Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University) BE/BTech (Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Technology) 2019 Winter 6th Sem New 2160708 Web Technology Previous Question Paper
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code: 2160708 Date: 11/12/2019
Subject Name: Web Technology
Time: 02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Give full form of following acronym (i) DTD (ii) DOM (iii) XSL 03
(b) Explain following HTML tags with example (i)
(ii) 04 (c) What is HTTP? Explain HTTP Request and Response. 07 Q.2 (a) Discuss how display resolution affects web site design. 03 (b) XHTML is stricter language than HTML. Justify. 04 (c) What do you mean by Meta Tags? List and Explain any three meta tags with example. 07 OR (c) Write HTML and CSS code for the following: (i) Set color of visited link to "green". (ii) Set background color of paragraph to ?yellow? (iii) Set list style for unordered lists to "square". (iv) Set "calendar.jpeg" as the repeated background image of the page. 07 Q.3 (a) Differentiate client side scripting and server side scripting. 03 (b) How to display ordered list and unordered list using HTML? Give Example. 04 (c) Design a login form with username and password option using HTML and JavaScript. Perform following validations. (i) Username field: minimum length 6 characters, it should not have any special character or digits other than _ (ii) Password field: minimum length 8 characters and maximum length 12 characters, it must contain at least one digit and at least one special character from the set {*,#,_} 07 OR Q.3 (a) State true or false and justify your answer : ?Java Script is untyped language? 03 (b) What is external style sheet? Give example. Give advantages of external style sheet. 04 (c) Write a JavaScript that handles following events. (i) If the mouse is over heading, change font color to ?red? and if the mouse goes out of the heading change it to ?black? (ii) If key pressed is ?a?,?e?,?i?,?o?,?u?, the message should be displayed on pop up box that ?vowel is pressed? (iii)If ?Date and Time? button is clicked it displays current date and time information. 07 Q.4 (a) What is XML? Give purpose and list its features. 03 - FirstRanker's Choice 1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE - SEMESTER ? VI (New) EXAMINATION ? WINTER 2019 Subject Code: 2160708 Date: 11/12/2019 Subject Name: Web Technology Time: 02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. MARKS Q.1 (a) Give full form of following acronym (i) DTD (ii) DOM (iii) XSL 03 (b) Explain following HTML tags with example (i) (ii) 04 (c) What is HTTP? Explain HTTP Request and Response. 07 Q.2 (a) Discuss how display resolution affects web site design. 03 (b) XHTML is stricter language than HTML. Justify. 04 (c) What do you mean by Meta Tags? List and Explain any three meta tags with example. 07 OR (c) Write HTML and CSS code for the following: (i) Set color of visited link to "green". (ii) Set background color of paragraph to ?yellow? (iii) Set list style for unordered lists to "square". (iv) Set "calendar.jpeg" as the repeated background image of the page. 07 Q.3 (a) Differentiate client side scripting and server side scripting. 03 (b) How to display ordered list and unordered list using HTML? Give Example. 04 (c) Design a login form with username and password option using HTML and JavaScript. Perform following validations. (i) Username field: minimum length 6 characters, it should not have any special character or digits other than _ (ii) Password field: minimum length 8 characters and maximum length 12 characters, it must contain at least one digit and at least one special character from the set {*,#,_} 07 OR Q.3 (a) State true or false and justify your answer : ?Java Script is untyped language? 03 (b) What is external style sheet? Give example. Give advantages of external style sheet. 04 (c) Write a JavaScript that handles following events. (i) If the mouse is over heading, change font color to ?red? and if the mouse goes out of the heading change it to ?black? (ii) If key pressed is ?a?,?e?,?i?,?o?,?u?, the message should be displayed on pop up box that ?vowel is pressed? (iii)If ?Date and Time? button is clicked it displays current date and time information. 07 Q.4 (a) What is XML? Give purpose and list its features. 03 2 (b) What is an associative array in PHP? Give Example. 04 (c) Using HTML and Java script design a web page that takes one integer as input and display total N prime numbers starting from 1 in HTML table on web page 07 OR Q.4 (a) What is use of ?break? and ?continue? statements in PHP scripts? 03 (b) Explain following string functions with example in PHP: ucwords() and strpos() 04 (c) Write XML file to store information about Music_Album having fields of Title, Singer, Music_Composer, Actor, Language, Country and Release_Year. Also write corresponding external DTD file. 07 Q.5 (a) What is use of $_REQUEST[] array in PHP? 03 (b) Explain XSL elements value-of and for-each with example. 04 (c) Write PHP script to read and write a text file. 07 OR Q.5 (a) What is difference between identical and equal to operator in PHP? Give example. 03 (b) What is cookie in PHP? Explain cookies handling in PHP. 04 (c) Write a PHP script to store user registration details (user-name, address, date of birth, age, pan card, gender) with MySQL database. 07 ************* - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 20 February 2020