Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 2017 May 1st Year CP105 Computer Programming Question Paper
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End ?Si-niiehtcr Examination
Class: B. Tech (Computcr/ lT/F.&TC/Flcctrical) Semester: 1
Subject: Basic Computer Programming
SuhjcctCode:CPl05 05 MAY 2017
Maximum Marks: 60
Time: 3 Hours
Instructions: ?
1. MI questions are compulsory uml each question carry l0 marks each. i,
2. Figures to right indicate full marks.
3. Illustrate your answers with new sketches. diagrams etc. whenever necessary.
4. \?cccssary data is given in resl'?ecmive question. lfsuch data is not given, it means that
knowledge of that data is part of examination.
Q]: A. Fl?liSt some application areas which uscs the programming paradigm in practical ?eld. (0.2)
Explain any two ot?them. (03)
B. Explain program, algorithm and data stluclurc with suitable examples. Differentiate
hem'ecn algorithm and ?owuha 'l. (?5?
Q2: A. What is Arithmetic instruction? Iixplain all three modes nfC arithmetic statement. (03)
H. A character is entered by user through keyboard. write a program to calculate cmd print
(hi: ASCII value 0fthat entered characmr. (H3)
C. Attempt any ONE from tbliowing.
a) What is type casting? Explain it with suitable example. (?04)
b) Differentiate between:
i. Prcincrcmemation and Postincicmcmalion operatur in C.
ii. ?i and T: operator in C.
Q32 A. i. Write a note on conditional opm'alor in C. (?3}
ii. [fa user enters a number through k0) board, write :I program 10 ?nd and print reverse
nfnumber and check wheilxci number is palindrome number. (04)
B. Write output of following program.
i) main( )
im i,j :
rumi: l ;i<=2;i+~)
f0r(j?1;_i<7 2 ;j+r?)
m i :j ) ?
continue ;
printf( "\n?i"<:d\l%d\h". iaj ) ;
ii) main( )
{. u .
mm L] ;
for(j : l :j <1? :5 :j*+ )
if( i :3] )
print? "\n?B/od \'t?/:)d\n?. Lj ) ;
Q4: Attem at any TWO oftlic Following.
A. What is Recursion? Explain with the help of an example program. (05)
B. Explain advantages dfusing fuwclions in programming. (02)
Write a program to ?nd square ol?an entered number using function. (03)
B. Write a program 10 ?nd sum ol?all numbers divisible by 5 from I m 5021nd draw a
?owchart for the same. (05)
Q5: Aucm 11 any TWO uflhe following.
A. How Array elements are stored in memory? (02)
Describe different ways in which an array is initialized. Which is lhc most generalized
way of initialization? (03)
C. Write a program to perform addi' inn and subtraction of two 2X2 matrices if matrix
elements are entered by user. (05)
D. An array has n elements where n is speci?ed by user. write a method to search an
element in that array using linca" search as a C program. Draw a ?owchart for the same. (05)
Q6: Attem'n any TWO ofthe followirg.
A. What is Structure? Explain with .111 example. (02)
Describe how structure elements 3r: acccsscd and stored (03)
B. Write a program to enter and prim dam of three books which contains us name, price
and number of?pages using structure. (05)
C. How decisions are made in C using Switch statement? (02)
[fa user enters two numbers as 31 input. write a program 10 perform Arithmetic
Operations on two entered numbers using switch stalemcm. (03)
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