [Option ID = 5528]
2. Singbhum mines [Option ID = 5526]
3. Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
4. Koraput mines [Option ID = 5527]
Correct Answer :-
Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
Over elaboration of labour intensive methods of agricultural production is known as:
[Question ID = 1411]
1. Agricultural involution [Option ID = 5642]
2. Producer services [Option ID = 5644]
3. Green revolution [Option ID = 5643]
4. Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Correct Answer :-
Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Underground water that has been heated in contact with hot rock and reaches the surface
with temperatures not far below the boiling point of water are known as: [Question ID = 1350]
1. Hot spring [Option ID = 5400]
2. Jet stream [Option ID = 5398]
3. Geyser [Option ID = 5399]
4. Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Correct Answer :-
Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Deposits of wind transported silt that has settles out from dust storms over thousands of
years are known as: [Question ID = 1371]
1. Foredunes [Option ID = 5484]
2. Dunes [Option ID = 5482]
3. Loess [Option ID = 5483]
4. Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Correct Answer :-
Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Agro-system is a complex unity of the following sectors: [Question ID = 1412]
1. Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5646]
2. Food industry, food consumption, Agri-technology industry [Option ID = 5648]
3. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
4. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5647]
Correct Answer :-
Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
Gentle, sloping rock floor formed close to receding desert mountain masses are called:
[Question ID = 1362]
1. Playa [Option ID = 5446]
2. Peneplain [Option ID = 5448]
3. Talus [Option ID = 5445]
4. Pediment [Option ID = 5447]
Correct Answer :-
Talus [Option ID = 5445]
Forms of stream load are as follows:
[Question ID = 1360]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5440]
2. Suspension load [Option ID = 5438]
3. Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
4. Dissolved matter [Option ID = 5439]
Correct Answer :-
Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
It enables territoriality to be defined and enforced and allows conflict and competition to be
managed and channeled. It is: [Question ID = 1386]
1. Turf [Option ID = 5542]
2. Zones [Option ID = 5544]
3. Boundary [Option ID = 5543]
4. Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
Correct Answer :-
Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
The distortion of rank-size rule distribution in an urban system results in: [Question ID =
1. World city [Option ID = 5572]
2. Primate city [Option ID = 5570]
3. Shock city [Option ID = 5571]
4. Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Correct Answer :-
Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Meridians and Parallels are made up of circles: [Question ID = 1325]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5300]
2. Great and small circles [Option ID = 5298]
3. Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
4. Small circles [Option ID = 5299]
Correct Answer :-
Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
One of the most important processes of mechanical weathering that operates extensively in
dry climates is: [Question ID = 1351]
1. Salt crystal growth [Option ID = 5402]
2. Unloading [Option ID = 5404]
3. Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
4. Exfoliation [Option ID = 5403]
Correct Answer :-
Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
The vernal equinox occurs on: [Question ID = 1329]
1. December 22 [Option ID = 5316]
2. June 21 [Option ID = 5314]
3. September 23 [Option ID = 5315]
4. March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
Correct Answer :-
March 21 [Option ID = 5313]

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Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Correct Answer :-
Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Mass production based on assembly line techniques and scientific management together
with mass consumption is referred to as: [Question ID = 1405]
1. Fordism [Option ID = 5620]
2. Just in time production [Option ID = 5618]
3. Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
4. Vertical disintegration [Option ID = 5619]
Correct Answer :-
Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
The water table marks: [Question ID = 1354]
1. Bottom of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5416]
2. Top of the unsaturated zone [Option ID = 5414]
3. Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
4. Top of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5415]
Correct Answer :-
Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
Tsunami is associated with a major earthquake
[Question ID = 1348]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5392]
2. Along a major transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5390]
3. Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
4. Along spreading boundaries [Option ID = 5391]
Correct Answer :-
Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
Aggradation is a process that is usually associated with: [Question ID = 1361]
1. Formation of braided stream [Option ID = 5442]
2. Formation of natural levee [Option ID = 5444]
3. Formation of ox-bow lake [Option ID = 5443]
4. Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Correct Answer :-
Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Moving away from a specialization in primary commodities towards a more diversified
manufacturing base is known as: [Question ID = 1402]
1. Import substitution [Option ID = 5608]
2. Dual economy [Option ID = 5606]
3. Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
4. Geographical path dependence [Option ID = 5607]
Correct Answer :-
Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
Guyot is
[Question ID = 1345]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5380]
2. Circular coral reef enclosing a lagoon [Option ID = 5378]
3. Sunken island formed from continued subsidence of coral reef [Option ID = 5379]
4. Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
Correct Answer :-
Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
When folding is accompanied by faulting in which slices of rock move over the underlying
rock on fault surfaces. These are called: [Question ID = 1349]
1. Overturned folds [Option ID = 5396]
2. Thrust sheets [Option ID = 5394]
3. Overthrust faults [Option ID = 5395]
4. Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Correct Answer :-
Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Spaces described in terms of places, territories, whose attributes carry special meaning for a
particular group is known as: [Question ID = 1407]
1. Topological space [Option ID = 5626]
2. Socio-economic space [Option ID = 5628]
3. Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
4. Cognitive space [Option ID = 5627]
Correct Answer :-
Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
The largest producer of copper is: [Question ID = 1382]
1. Balaghat mines [Option ID = 5528]
2. Singbhum mines [Option ID = 5526]
3. Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
4. Koraput mines [Option ID = 5527]
Correct Answer :-
Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
Over elaboration of labour intensive methods of agricultural production is known as:
[Question ID = 1411]
1. Agricultural involution [Option ID = 5642]
2. Producer services [Option ID = 5644]
3. Green revolution [Option ID = 5643]
4. Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Correct Answer :-
Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Underground water that has been heated in contact with hot rock and reaches the surface
with temperatures not far below the boiling point of water are known as: [Question ID = 1350]
1. Hot spring [Option ID = 5400]
2. Jet stream [Option ID = 5398]
3. Geyser [Option ID = 5399]
4. Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Correct Answer :-
Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Deposits of wind transported silt that has settles out from dust storms over thousands of
years are known as: [Question ID = 1371]
1. Foredunes [Option ID = 5484]
2. Dunes [Option ID = 5482]
3. Loess [Option ID = 5483]
4. Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Correct Answer :-
Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Agro-system is a complex unity of the following sectors: [Question ID = 1412]
1. Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5646]
2. Food industry, food consumption, Agri-technology industry [Option ID = 5648]
3. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
4. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5647]
Correct Answer :-
Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
Gentle, sloping rock floor formed close to receding desert mountain masses are called:
[Question ID = 1362]
1. Playa [Option ID = 5446]
2. Peneplain [Option ID = 5448]
3. Talus [Option ID = 5445]
4. Pediment [Option ID = 5447]
Correct Answer :-
Talus [Option ID = 5445]
Forms of stream load are as follows:
[Question ID = 1360]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5440]
2. Suspension load [Option ID = 5438]
3. Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
4. Dissolved matter [Option ID = 5439]
Correct Answer :-
Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
It enables territoriality to be defined and enforced and allows conflict and competition to be
managed and channeled. It is: [Question ID = 1386]
1. Turf [Option ID = 5542]
2. Zones [Option ID = 5544]
3. Boundary [Option ID = 5543]
4. Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
Correct Answer :-
Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
The distortion of rank-size rule distribution in an urban system results in: [Question ID =
1. World city [Option ID = 5572]
2. Primate city [Option ID = 5570]
3. Shock city [Option ID = 5571]
4. Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Correct Answer :-
Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Meridians and Parallels are made up of circles: [Question ID = 1325]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5300]
2. Great and small circles [Option ID = 5298]
3. Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
4. Small circles [Option ID = 5299]
Correct Answer :-
Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
One of the most important processes of mechanical weathering that operates extensively in
dry climates is: [Question ID = 1351]
1. Salt crystal growth [Option ID = 5402]
2. Unloading [Option ID = 5404]
3. Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
4. Exfoliation [Option ID = 5403]
Correct Answer :-
Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
The vernal equinox occurs on: [Question ID = 1329]
1. December 22 [Option ID = 5316]
2. June 21 [Option ID = 5314]
3. September 23 [Option ID = 5315]
4. March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
Correct Answer :-
March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
As part of the Arab spring in 2011 which was the first country where massive popular protest
first took place: [Question ID = 1389]
1. Tunisia [Option ID = 5554]
2. Bahrain [Option ID = 5556]
3. Morocco [Option ID = 5555]
4. Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Correct Answer :-
Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Deep basal indentation on a marine cliff that marks the line of intense wave erosion is
termed as: [Question ID = 1366]
1. Wave cut notch [Option ID = 5464]
2. Undertow [Option ID = 5462]
3. Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
4. Littoral drift [Option ID = 5463]
Correct Answer :-
Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
Large basaltic volcanoes will atypically form
[Question ID = 1344]
1. Narrow trough like features [Option ID = 5376]
2. Tall, steep sided cones [Option ID = 5374]
3. Steep, straight cliff like features [Option ID = 5375]
4. Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Correct Answer :-
Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Mountain making belts found along the margins of lithospheric plates are known as
[Question ID = 1337]
1. Alpine chains [Option ID = 5346]
2. Ancient mountain roots [Option ID = 5348]
3. Continental margins [Option ID = 5347]
4. Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
Correct Answer :-
Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
The spiraling built up of advantages that occurs in specific geographic settings as a result of
the development of external economies, agglomeration effects, localization economies is
referred to as: [Question ID = 1404]
1. Agglomeration diseconomies [Option ID = 5616]
2. Spread effects [Option ID = 5614]
3. Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]
4. Backwash effects [Option ID = 5615]
Correct Answer :-
Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]

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Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Correct Answer :-
Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Mass production based on assembly line techniques and scientific management together
with mass consumption is referred to as: [Question ID = 1405]
1. Fordism [Option ID = 5620]
2. Just in time production [Option ID = 5618]
3. Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
4. Vertical disintegration [Option ID = 5619]
Correct Answer :-
Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
The water table marks: [Question ID = 1354]
1. Bottom of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5416]
2. Top of the unsaturated zone [Option ID = 5414]
3. Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
4. Top of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5415]
Correct Answer :-
Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
Tsunami is associated with a major earthquake
[Question ID = 1348]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5392]
2. Along a major transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5390]
3. Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
4. Along spreading boundaries [Option ID = 5391]
Correct Answer :-
Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
Aggradation is a process that is usually associated with: [Question ID = 1361]
1. Formation of braided stream [Option ID = 5442]
2. Formation of natural levee [Option ID = 5444]
3. Formation of ox-bow lake [Option ID = 5443]
4. Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Correct Answer :-
Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Moving away from a specialization in primary commodities towards a more diversified
manufacturing base is known as: [Question ID = 1402]
1. Import substitution [Option ID = 5608]
2. Dual economy [Option ID = 5606]
3. Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
4. Geographical path dependence [Option ID = 5607]
Correct Answer :-
Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
Guyot is
[Question ID = 1345]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5380]
2. Circular coral reef enclosing a lagoon [Option ID = 5378]
3. Sunken island formed from continued subsidence of coral reef [Option ID = 5379]
4. Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
Correct Answer :-
Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
When folding is accompanied by faulting in which slices of rock move over the underlying
rock on fault surfaces. These are called: [Question ID = 1349]
1. Overturned folds [Option ID = 5396]
2. Thrust sheets [Option ID = 5394]
3. Overthrust faults [Option ID = 5395]
4. Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Correct Answer :-
Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Spaces described in terms of places, territories, whose attributes carry special meaning for a
particular group is known as: [Question ID = 1407]
1. Topological space [Option ID = 5626]
2. Socio-economic space [Option ID = 5628]
3. Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
4. Cognitive space [Option ID = 5627]
Correct Answer :-
Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
The largest producer of copper is: [Question ID = 1382]
1. Balaghat mines [Option ID = 5528]
2. Singbhum mines [Option ID = 5526]
3. Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
4. Koraput mines [Option ID = 5527]
Correct Answer :-
Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
Over elaboration of labour intensive methods of agricultural production is known as:
[Question ID = 1411]
1. Agricultural involution [Option ID = 5642]
2. Producer services [Option ID = 5644]
3. Green revolution [Option ID = 5643]
4. Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Correct Answer :-
Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Underground water that has been heated in contact with hot rock and reaches the surface
with temperatures not far below the boiling point of water are known as: [Question ID = 1350]
1. Hot spring [Option ID = 5400]
2. Jet stream [Option ID = 5398]
3. Geyser [Option ID = 5399]
4. Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Correct Answer :-
Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Deposits of wind transported silt that has settles out from dust storms over thousands of
years are known as: [Question ID = 1371]
1. Foredunes [Option ID = 5484]
2. Dunes [Option ID = 5482]
3. Loess [Option ID = 5483]
4. Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Correct Answer :-
Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Agro-system is a complex unity of the following sectors: [Question ID = 1412]
1. Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5646]
2. Food industry, food consumption, Agri-technology industry [Option ID = 5648]
3. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
4. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5647]
Correct Answer :-
Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
Gentle, sloping rock floor formed close to receding desert mountain masses are called:
[Question ID = 1362]
1. Playa [Option ID = 5446]
2. Peneplain [Option ID = 5448]
3. Talus [Option ID = 5445]
4. Pediment [Option ID = 5447]
Correct Answer :-
Talus [Option ID = 5445]
Forms of stream load are as follows:
[Question ID = 1360]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5440]
2. Suspension load [Option ID = 5438]
3. Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
4. Dissolved matter [Option ID = 5439]
Correct Answer :-
Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
It enables territoriality to be defined and enforced and allows conflict and competition to be
managed and channeled. It is: [Question ID = 1386]
1. Turf [Option ID = 5542]
2. Zones [Option ID = 5544]
3. Boundary [Option ID = 5543]
4. Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
Correct Answer :-
Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
The distortion of rank-size rule distribution in an urban system results in: [Question ID =
1. World city [Option ID = 5572]
2. Primate city [Option ID = 5570]
3. Shock city [Option ID = 5571]
4. Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Correct Answer :-
Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Meridians and Parallels are made up of circles: [Question ID = 1325]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5300]
2. Great and small circles [Option ID = 5298]
3. Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
4. Small circles [Option ID = 5299]
Correct Answer :-
Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
One of the most important processes of mechanical weathering that operates extensively in
dry climates is: [Question ID = 1351]
1. Salt crystal growth [Option ID = 5402]
2. Unloading [Option ID = 5404]
3. Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
4. Exfoliation [Option ID = 5403]
Correct Answer :-
Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
The vernal equinox occurs on: [Question ID = 1329]
1. December 22 [Option ID = 5316]
2. June 21 [Option ID = 5314]
3. September 23 [Option ID = 5315]
4. March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
Correct Answer :-
March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
As part of the Arab spring in 2011 which was the first country where massive popular protest
first took place: [Question ID = 1389]
1. Tunisia [Option ID = 5554]
2. Bahrain [Option ID = 5556]
3. Morocco [Option ID = 5555]
4. Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Correct Answer :-
Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Deep basal indentation on a marine cliff that marks the line of intense wave erosion is
termed as: [Question ID = 1366]
1. Wave cut notch [Option ID = 5464]
2. Undertow [Option ID = 5462]
3. Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
4. Littoral drift [Option ID = 5463]
Correct Answer :-
Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
Large basaltic volcanoes will atypically form
[Question ID = 1344]
1. Narrow trough like features [Option ID = 5376]
2. Tall, steep sided cones [Option ID = 5374]
3. Steep, straight cliff like features [Option ID = 5375]
4. Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Correct Answer :-
Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Mountain making belts found along the margins of lithospheric plates are known as
[Question ID = 1337]
1. Alpine chains [Option ID = 5346]
2. Ancient mountain roots [Option ID = 5348]
3. Continental margins [Option ID = 5347]
4. Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
Correct Answer :-
Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
The spiraling built up of advantages that occurs in specific geographic settings as a result of
the development of external economies, agglomeration effects, localization economies is
referred to as: [Question ID = 1404]
1. Agglomeration diseconomies [Option ID = 5616]
2. Spread effects [Option ID = 5614]
3. Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]
4. Backwash effects [Option ID = 5615]
Correct Answer :-
Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]
Centrifugal and centripetal forces were a term adopted by: [Question ID = 1420]
1. P. Krugman [Option ID = 5680]
2. A.Losch [Option ID = 5678]
3. C.C Colby [Option ID = 5677]
4. A.Amin [Option ID = 5679]
Correct Answer :-
C.C Colby [Option ID = 5677]
According to Marxism, the political, legal, religious, artistic institutions that correspond to a
particular economy of a society is known as: [Question ID = 1415]
1. Capital [Option ID = 5660]
2. Superstructure [Option ID = 5658]
3. Base [Option ID = 5657]
4. Modes of Production [Option ID = 5659]
Correct Answer :-
Base [Option ID = 5657]
Name the comparatively inactive regions of older rocks in the continental crust:
[Question ID = 1338]
1. None of these. [Option ID = 5352]
2. Island arc [Option ID = 5350]
3. Continental shields [Option ID = 5351]
4. Mountain arc [Option ID = 5349]
Correct Answer :-
Mountain arc [Option ID = 5349]
Cliff retreat that produces a table topped plateau bordered on all sides by cliffs is termed as:
[Question ID = 1364]
1. Butte [Option ID = 5454]
2. Gorge [Option ID = 5456]
3. Canyon [Option ID = 5455]
4. Mesa [Option ID = 5453]
Correct Answer :-
Mesa [Option ID = 5453]
Quantitative assessment of biologically productive area required to produce the resources
and to absorb the wastes are known as: [Question ID = 1401]
1. Carrying capacity [Option ID = 5602]
2. Ecological sucession [Option ID = 5604]
3. Ecological footprint [Option ID = 5603]
4. Sustainable development [Option ID = 5601]
Correct Answer :-
Sustainable development [Option ID = 5601]

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DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Correct Answer :-
Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Mass production based on assembly line techniques and scientific management together
with mass consumption is referred to as: [Question ID = 1405]
1. Fordism [Option ID = 5620]
2. Just in time production [Option ID = 5618]
3. Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
4. Vertical disintegration [Option ID = 5619]
Correct Answer :-
Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
The water table marks: [Question ID = 1354]
1. Bottom of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5416]
2. Top of the unsaturated zone [Option ID = 5414]
3. Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
4. Top of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5415]
Correct Answer :-
Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
Tsunami is associated with a major earthquake
[Question ID = 1348]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5392]
2. Along a major transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5390]
3. Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
4. Along spreading boundaries [Option ID = 5391]
Correct Answer :-
Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
Aggradation is a process that is usually associated with: [Question ID = 1361]
1. Formation of braided stream [Option ID = 5442]
2. Formation of natural levee [Option ID = 5444]
3. Formation of ox-bow lake [Option ID = 5443]
4. Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Correct Answer :-
Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Moving away from a specialization in primary commodities towards a more diversified
manufacturing base is known as: [Question ID = 1402]
1. Import substitution [Option ID = 5608]
2. Dual economy [Option ID = 5606]
3. Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
4. Geographical path dependence [Option ID = 5607]
Correct Answer :-
Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
Guyot is
[Question ID = 1345]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5380]
2. Circular coral reef enclosing a lagoon [Option ID = 5378]
3. Sunken island formed from continued subsidence of coral reef [Option ID = 5379]
4. Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
Correct Answer :-
Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
When folding is accompanied by faulting in which slices of rock move over the underlying
rock on fault surfaces. These are called: [Question ID = 1349]
1. Overturned folds [Option ID = 5396]
2. Thrust sheets [Option ID = 5394]
3. Overthrust faults [Option ID = 5395]
4. Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Correct Answer :-
Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Spaces described in terms of places, territories, whose attributes carry special meaning for a
particular group is known as: [Question ID = 1407]
1. Topological space [Option ID = 5626]
2. Socio-economic space [Option ID = 5628]
3. Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
4. Cognitive space [Option ID = 5627]
Correct Answer :-
Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
The largest producer of copper is: [Question ID = 1382]
1. Balaghat mines [Option ID = 5528]
2. Singbhum mines [Option ID = 5526]
3. Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
4. Koraput mines [Option ID = 5527]
Correct Answer :-
Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
Over elaboration of labour intensive methods of agricultural production is known as:
[Question ID = 1411]
1. Agricultural involution [Option ID = 5642]
2. Producer services [Option ID = 5644]
3. Green revolution [Option ID = 5643]
4. Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Correct Answer :-
Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Underground water that has been heated in contact with hot rock and reaches the surface
with temperatures not far below the boiling point of water are known as: [Question ID = 1350]
1. Hot spring [Option ID = 5400]
2. Jet stream [Option ID = 5398]
3. Geyser [Option ID = 5399]
4. Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Correct Answer :-
Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Deposits of wind transported silt that has settles out from dust storms over thousands of
years are known as: [Question ID = 1371]
1. Foredunes [Option ID = 5484]
2. Dunes [Option ID = 5482]
3. Loess [Option ID = 5483]
4. Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Correct Answer :-
Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Agro-system is a complex unity of the following sectors: [Question ID = 1412]
1. Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5646]
2. Food industry, food consumption, Agri-technology industry [Option ID = 5648]
3. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
4. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5647]
Correct Answer :-
Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
Gentle, sloping rock floor formed close to receding desert mountain masses are called:
[Question ID = 1362]
1. Playa [Option ID = 5446]
2. Peneplain [Option ID = 5448]
3. Talus [Option ID = 5445]
4. Pediment [Option ID = 5447]
Correct Answer :-
Talus [Option ID = 5445]
Forms of stream load are as follows:
[Question ID = 1360]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5440]
2. Suspension load [Option ID = 5438]
3. Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
4. Dissolved matter [Option ID = 5439]
Correct Answer :-
Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
It enables territoriality to be defined and enforced and allows conflict and competition to be
managed and channeled. It is: [Question ID = 1386]
1. Turf [Option ID = 5542]
2. Zones [Option ID = 5544]
3. Boundary [Option ID = 5543]
4. Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
Correct Answer :-
Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
The distortion of rank-size rule distribution in an urban system results in: [Question ID =
1. World city [Option ID = 5572]
2. Primate city [Option ID = 5570]
3. Shock city [Option ID = 5571]
4. Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Correct Answer :-
Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Meridians and Parallels are made up of circles: [Question ID = 1325]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5300]
2. Great and small circles [Option ID = 5298]
3. Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
4. Small circles [Option ID = 5299]
Correct Answer :-
Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
One of the most important processes of mechanical weathering that operates extensively in
dry climates is: [Question ID = 1351]
1. Salt crystal growth [Option ID = 5402]
2. Unloading [Option ID = 5404]
3. Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
4. Exfoliation [Option ID = 5403]
Correct Answer :-
Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
The vernal equinox occurs on: [Question ID = 1329]
1. December 22 [Option ID = 5316]
2. June 21 [Option ID = 5314]
3. September 23 [Option ID = 5315]
4. March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
Correct Answer :-
March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
As part of the Arab spring in 2011 which was the first country where massive popular protest
first took place: [Question ID = 1389]
1. Tunisia [Option ID = 5554]
2. Bahrain [Option ID = 5556]
3. Morocco [Option ID = 5555]
4. Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Correct Answer :-
Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Deep basal indentation on a marine cliff that marks the line of intense wave erosion is
termed as: [Question ID = 1366]
1. Wave cut notch [Option ID = 5464]
2. Undertow [Option ID = 5462]
3. Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
4. Littoral drift [Option ID = 5463]
Correct Answer :-
Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
Large basaltic volcanoes will atypically form
[Question ID = 1344]
1. Narrow trough like features [Option ID = 5376]
2. Tall, steep sided cones [Option ID = 5374]
3. Steep, straight cliff like features [Option ID = 5375]
4. Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Correct Answer :-
Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Mountain making belts found along the margins of lithospheric plates are known as
[Question ID = 1337]
1. Alpine chains [Option ID = 5346]
2. Ancient mountain roots [Option ID = 5348]
3. Continental margins [Option ID = 5347]
4. Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
Correct Answer :-
Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
The spiraling built up of advantages that occurs in specific geographic settings as a result of
the development of external economies, agglomeration effects, localization economies is
referred to as: [Question ID = 1404]
1. Agglomeration diseconomies [Option ID = 5616]
2. Spread effects [Option ID = 5614]
3. Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]
4. Backwash effects [Option ID = 5615]
Correct Answer :-
Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]
Centrifugal and centripetal forces were a term adopted by: [Question ID = 1420]
1. P. Krugman [Option ID = 5680]
2. A.Losch [Option ID = 5678]
3. C.C Colby [Option ID = 5677]
4. A.Amin [Option ID = 5679]
Correct Answer :-
C.C Colby [Option ID = 5677]
According to Marxism, the political, legal, religious, artistic institutions that correspond to a
particular economy of a society is known as: [Question ID = 1415]
1. Capital [Option ID = 5660]
2. Superstructure [Option ID = 5658]
3. Base [Option ID = 5657]
4. Modes of Production [Option ID = 5659]
Correct Answer :-
Base [Option ID = 5657]
Name the comparatively inactive regions of older rocks in the continental crust:
[Question ID = 1338]
1. None of these. [Option ID = 5352]
2. Island arc [Option ID = 5350]
3. Continental shields [Option ID = 5351]
4. Mountain arc [Option ID = 5349]
Correct Answer :-
Mountain arc [Option ID = 5349]
Cliff retreat that produces a table topped plateau bordered on all sides by cliffs is termed as:
[Question ID = 1364]
1. Butte [Option ID = 5454]
2. Gorge [Option ID = 5456]
3. Canyon [Option ID = 5455]
4. Mesa [Option ID = 5453]
Correct Answer :-
Mesa [Option ID = 5453]
Quantitative assessment of biologically productive area required to produce the resources
and to absorb the wastes are known as: [Question ID = 1401]
1. Carrying capacity [Option ID = 5602]
2. Ecological sucession [Option ID = 5604]
3. Ecological footprint [Option ID = 5603]
4. Sustainable development [Option ID = 5601]
Correct Answer :-
Sustainable development [Option ID = 5601]
Potholes are the examples of stream erosion through processes of: [Question ID = 1359]
1. Abrasion [Option ID = 5434]
2. Sheet flow [Option ID = 5436]
3. Corrosion [Option ID = 5435]
4. Hydraulic action [Option ID = 5433]
Correct Answer :-
Hydraulic action [Option ID = 5433]
An example of metamorphic rock is: [Question ID = 1335]
1. Andesite [Option ID = 5338]
2. Marble [Option ID = 5340]
3. Evaporites [Option ID = 5337]
4. Limestone [Option ID = 5339]
Correct Answer :-
Evaporites [Option ID = 5337]
According to the age of alluvial soil it can be classified into: [Question ID = 1375]
1. Chopan [Option ID = 5500]
2. Bangar and Khadar [Option ID = 5498]
3. Kankar [Option ID = 5497]
4. Kari [Option ID = 5499]
Correct Answer :-
Kankar [Option ID = 5497]
The core area in a diffusion process from where new cultural practices are spread through
human agency to create new cultural regions are termed as
[Question ID = 1423]
1. Cultural hearth [Option ID = 5692]
2. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5690]
3. Cultural capital [Option ID = 5691]
4. Culture area [Option ID = 5689]
Correct Answer :-
Culture area [Option ID = 5689]
The stages of economic growth that argues for a take-off model of economic growth in 5
stages was propogated by:
[Question ID = 1403]
1. W.W. Rostow [Option ID = 5610]
2. A.G. Frank [Option ID = 5612]
3. I. Wallerstein [Option ID = 5611]
4. E.V. Rostow [Option ID = 5609]
Correct Answer :-
E.V. Rostow [Option ID = 5609]

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DU MA Geography
Topic:- DU_J19_MA_GEO
Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Correct Answer :-
Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Mass production based on assembly line techniques and scientific management together
with mass consumption is referred to as: [Question ID = 1405]
1. Fordism [Option ID = 5620]
2. Just in time production [Option ID = 5618]
3. Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
4. Vertical disintegration [Option ID = 5619]
Correct Answer :-
Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
The water table marks: [Question ID = 1354]
1. Bottom of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5416]
2. Top of the unsaturated zone [Option ID = 5414]
3. Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
4. Top of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5415]
Correct Answer :-
Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
Tsunami is associated with a major earthquake
[Question ID = 1348]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5392]
2. Along a major transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5390]
3. Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
4. Along spreading boundaries [Option ID = 5391]
Correct Answer :-
Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
Aggradation is a process that is usually associated with: [Question ID = 1361]
1. Formation of braided stream [Option ID = 5442]
2. Formation of natural levee [Option ID = 5444]
3. Formation of ox-bow lake [Option ID = 5443]
4. Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Correct Answer :-
Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Moving away from a specialization in primary commodities towards a more diversified
manufacturing base is known as: [Question ID = 1402]
1. Import substitution [Option ID = 5608]
2. Dual economy [Option ID = 5606]
3. Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
4. Geographical path dependence [Option ID = 5607]
Correct Answer :-
Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
Guyot is
[Question ID = 1345]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5380]
2. Circular coral reef enclosing a lagoon [Option ID = 5378]
3. Sunken island formed from continued subsidence of coral reef [Option ID = 5379]
4. Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
Correct Answer :-
Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
When folding is accompanied by faulting in which slices of rock move over the underlying
rock on fault surfaces. These are called: [Question ID = 1349]
1. Overturned folds [Option ID = 5396]
2. Thrust sheets [Option ID = 5394]
3. Overthrust faults [Option ID = 5395]
4. Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Correct Answer :-
Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Spaces described in terms of places, territories, whose attributes carry special meaning for a
particular group is known as: [Question ID = 1407]
1. Topological space [Option ID = 5626]
2. Socio-economic space [Option ID = 5628]
3. Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
4. Cognitive space [Option ID = 5627]
Correct Answer :-
Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
The largest producer of copper is: [Question ID = 1382]
1. Balaghat mines [Option ID = 5528]
2. Singbhum mines [Option ID = 5526]
3. Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
4. Koraput mines [Option ID = 5527]
Correct Answer :-
Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
Over elaboration of labour intensive methods of agricultural production is known as:
[Question ID = 1411]
1. Agricultural involution [Option ID = 5642]
2. Producer services [Option ID = 5644]
3. Green revolution [Option ID = 5643]
4. Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Correct Answer :-
Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Underground water that has been heated in contact with hot rock and reaches the surface
with temperatures not far below the boiling point of water are known as: [Question ID = 1350]
1. Hot spring [Option ID = 5400]
2. Jet stream [Option ID = 5398]
3. Geyser [Option ID = 5399]
4. Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Correct Answer :-
Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Deposits of wind transported silt that has settles out from dust storms over thousands of
years are known as: [Question ID = 1371]
1. Foredunes [Option ID = 5484]
2. Dunes [Option ID = 5482]
3. Loess [Option ID = 5483]
4. Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Correct Answer :-
Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Agro-system is a complex unity of the following sectors: [Question ID = 1412]
1. Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5646]
2. Food industry, food consumption, Agri-technology industry [Option ID = 5648]
3. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
4. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5647]
Correct Answer :-
Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
Gentle, sloping rock floor formed close to receding desert mountain masses are called:
[Question ID = 1362]
1. Playa [Option ID = 5446]
2. Peneplain [Option ID = 5448]
3. Talus [Option ID = 5445]
4. Pediment [Option ID = 5447]
Correct Answer :-
Talus [Option ID = 5445]
Forms of stream load are as follows:
[Question ID = 1360]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5440]
2. Suspension load [Option ID = 5438]
3. Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
4. Dissolved matter [Option ID = 5439]
Correct Answer :-
Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
It enables territoriality to be defined and enforced and allows conflict and competition to be
managed and channeled. It is: [Question ID = 1386]
1. Turf [Option ID = 5542]
2. Zones [Option ID = 5544]
3. Boundary [Option ID = 5543]
4. Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
Correct Answer :-
Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
The distortion of rank-size rule distribution in an urban system results in: [Question ID =
1. World city [Option ID = 5572]
2. Primate city [Option ID = 5570]
3. Shock city [Option ID = 5571]
4. Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Correct Answer :-
Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Meridians and Parallels are made up of circles: [Question ID = 1325]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5300]
2. Great and small circles [Option ID = 5298]
3. Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
4. Small circles [Option ID = 5299]
Correct Answer :-
Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
One of the most important processes of mechanical weathering that operates extensively in
dry climates is: [Question ID = 1351]
1. Salt crystal growth [Option ID = 5402]
2. Unloading [Option ID = 5404]
3. Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
4. Exfoliation [Option ID = 5403]
Correct Answer :-
Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
The vernal equinox occurs on: [Question ID = 1329]
1. December 22 [Option ID = 5316]
2. June 21 [Option ID = 5314]
3. September 23 [Option ID = 5315]
4. March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
Correct Answer :-
March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
As part of the Arab spring in 2011 which was the first country where massive popular protest
first took place: [Question ID = 1389]
1. Tunisia [Option ID = 5554]
2. Bahrain [Option ID = 5556]
3. Morocco [Option ID = 5555]
4. Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Correct Answer :-
Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Deep basal indentation on a marine cliff that marks the line of intense wave erosion is
termed as: [Question ID = 1366]
1. Wave cut notch [Option ID = 5464]
2. Undertow [Option ID = 5462]
3. Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
4. Littoral drift [Option ID = 5463]
Correct Answer :-
Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
Large basaltic volcanoes will atypically form
[Question ID = 1344]
1. Narrow trough like features [Option ID = 5376]
2. Tall, steep sided cones [Option ID = 5374]
3. Steep, straight cliff like features [Option ID = 5375]
4. Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Correct Answer :-
Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Mountain making belts found along the margins of lithospheric plates are known as
[Question ID = 1337]
1. Alpine chains [Option ID = 5346]
2. Ancient mountain roots [Option ID = 5348]
3. Continental margins [Option ID = 5347]
4. Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
Correct Answer :-
Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
The spiraling built up of advantages that occurs in specific geographic settings as a result of
the development of external economies, agglomeration effects, localization economies is
referred to as: [Question ID = 1404]
1. Agglomeration diseconomies [Option ID = 5616]
2. Spread effects [Option ID = 5614]
3. Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]
4. Backwash effects [Option ID = 5615]
Correct Answer :-
Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]
Centrifugal and centripetal forces were a term adopted by: [Question ID = 1420]
1. P. Krugman [Option ID = 5680]
2. A.Losch [Option ID = 5678]
3. C.C Colby [Option ID = 5677]
4. A.Amin [Option ID = 5679]
Correct Answer :-
C.C Colby [Option ID = 5677]
According to Marxism, the political, legal, religious, artistic institutions that correspond to a
particular economy of a society is known as: [Question ID = 1415]
1. Capital [Option ID = 5660]
2. Superstructure [Option ID = 5658]
3. Base [Option ID = 5657]
4. Modes of Production [Option ID = 5659]
Correct Answer :-
Base [Option ID = 5657]
Name the comparatively inactive regions of older rocks in the continental crust:
[Question ID = 1338]
1. None of these. [Option ID = 5352]
2. Island arc [Option ID = 5350]
3. Continental shields [Option ID = 5351]
4. Mountain arc [Option ID = 5349]
Correct Answer :-
Mountain arc [Option ID = 5349]
Cliff retreat that produces a table topped plateau bordered on all sides by cliffs is termed as:
[Question ID = 1364]
1. Butte [Option ID = 5454]
2. Gorge [Option ID = 5456]
3. Canyon [Option ID = 5455]
4. Mesa [Option ID = 5453]
Correct Answer :-
Mesa [Option ID = 5453]
Quantitative assessment of biologically productive area required to produce the resources
and to absorb the wastes are known as: [Question ID = 1401]
1. Carrying capacity [Option ID = 5602]
2. Ecological sucession [Option ID = 5604]
3. Ecological footprint [Option ID = 5603]
4. Sustainable development [Option ID = 5601]
Correct Answer :-
Sustainable development [Option ID = 5601]
Potholes are the examples of stream erosion through processes of: [Question ID = 1359]
1. Abrasion [Option ID = 5434]
2. Sheet flow [Option ID = 5436]
3. Corrosion [Option ID = 5435]
4. Hydraulic action [Option ID = 5433]
Correct Answer :-
Hydraulic action [Option ID = 5433]
An example of metamorphic rock is: [Question ID = 1335]
1. Andesite [Option ID = 5338]
2. Marble [Option ID = 5340]
3. Evaporites [Option ID = 5337]
4. Limestone [Option ID = 5339]
Correct Answer :-
Evaporites [Option ID = 5337]
According to the age of alluvial soil it can be classified into: [Question ID = 1375]
1. Chopan [Option ID = 5500]
2. Bangar and Khadar [Option ID = 5498]
3. Kankar [Option ID = 5497]
4. Kari [Option ID = 5499]
Correct Answer :-
Kankar [Option ID = 5497]
The core area in a diffusion process from where new cultural practices are spread through
human agency to create new cultural regions are termed as
[Question ID = 1423]
1. Cultural hearth [Option ID = 5692]
2. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5690]
3. Cultural capital [Option ID = 5691]
4. Culture area [Option ID = 5689]
Correct Answer :-
Culture area [Option ID = 5689]
The stages of economic growth that argues for a take-off model of economic growth in 5
stages was propogated by:
[Question ID = 1403]
1. W.W. Rostow [Option ID = 5610]
2. A.G. Frank [Option ID = 5612]
3. I. Wallerstein [Option ID = 5611]
4. E.V. Rostow [Option ID = 5609]
Correct Answer :-
E.V. Rostow [Option ID = 5609]
The largest manganese ore producing state in India is:
[Question ID = 1381]
1. Jharkhand [Option ID = 5522]
2. Karnataka [Option ID = 5524]
3. Orissa [Option ID = 5523]
4. Madhya Pradesh [Option ID = 5521]
Correct Answer :-
Madhya Pradesh [Option ID = 5521]
The morphology of landscape was written by:
[Question ID = 1416]
1. D.Sopher [Option ID = 5662]
2. D.Cosgrove [Option ID = 5664]
3. E.C. Semple [Option ID = 5661]
4. C. Sauer [Option ID = 5663]
Correct Answer :-
E.C. Semple [Option ID = 5661]
The term acid rain was first coined by:
[Question ID = 1410]
1. I. Burton [Option ID = 5640]
2. M. Lipton [Option ID = 5638]
3. R.A. Smith [Option ID = 5637]
4. R. Buckley [Option ID = 5639]
Correct Answer :-
R.A. Smith [Option ID = 5637]
The optimum population of plants, animals and people that can be sustained on a given area
of land is termed as:
[Question ID = 1418]
1. Carrying capacity [Option ID = 5672]
2. Intensive agricultural expansion [Option ID = 5670]
3. Subsistence agriculture [Option ID = 5671]
4. Extensive agricultural expansion [Option ID = 5669]
Correct Answer :-
Extensive agricultural expansion [Option ID = 5669]
The texture of the sediment deposit of the sedimentary rock is determined by the process of:
[Question ID = 1333]
1. Oxidation [Option ID = 5332]

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Acute angle formed between the rock plane and the horizontal plane is termed as [Question
ID = 1363]
1. Strike [Option ID = 5450]
2. Fault plane [Option ID = 5452]
3. Dip [Option ID = 5451]
4. Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Correct Answer :-
Bedding plane [Option ID = 5449]
Methods for maintaining soil fertility are: [Question ID = 1399]
1. Share cropping [Option ID = 5596]
2. Double cropping [Option ID = 5594]
3. Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
4. Biopharming [Option ID = 5595]
Correct Answer :-
Shifting cultivation [Option ID = 5593]
Common forms of plutons are: [Question ID = 1332]
1. Dike [Option ID = 5326]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5328]
3. Sill [Option ID = 5327]
4. Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Correct Answer :-
Batholiths [Option ID = 5325]
Large, flat expanses on the ocean basin floor on either side of the midoceanic ridge are:
[Question ID = 1342]
1. Continental shelf [Option ID = 5366]
2. Abyssal plains [Option ID = 5368]
3. Abyssal hills [Option ID = 5367]
4. Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Correct Answer :-
Oceanic trend floors [Option ID = 5365]
Large cities characterized by both primacy and high degree of centrality within their national
economy is termed as: [Question ID = 1394]
1. Mature metropolis [Option ID = 5576]
2. Gateway city [Option ID = 5574]
3. Megacity [Option ID = 5575]
4. Global city [Option ID = 5573]
Correct Answer :-
Global city [Option ID = 5573]
The understanding of human environment relationship by relating patterns of resource use to
political and economic forces that can lead to environmental degradation is referred to as:
[Question ID = 1408]
1. Deep ecology [Option ID = 5630]
2. Ecotheology [Option ID = 5632]
3. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5631]
4. Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
Correct Answer :-
Political ecology [Option ID = 5629]
The tendency towards localization of activities in and around a relatively small number of
urban centres is known as: [Question ID = 1421]
1. Economies of scope [Option ID = 5682]
2. Common market [Option ID = 5684]
3. Agglomeration [Option ID = 5683]
4. External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Correct Answer :-
External economies [Option ID = 5681]
Laterite soils are found in [Question ID = 1376]
1. Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5504]
2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra [Option ID = 5502]
3. Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, Chattisgarh [Option ID = 5503]
4. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Correct Answer :-
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam [Option ID = 5501]
Encrustations of travertine forms: [Question ID = 1356]
1. Stalagmites [Option ID = 5422]
2. Artesian well [Option ID = 5424]
3. Sinkholes [Option ID = 5423]
4. Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
Correct Answer :-
Limestone caverns [Option ID = 5421]
When boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular party or candidate or to
prevent or ensure loss of power of a particular subpopulation is known as:
[Question ID = 1390]
1. Electoral college [Option ID = 5560]
2. Reapportionment [Option ID = 5558]
3. Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
4. Gerrymandering [Option ID = 5559]
Correct Answer :-
Redistricting [Option ID = 5557]
Anthropogeography is closely associated with the work of
[Question ID = 1413]
1. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5650]
2. C. Ritter [Option ID = 5652]
3. V. de la Blache [Option ID = 5651]
4. M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Correct Answer :-
M. Bloch [Option ID = 5649]
Plants were for the first time added in the list of protected species in India in the year:
[Question ID = 1378]
1. 1980 [Option ID = 5510]
2. 1991 [Option ID = 5512]
3. 1880 [Option ID = 5509]
4. 1986 [Option ID = 5511]
Correct Answer :-
1880 [Option ID = 5509]
The shape of the earth is: [Question ID = 1324]
1. Ellipsoid [Option ID = 5296]
2. Oblate [Option ID = 5294]
3. Oblate ellipsoid [Option ID = 5295]
4. Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Correct Answer :-
Spherical [Option ID = 5293]
Sustainabilty is understood in terms of: [Question ID = 1409]
1. The interdependent relationship between social well being and economy [Option ID = 5634]
2. The interdependent relationship between economy, environment and social well-being. [Option ID =
3. The interdependent relationship between environment and social well being [Option ID = 5635]
4. The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
Correct Answer :-
The interdependent relationship between economy and environment [Option ID = 5633]
A state that allocates power to units of local government within the country is defined as:
[Question ID = 1387]
1. Confederation [Option ID = 5548]
2. Independent State [Option ID = 5546]
3. Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
4. Unitary State [Option ID = 5547]
Correct Answer :-
Federal State [Option ID = 5545]
Depositional landforms made by ice-sheets are:
[Question ID = 1374]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5496]
2. Knob and kettle [Option ID = 5494]
3. Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
4. Outwash plain [Option ID = 5495]
Correct Answer :-
Ground moraine [Option ID = 5493]
Species that are found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical
barriers are known as [Question ID = 1377]
1. Rare species [Option ID = 5506]
2. Endemic species [Option ID = 5508]
3. Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
4. Vulnerable species [Option ID = 5507]
Correct Answer :-
Endangered species [Option ID = 5505]
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber are examples of crops produced during the
[Question ID = 1380]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5520]
2. Kharif season [Option ID = 5518]
3. Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
4. Zaid season [Option ID = 5519]
Correct Answer :-
Rabi season [Option ID = 5517]
The study of the spatial distribution of physical and human phenomena as they relate to
other spatially proximate and causally linked phenomena in regions or other spatial units is
termed as: [Question ID = 1414]
1. Social area analysis [Option ID = 5654]
2. Areal differentiation [Option ID = 5656]
3. Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
4. Spatial analysis [Option ID = 5655]
Correct Answer :-
Space economy [Option ID = 5653]
Isolated mountain or hill that rises conspicuously above a peneplain is termed as: [Question
ID = 1365]
1. Monadnock [Option ID = 5460]
2. Hogbacks [Option ID = 5458]
3. Cuesta [Option ID = 5459]
4. Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Correct Answer :-
Bluffs [Option ID = 5457]
Processes of chemical weathering include:
[Question ID = 1352]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5408]
2. Oxidation [Option ID = 5406]
3. Acid action [Option ID = 5407]
4. Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
Correct Answer :-
Hydrolysis [Option ID = 5405]
The most abundant elements in the earth?s crust in terms of percentage by weight are:
[Question ID = 1330]
1. Aluminium [Option ID = 5318]
2. Oxygen [Option ID = 5320]
3. Iron [Option ID = 5319]
4. Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
Correct Answer :-
Silicon [Option ID = 5317]
The most common igneous rocks are: [Question ID = 1331]
1. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Peridolite [Option ID = 5322]
2. Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dolomite [Option ID = 5324]
3. Granite, Gabbro, Andesite, Quartzite [Option ID = 5323]
4. Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
Correct Answer :-
Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite [Option ID = 5321]
In the Arctics, when ice accumulates in vertical deep cracks in silt, alluvium sediments on
river floodplains and delta plain it forms: [Question ID = 1353]
1. Pingo [Option ID = 5412]
2. Solifluction lobes [Option ID = 5410]
3. Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
4. Ice wedge [Option ID = 5411]
Correct Answer :-
Solifluction terraces [Option ID = 5409]
In Christaller?s Central Place theory the administrative principle is represented by: [Question
ID = 1419]
1. K=3 model [Option ID = 5676]
2. K=5 model [Option ID = 5674]
3. K=4 model [Option ID = 5675]
4. K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
Correct Answer :-
K=7 model [Option ID = 5673]
The effect of wind abrasion is limited to: [Question ID = 1369]
1. Between 2 - 3 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5474]
2. Between 4 - 5 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5476]
3. Between 3 - 4 metres of a rock mass from its base [Option ID = 5475]
4. Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Correct Answer :-
Basal meter or two of a rock mass [Option ID = 5473]
Examples of coasts that are formed due to emergence are:
[Question ID = 1367]
1. Fiord coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5466]
2. Ria coast, Fiord coast, Barrier island coast [Option ID = 5468]
3. Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
4. Coral reef coast, Barrier island, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5467]
Correct Answer :-
Ria coast, Barrier island coast, volcanic coast [Option ID = 5465]
The process of accretion leads to the formation of: [Question ID = 1339]
1. Converging boundary [Option ID = 5354]
2. Axial rift [Option ID = 5356]
3. Transform boundary [Option ID = 5355]
4. Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
Correct Answer :-
Spreading boundary [Option ID = 5353]
The process of removal of soil in uniform thin layers is termed as: [Question ID = 1358]
1. Sheet erosion [Option ID = 5432]
2. Splash erosion [Option ID = 5430]
3. Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
4. Rill erosion [Option ID = 5431]
Correct Answer :-
Sediment yield [Option ID = 5429]
Volcanic bombs are included in: [Question ID = 1343]
1. Tephra [Option ID = 5370]
2. Lave flows [Option ID = 5372]
3. Caldera [Option ID = 5371]
4. Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
Correct Answer :-
Glowing avalanche [Option ID = 5369]
At the global scale, levels of economic development are usually measured by economic
indicators such as:
[Question ID = 1400]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5600]
2. CNI [Option ID = 5598]
3. GDP [Option ID = 5597]
4. PPP [Option ID = 5599]
Correct Answer :-
GDP [Option ID = 5597]
Aquicludes may be defined as: [Question ID = 1355]
1. Interconnected sub-terrainean cavities [Option ID = 5420]
2. A layer of rock that is relatively impermeable and hold little water [Option ID = 5418]
3. A layer of permeable rock between two layers of impervious rock layers [Option ID = 5419]
4. A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of rock or sediment that contains abundantly free flowing ground water [Option ID = 5417]
The stages outlined by J. Friedman in the development of the space economy includes:
[Question ID = 1422]
1. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial
integration [Option ID = 5686]
2. Core periphery, dispersion of economic activity, spatial integration [Option ID = 5688]
3. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery, dispersion of economic activity [Option
ID = 5687]
4. Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Correct Answer :-
Preindustrial societies with localized economies, core periphery [Option ID = 5685]
Experts on urbanization point to the following aspects that towns and cities help shaping
the social and economic organization:
[Question ID = 1392]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5568]
2. Decision making capacity [Option ID = 5566]
3. Generative functions [Option ID = 5567]
4. Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Correct Answer :-
Mobilizing function [Option ID = 5565]
Dunes that take the form of wave like ridges separated by trough like furrows are called:
[Question ID = 1370]
1. Parabolic dunes [Option ID = 5480]
2. Longitudinal dunes [Option ID = 5478]
3. Transverse dunes [Option ID = 5479]
4. Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Correct Answer :-
Foredunes [Option ID = 5477]
Examples of stateless people across the world are: [Question ID = 1384]
1. Syrians [Option ID = 5534]
2. South Sudanese [Option ID = 5536]
3. Afghans [Option ID = 5535]
4. Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Correct Answer :-
Roma [Option ID = 5533]
Topophilia literally means: [Question ID = 1406]
1. Love of a place [Option ID = 5622]
2. Feeling indifferent towards a place [Option ID = 5624]
3. Fear of a place [Option ID = 5623]
4. Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
Correct Answer :-
Hating a place [Option ID = 5621]
This map projection shows the true shapes of all small areas: [Question ID = 1327]
1. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5306]
2. Conic map projection [Option ID = 5308]
3. Gall Peters projection [Option ID = 5307]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5305]
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults is [Question ID = 1346]
1. Horst [Option ID = 5382]
2. Tilted block mountain [Option ID = 5384]
3. Graben [Option ID = 5381]
4. Fault scarp [Option ID = 5383]
Correct Answer :-
Graben [Option ID = 5381]
Heartland theory was propogated by: [Question ID = 1388]
1. R. Kjellen [Option ID = 5550]
2. G. Deleuze [Option ID = 5552]
3. H. Mackinder [Option ID = 5551]
4. N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
Correct Answer :-
N.J. Spyman [Option ID = 5549]
The social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods are termed as:
[Question ID = 1391]
1. Urban form [Option ID = 5562]
2. Urbanism [Option ID = 5564]
3. Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
4. Urban ecology [Option ID = 5563]
Correct Answer :-
Urban system [Option ID = 5561]
In which type of fault is the movement per-dominantly horizontal [Question ID = 1347]
1. Reverse fault [Option ID = 5386]
2. Overthrust fault [Option ID = 5388]
3. Transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5387]
4. Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
Correct Answer :-
Normal fault [Option ID = 5385]
The view that State can be seen as a biological organism with its growth and change being
natural and inevitable was propogated by [Question ID = 1385]
1. C.Darwin [Option ID = 5538]
2. F. Ratzel [Option ID = 5540]
3. G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
4. A.T. Mahan [Option ID = 5539]
Correct Answer :-
G.O Tuathail [Option ID = 5537]
It was surmised that the Super continent Pangea existed intact as early as: [Question ID =
1. 400 million years ago [Option ID = 5364]
2. 250 million years ago [Option ID = 5362]
3. 175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
4. 300 million years ago [Option ID = 5363]
Correct Answer :-
175 million years ago [Option ID = 5361]
Name the zone of the glacier where loss of ice and snow occurs due to evaporation and
melting: [Question ID = 1373]
1. Zone of abrasion [Option ID = 5490]
2. Zone of ablation [Option ID = 5492]
3. Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
4. Zone of plucking [Option ID = 5491]
Correct Answer :-
Zone of accumulation [Option ID = 5489]
Name the city which is the birthplace of bus rapid transit: [Question ID = 1397]
1. Seattle [Option ID = 5588]
2. Jakarta [Option ID = 5586]
3. Curitiba [Option ID = 5587]
4. Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Correct Answer :-
Berlin [Option ID = 5585]
Name the projection that is most commonly used to show maps for winds and ocean
currents, temperature and pressure: [Question ID = 1326]
1. Azimutal projection [Option ID = 5304]
2. Mercator projection [Option ID = 5302]
3. Goode projection [Option ID = 5303]
4. Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Correct Answer :-
Polar projection [Option ID = 5301]
Name the state which was amongst the first in India to have made roof top rain water
harvesting structure compulsory to all houses across the State: [Question ID = 1379]
1. Tamil Nadu [Option ID = 5514]
2. Manipur [Option ID = 5516]
3. West Bengal [Option ID = 5515]
4. Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Correct Answer :-
Tripura [Option ID = 5513]
Name the state producing highest tidal energy in India: [Question ID = 1383]
1. Orissa [Option ID = 5532]
2. Gujarat [Option ID = 5530]
3. Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
4. West Bengal [Option ID = 5531]
Correct Answer :-
Kerala [Option ID = 5529]
The continental crust consists of: [Question ID = 1336]
1. Two layers of mafic and ultramafic rocks [Option ID = 5344]
2. A layer of ultra mafic rocks [Option ID = 5342]
3. A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
4. Two layers of felsic and mafic rocks [Option ID = 5343]
Correct Answer :-
A layer of mafic rocks [Option ID = 5341]
Spatial objects in a GIS can include: [Question ID = 1328]
1. Intersecting lines [Option ID = 5310]
2. All of these [Option ID = 5312]
3. Polygon [Option ID = 5311]
4. Point [Option ID = 5309]
Correct Answer :-
Point [Option ID = 5309]
Biopower was a term coined by [Question ID = 1417]
1. N. Thrift [Option ID = 5666]
2. N. Borlaug [Option ID = 5668]
3. M. Foucault [Option ID = 5667]
4. V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
Correct Answer :-
V. Shiva [Option ID = 5665]
What occurs when cities experience a net loss of population to smaller towns and rural
areas: [Question ID = 1395]
1. Reurbanisation [Option ID = 5578]
2. Decentralization [Option ID = 5580]
3. Deindustrialization [Option ID = 5579]
4. Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Correct Answer :-
Counterurbanisation [Option ID = 5577]
Drawdown refers to:
[Question ID = 1357]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5428]
2. Cone of depression [Option ID = 5426]
3. The difference between ground surface and original water table [Option ID = 5427]
4. The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Correct Answer :-
The difference between the original water table and water table in well [Option ID = 5425]
Processes that involve the renovation of housing in older, centrally located low income
neighbourhoods is known as: [Question ID = 1398]
1. Redlining [Option ID = 5590]
2. Gentrification [Option ID = 5592]
3. Sprawl [Option ID = 5591]
4. Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
Correct Answer :-
Metroburbia [Option ID = 5589]
The zone along which two plates permanently unite after collision and terminates further
tectonic activity is known as: [Question ID = 1340]
1. Covered shields [Option ID = 5360]
2. Sediment wedges [Option ID = 5358]
3. Continental shelf wedge [Option ID = 5359]
4. Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Correct Answer :-
Continental suture [Option ID = 5357]
Mass production based on assembly line techniques and scientific management together
with mass consumption is referred to as: [Question ID = 1405]
1. Fordism [Option ID = 5620]
2. Just in time production [Option ID = 5618]
3. Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
4. Vertical disintegration [Option ID = 5619]
Correct Answer :-
Flexible production system [Option ID = 5617]
The water table marks: [Question ID = 1354]
1. Bottom of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5416]
2. Top of the unsaturated zone [Option ID = 5414]
3. Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
4. Top of the soil water belt [Option ID = 5415]
Correct Answer :-
Top of the saturated zone [Option ID = 5413]
Tsunami is associated with a major earthquake
[Question ID = 1348]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5392]
2. Along a major transcurrent fault [Option ID = 5390]
3. Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
4. Along spreading boundaries [Option ID = 5391]
Correct Answer :-
Centred on a subduction plate boundary [Option ID = 5389]
Aggradation is a process that is usually associated with: [Question ID = 1361]
1. Formation of braided stream [Option ID = 5442]
2. Formation of natural levee [Option ID = 5444]
3. Formation of ox-bow lake [Option ID = 5443]
4. Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Correct Answer :-
Formation of waterfalls [Option ID = 5441]
Moving away from a specialization in primary commodities towards a more diversified
manufacturing base is known as: [Question ID = 1402]
1. Import substitution [Option ID = 5608]
2. Dual economy [Option ID = 5606]
3. Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
4. Geographical path dependence [Option ID = 5607]
Correct Answer :-
Terms of trade [Option ID = 5605]
Guyot is
[Question ID = 1345]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5380]
2. Circular coral reef enclosing a lagoon [Option ID = 5378]
3. Sunken island formed from continued subsidence of coral reef [Option ID = 5379]
4. Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
Correct Answer :-
Fringing coral reefs [Option ID = 5377]
When folding is accompanied by faulting in which slices of rock move over the underlying
rock on fault surfaces. These are called: [Question ID = 1349]
1. Overturned folds [Option ID = 5396]
2. Thrust sheets [Option ID = 5394]
3. Overthrust faults [Option ID = 5395]
4. Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Correct Answer :-
Recumbent folds [Option ID = 5393]
Spaces described in terms of places, territories, whose attributes carry special meaning for a
particular group is known as: [Question ID = 1407]
1. Topological space [Option ID = 5626]
2. Socio-economic space [Option ID = 5628]
3. Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
4. Cognitive space [Option ID = 5627]
Correct Answer :-
Cultural space [Option ID = 5625]
The largest producer of copper is: [Question ID = 1382]
1. Balaghat mines [Option ID = 5528]
2. Singbhum mines [Option ID = 5526]
3. Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
4. Koraput mines [Option ID = 5527]
Correct Answer :-
Khetri mines [Option ID = 5525]
Over elaboration of labour intensive methods of agricultural production is known as:
[Question ID = 1411]
1. Agricultural involution [Option ID = 5642]
2. Producer services [Option ID = 5644]
3. Green revolution [Option ID = 5643]
4. Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Correct Answer :-
Agricultural revolution [Option ID = 5641]
Underground water that has been heated in contact with hot rock and reaches the surface
with temperatures not far below the boiling point of water are known as: [Question ID = 1350]
1. Hot spring [Option ID = 5400]
2. Jet stream [Option ID = 5398]
3. Geyser [Option ID = 5399]
4. Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Correct Answer :-
Hotspot [Option ID = 5397]
Deposits of wind transported silt that has settles out from dust storms over thousands of
years are known as: [Question ID = 1371]
1. Foredunes [Option ID = 5484]
2. Dunes [Option ID = 5482]
3. Loess [Option ID = 5483]
4. Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Correct Answer :-
Alluvium [Option ID = 5481]
Agro-system is a complex unity of the following sectors: [Question ID = 1412]
1. Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5646]
2. Food industry, food consumption, Agri-technology industry [Option ID = 5648]
3. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
4. Agri-technology industry, Farming industry, Food industry, Food consumption [Option ID = 5647]
Correct Answer :-
Agri-technology industry, Farming industry [Option ID = 5645]
Gentle, sloping rock floor formed close to receding desert mountain masses are called:
[Question ID = 1362]
1. Playa [Option ID = 5446]
2. Peneplain [Option ID = 5448]
3. Talus [Option ID = 5445]
4. Pediment [Option ID = 5447]
Correct Answer :-
Talus [Option ID = 5445]
Forms of stream load are as follows:
[Question ID = 1360]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5440]
2. Suspension load [Option ID = 5438]
3. Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
4. Dissolved matter [Option ID = 5439]
Correct Answer :-
Bed load [Option ID = 5437]
It enables territoriality to be defined and enforced and allows conflict and competition to be
managed and channeled. It is: [Question ID = 1386]
1. Turf [Option ID = 5542]
2. Zones [Option ID = 5544]
3. Boundary [Option ID = 5543]
4. Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
Correct Answer :-
Frontier [Option ID = 5541]
The distortion of rank-size rule distribution in an urban system results in: [Question ID =
1. World city [Option ID = 5572]
2. Primate city [Option ID = 5570]
3. Shock city [Option ID = 5571]
4. Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Correct Answer :-
Central place [Option ID = 5569]
Meridians and Parallels are made up of circles: [Question ID = 1325]
1. None of these [Option ID = 5300]
2. Great and small circles [Option ID = 5298]
3. Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
4. Small circles [Option ID = 5299]
Correct Answer :-
Great circles [Option ID = 5297]
One of the most important processes of mechanical weathering that operates extensively in
dry climates is: [Question ID = 1351]
1. Salt crystal growth [Option ID = 5402]
2. Unloading [Option ID = 5404]
3. Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
4. Exfoliation [Option ID = 5403]
Correct Answer :-
Frost action [Option ID = 5401]
The vernal equinox occurs on: [Question ID = 1329]
1. December 22 [Option ID = 5316]
2. June 21 [Option ID = 5314]
3. September 23 [Option ID = 5315]
4. March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
Correct Answer :-
March 21 [Option ID = 5313]
As part of the Arab spring in 2011 which was the first country where massive popular protest
first took place: [Question ID = 1389]
1. Tunisia [Option ID = 5554]
2. Bahrain [Option ID = 5556]
3. Morocco [Option ID = 5555]
4. Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Correct Answer :-
Egypt [Option ID = 5553]
Deep basal indentation on a marine cliff that marks the line of intense wave erosion is
termed as: [Question ID = 1366]
1. Wave cut notch [Option ID = 5464]
2. Undertow [Option ID = 5462]
3. Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
4. Littoral drift [Option ID = 5463]
Correct Answer :-
Abrasion platform [Option ID = 5461]
Large basaltic volcanoes will atypically form
[Question ID = 1344]
1. Narrow trough like features [Option ID = 5376]
2. Tall, steep sided cones [Option ID = 5374]
3. Steep, straight cliff like features [Option ID = 5375]
4. Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Correct Answer :-
Rounded domes with gentle slopes [Option ID = 5373]
Mountain making belts found along the margins of lithospheric plates are known as
[Question ID = 1337]
1. Alpine chains [Option ID = 5346]
2. Ancient mountain roots [Option ID = 5348]
3. Continental margins [Option ID = 5347]
4. Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
Correct Answer :-
Mid-oceanic ridge [Option ID = 5345]
The spiraling built up of advantages that occurs in specific geographic settings as a result of
the development of external economies, agglomeration effects, localization economies is
referred to as: [Question ID = 1404]
1. Agglomeration diseconomies [Option ID = 5616]
2. Spread effects [Option ID = 5614]
3. Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]
4. Backwash effects [Option ID = 5615]
Correct Answer :-
Cumulative causation [Option ID = 5613]
Centrifugal and centripetal forces were a term adopted by: [Question ID = 1420]
1. P. Krugman [Option ID = 5680]
2. A.Losch [Option ID = 5678]
3. C.C Colby [Option ID = 5677]
4. A.Amin [Option ID = 5679]
Correct Answer :-
C.C Colby [Option ID = 5677]
According to Marxism, the political, legal, religious, artistic institutions that correspond to a
particular economy of a society is known as: [Question ID = 1415]
1. Capital [Option ID = 5660]
2. Superstructure [Option ID = 5658]
3. Base [Option ID = 5657]
4. Modes of Production [Option ID = 5659]
Correct Answer :-
Base [Option ID = 5657]
Name the comparatively inactive regions of older rocks in the continental crust:
[Question ID = 1338]
1. None of these. [Option ID = 5352]
2. Island arc [Option ID = 5350]
3. Continental shields [Option ID = 5351]
4. Mountain arc [Option ID = 5349]
Correct Answer :-
Mountain arc [Option ID = 5349]
Cliff retreat that produces a table topped plateau bordered on all sides by cliffs is termed as:
[Question ID = 1364]
1. Butte [Option ID = 5454]
2. Gorge [Option ID = 5456]
3. Canyon [Option ID = 5455]
4. Mesa [Option ID = 5453]
Correct Answer :-
Mesa [Option ID = 5453]
Quantitative assessment of biologically productive area required to produce the resources
and to absorb the wastes are known as: [Question ID = 1401]
1. Carrying capacity [Option ID = 5602]
2. Ecological sucession [Option ID = 5604]
3. Ecological footprint [Option ID = 5603]
4. Sustainable development [Option ID = 5601]
Correct Answer :-
Sustainable development [Option ID = 5601]
Potholes are the examples of stream erosion through processes of: [Question ID = 1359]
1. Abrasion [Option ID = 5434]
2. Sheet flow [Option ID = 5436]
3. Corrosion [Option ID = 5435]
4. Hydraulic action [Option ID = 5433]
Correct Answer :-
Hydraulic action [Option ID = 5433]
An example of metamorphic rock is: [Question ID = 1335]
1. Andesite [Option ID = 5338]
2. Marble [Option ID = 5340]
3. Evaporites [Option ID = 5337]
4. Limestone [Option ID = 5339]
Correct Answer :-
Evaporites [Option ID = 5337]
According to the age of alluvial soil it can be classified into: [Question ID = 1375]
1. Chopan [Option ID = 5500]
2. Bangar and Khadar [Option ID = 5498]
3. Kankar [Option ID = 5497]
4. Kari [Option ID = 5499]
Correct Answer :-
Kankar [Option ID = 5497]
The core area in a diffusion process from where new cultural practices are spread through
human agency to create new cultural regions are termed as
[Question ID = 1423]
1. Cultural hearth [Option ID = 5692]
2. Cultural ecology [Option ID = 5690]
3. Cultural capital [Option ID = 5691]
4. Culture area [Option ID = 5689]
Correct Answer :-
Culture area [Option ID = 5689]
The stages of economic growth that argues for a take-off model of economic growth in 5
stages was propogated by:
[Question ID = 1403]
1. W.W. Rostow [Option ID = 5610]
2. A.G. Frank [Option ID = 5612]
3. I. Wallerstein [Option ID = 5611]
4. E.V. Rostow [Option ID = 5609]
Correct Answer :-
E.V. Rostow [Option ID = 5609]
The largest manganese ore producing state in India is:
[Question ID = 1381]
1. Jharkhand [Option ID = 5522]
2. Karnataka [Option ID = 5524]
3. Orissa [Option ID = 5523]
4. Madhya Pradesh [Option ID = 5521]
Correct Answer :-
Madhya Pradesh [Option ID = 5521]
The morphology of landscape was written by:
[Question ID = 1416]
1. D.Sopher [Option ID = 5662]
2. D.Cosgrove [Option ID = 5664]
3. E.C. Semple [Option ID = 5661]
4. C. Sauer [Option ID = 5663]
Correct Answer :-
E.C. Semple [Option ID = 5661]
The term acid rain was first coined by:
[Question ID = 1410]
1. I. Burton [Option ID = 5640]
2. M. Lipton [Option ID = 5638]
3. R.A. Smith [Option ID = 5637]
4. R. Buckley [Option ID = 5639]
Correct Answer :-
R.A. Smith [Option ID = 5637]
The optimum population of plants, animals and people that can be sustained on a given area
of land is termed as:
[Question ID = 1418]
1. Carrying capacity [Option ID = 5672]
2. Intensive agricultural expansion [Option ID = 5670]
3. Subsistence agriculture [Option ID = 5671]
4. Extensive agricultural expansion [Option ID = 5669]
Correct Answer :-
Extensive agricultural expansion [Option ID = 5669]
The texture of the sediment deposit of the sedimentary rock is determined by the process of:
[Question ID = 1333]
1. Oxidation [Option ID = 5332]
2. Cementation [Option ID = 5330]
3. Flocculation [Option ID = 5329]
4. Sorting [Option ID = 5331]
Correct Answer :-
Flocculation [Option ID = 5329]
Name the city that has consistently topped the green city index: [Question ID = 1396]
1. Amsterdam [Option ID = 5584]
2. Vienna [Option ID = 5582]
3. Copenhagen [Option ID = 5583]
4. Helsinki [Option ID = 5581]
Correct Answer :-
Helsinki [Option ID = 5581]
Layers of snow in the process of compaction and re-crystallisation are called: [Question ID =
1. Ice-sheet [Option ID = 5486]
2. Tarns [Option ID = 5488]
3. Firn [Option ID = 5485]
4. Ice-fall [Option ID = 5487]
Correct Answer :-
Firn [Option ID = 5485]
Mud is a sedimentary rock which is: [Question ID = 1334]
1. A mixture of silt and sand grains. [Option ID = 5336]
2. A mixture of silt, clay, sand grains, some pebble rocks [Option ID = 5334]
3. A mixture of silt, clay and sand grains. [Option ID = 5333]
4. A mixture of silt and clay. [Option ID = 5335]
Correct Answer :-
A mixture of silt, clay and sand grains. [Option ID = 5333]
Reefs that are built as platforms attached to shore are known as :
[Question ID = 1368]
1. All of these [Option ID = 5472]
2. Fringing reefs [Option ID = 5470]
3. Barrier reefs [Option ID = 5471]
4. Atolls [Option ID = 5469]
Correct Answer :-
Atolls [Option ID = 5469]

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This post was last modified on 19 June 2020