Download RGUHS M.Pharmacy First Year 2011 May 9292 Formulation Technology And Validation Paper II Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) M Pharma (Master of Pharmacy) First Year (1st Year) 2011 May 9292 Formulation Technology And Validation Paper II Question Paper.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
First Year M.Pharm Degree Examination ? May 2011

[Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 100]



(RS 2 & RS 3)

Q.P. CODE: 9292

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions

LONG ESSAY (Answer any TWO) 2 X 20 = 40 Marks
1. What is validation? Explain in detail. Write a detailed note on Validation and Calibration of analytical
2. Describe the Formulation and evaluation of Transdermal products.
3. Write a note on protocol for Pre-Formulation studies.

SHORT ESSAY (Answer any FIVE) 5 X 10 = 50 Marks
4. Describe the different types of Solubilisation Techniques.
5. Write a note on Accelerated Stability Studies and Shelf life Prediction.
6. Write a note on quality control aspects of Plastic containers for Parenterals.
7. Write a detailed note on validation of dry heat and moist heat sterilization
8. Explain in detail the validation of water supply systems.
9. Write a note on Formulation, evaluation and quality control aspects of Dental Products.

SHORT NOTES 2 X 5 = 10 Marks
10. Baby Care Products
11. Evaluation of suppositories.

* * * * * - FirstRanker's Choice

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