Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) MPT 1st Year and 2nd Year (Part1 and Part 2) (Master of Physical Therapy) 2011 May 8113 Physical And Functional Diagnosis Rs And Rs 2 Question Paper.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Master of Physiotherapy Degree Examination ? May 2011
[Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 100]
Paper ? III ? Physical & Functional Diagnosis
(RS & RS 2)
Q.P. CODE : 8113
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions
LONG ESSAY 2 X 20 = 40 Marks
1. Enlist the different tools used in screening of high risk infants. Describe the psychometric
properties of any commonly used tools.
2. List the various tests used in fitness testing. Explain each one in detail giving its significance.
SHORT ESSAY 6 X 10 = 60 Marks
3. Describe the aids and appliance used for peripheral nerve injuries of upper extremity.
4. Write a note a Arterial blood gas analysis(ABG)
5. what are the components of motor control assessment
6. Describe various methods used in muscle strength testing
7. Falls assessments in aging population
8. Write a short essay on disability Evaluation.
* * * * * - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 21 December 2019