Download RGUHS MPT 1st Year And 2nd Year 2014 May 8113 Biomechanics Exercise Physiology And Electrophysiology Rs And Rs 2 Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) MPT 1st Year and 2nd Year (Part1 and Part 2) (Master of Physical Therapy) 2014 May 8113 Biomechanics Exercise Physiology And Electrophysiology Rs And Rs 2 Question Paper.

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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Master of Physiotherapy Degree Examination - May 2014
[Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 100]
Paper - II - Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology & Electrophysiology
(RS & RS 2)
Q.P. CODE : 8112
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions
LONG ESSAY 2 X 20 = 40 Marks
1. Mention the principles of ergonomics. Describe the biornechanics involved in the transfer from
wheel chair to bed.
2. Identify the various body systems that undergo adaptation with exercise. Explain the changes
that occur in each system with aerobic exercise programs.
SH ORT ESSAY 6 X 10 = 60 Marks
Explain the types of energy systems.
4 . . Write a note on F wave and H reflex studies.
5. List the types of stimulation used for training a weak muscle. Explain the effects of the currents
6. Describe Creep phenomena.
7 . . Give the principles of exercise prescription on each type of diabetes.
8 . Biomechanics of functionali hand position. - FirstRanker's Choice

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