Download BHMS 2020 Feb 3rd Year Surgery Homoeopathic Therapeutics III Question Papers

Download BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) 2020 Feb 3rd Year Surgery Homoeopathic Therapeutics III Previous Question Papers

[LQ 1241] FEBRUARY 2020 Sub. Code: 1241


Q.P. Code: 581241
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer All Questions
I. Essay Questions: (2 x 15 = 30)

1. A male child of 3 yrs is having Adeno Tonsillitis since 1 year. Write 5
homoeopathic medicines with indications. Write brief notes on General

2. Write 5 Homoeopathic medicines with indications for complaints of Chronic
Peptic Ulcer patient of 60 yrs. Write Diet and Regimen.

II. Write Notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)

1. Indications of Asteriarubens, Conium and Phytolacca in Breast lump.
2. Indications of Lycopodium and Nux vomica in femoral Hernia.
3. Write Indications of Lachesis, Collinsonia and Aloes in Haemorrhoids.
4. Indications of Sarsaparilla, Berberis Vulgaris and Benzoic acid in Urolithiasis.
5. Write 3 medicines with indication of Heparsulph, Silicia and Merc sol in Boils.
6. Indication of Alumina, Nitric acid and Ruta in Cancer Rectum.
7. Write 3 homoeopathic medicines with indications in malaena.
8. Indications of Cantharis, Sarsaparilla and Apis in Hematuria.
9. Write 3 Homoeopathic medicines with indication in stricture Urethra.
10. Write three Homoeopathic medicines with indications in low vision.

III. Short Answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)

1. Medicine for Enamel deficient.
2. Two medicines for Sebacious cyst.
3. Two Homoeopathic medicines for Astigmatism.
4. Indications of Merc Iodide in Tonsils.
5. Two medicines for bleeding Warts.
6. Two Homoeopathic medicines for Sinusitis.
7. Two Homoeopathic medicines for Cholelithiasis.
8. Indication of Iris Tenax in Iliocaecal complaint.
9. Write two medicines for Intestinal Obstruction.
10. What is the best Homoeopathic medicine for burns shock?
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This post was last modified on 21 February 2020