Download RGUHS M.Pharmacy First Year 2015 November 9339 Advances In Drug Delivery Systems RS 4 Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) M Pharma (Master of Pharmacy) First Year (1st Year) 2015 November 9339 Advances In Drug Delivery Systems RS 4 Question Paper.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
First Year M. Pharm Degree Examination - NOVEMBER 2015
[Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 100]
Advances in Drug Delivery Systems
(Revised Scheme 4)
Q.P. CODE: 9339
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

LONG ESSAY (Answer any TWO) 2 X 20 = 40 Marks
1. Explain the dissolution and combination of dissolution and diffusion controlled drug delivery
2. Give a note on development and evaluation of polymeric nano particles.
3. Explain pH controlled and osmotic controlled drug delivery systems.

SHORT ESSAY (Answer any FIVE) 5 X 10 = 50 Marks
4. Explain the various theories of muco adhesion.
5. Explain ion exchange controlled drug delivery systems.
6. Give a note on development and evaluation of buccal drug delivery systems with its
7. Explain the concept of permeation of drugs through skin and factors affecting permeation.
8. Explain the various approaches for injectable controlled release formulations.
9. What are monoclonal antibodies? Give their diagnostic and therapeutic applications.

SHORT NOTES 2 X 5 = 10 Marks
10. Iontophoresis
11. Problems related to monoclonal antibodies

* * * * * - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 20 December 2019
