Download PTU MCA 2020 March 5th Sem A0530 Visual Basic Net Question Paper

Download PTU (I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar (IKGPTU) ) MCA (Master of Computer Application) 2020 March 5th Sem A0530 Visual Basic Net Previous Question Paper

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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 04
Total No. of Questions : 14
MCA (Sem.?5)
Subject Code : MCA-503C
Paper ID : A0530
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 75
1. SECTION-A will be compulsory and have 20 questions of 1 mark each.
2. SECTION-B will have 8 short answer type questions of 5 marks each, out of which
candidate will have to attempt any 5.
3. SECTION-C will have 5 long answer type questions of 10 marks each, out of which
candidate will have to attempt any 3.

1. Multiple Choice Questions :
A. Which of the following is not a .NET compatible language?
a. C# b. J#
c. VB.NET d. Java
B. Which of the following directive is used to link an assembly to a page or user control?
a. @Page b. @Import
c. @Assembly d. @Reference
C. Which of the following Loop structure does not supported by VB.Net?
a. Do??Loop b. For??Next
c. Do??While d. For Each??While
D. Type casting in VB.Net is implemented by means of ???..statement.
a. Ctype() b. Btype()
c. Type() d. TypeDef() - FirstRanker's Choice
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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 04
Total No. of Questions : 14
MCA (Sem.?5)
Subject Code : MCA-503C
Paper ID : A0530
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 75
1. SECTION-A will be compulsory and have 20 questions of 1 mark each.
2. SECTION-B will have 8 short answer type questions of 5 marks each, out of which
candidate will have to attempt any 5.
3. SECTION-C will have 5 long answer type questions of 10 marks each, out of which
candidate will have to attempt any 3.

1. Multiple Choice Questions :
A. Which of the following is not a .NET compatible language?
a. C# b. J#
c. VB.NET d. Java
B. Which of the following directive is used to link an assembly to a page or user control?
a. @Page b. @Import
c. @Assembly d. @Reference
C. Which of the following Loop structure does not supported by VB.Net?
a. Do??Loop b. For??Next
c. Do??While d. For Each??While
D. Type casting in VB.Net is implemented by means of ???..statement.
a. Ctype() b. Btype()
c. Type() d. TypeDef()
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E. In, data is handled through ???. which facilitates development of web
c. RDO d. DAO
F. Which of the following is a basic data type in VB.NET?
a. Boolean b. Byte
c. Char d. All of the above
G. A click event procedure stud for the label control can be created by:
a. selecting the object and event from the code editor window's drop-down boxes.
b. typing the code in the code editor window
c. by double clicking the control
d. All of the above
H. Which of the following property of Array class in VB.NET checks whether the Array
has a fixed size?
a. IsFixedSize b. IsStatic
c. Length d. None of the above
I. Which of the following block sequence works for exception handling in VB.Net?
a. Try, Catch, Throw b. Try, Catch, Finally, Throw
c. Throw, Catch, Try, Finally d. Throw, Catch Try
J. The function procedures are ???. by default.
a. Private b. Protected
c. Public d. Inherited
Fill in the blanks and state True or False :
K. In visual basic ??????.. is the extension to represent project file.
L. control does not receive focus and does not have a TabIndex property.
M. The lower bound value of an array in VB.NET is ??????..
N. A property always have Get and ??????.. methods. - FirstRanker's Choice
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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 04
Total No. of Questions : 14
MCA (Sem.?5)
Subject Code : MCA-503C
Paper ID : A0530
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 75
1. SECTION-A will be compulsory and have 20 questions of 1 mark each.
2. SECTION-B will have 8 short answer type questions of 5 marks each, out of which
candidate will have to attempt any 5.
3. SECTION-C will have 5 long answer type questions of 10 marks each, out of which
candidate will have to attempt any 3.

1. Multiple Choice Questions :
A. Which of the following is not a .NET compatible language?
a. C# b. J#
c. VB.NET d. Java
B. Which of the following directive is used to link an assembly to a page or user control?
a. @Page b. @Import
c. @Assembly d. @Reference
C. Which of the following Loop structure does not supported by VB.Net?
a. Do??Loop b. For??Next
c. Do??While d. For Each??While
D. Type casting in VB.Net is implemented by means of ???..statement.
a. Ctype() b. Btype()
c. Type() d. TypeDef()
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E. In, data is handled through ???. which facilitates development of web
c. RDO d. DAO
F. Which of the following is a basic data type in VB.NET?
a. Boolean b. Byte
c. Char d. All of the above
G. A click event procedure stud for the label control can be created by:
a. selecting the object and event from the code editor window's drop-down boxes.
b. typing the code in the code editor window
c. by double clicking the control
d. All of the above
H. Which of the following property of Array class in VB.NET checks whether the Array
has a fixed size?
a. IsFixedSize b. IsStatic
c. Length d. None of the above
I. Which of the following block sequence works for exception handling in VB.Net?
a. Try, Catch, Throw b. Try, Catch, Finally, Throw
c. Throw, Catch, Try, Finally d. Throw, Catch Try
J. The function procedures are ???. by default.
a. Private b. Protected
c. Public d. Inherited
Fill in the blanks and state True or False :
K. In visual basic ??????.. is the extension to represent project file.
L. control does not receive focus and does not have a TabIndex property.
M. The lower bound value of an array in VB.NET is ??????..
N. A property always have Get and ??????.. methods.
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O. The full form of IDE is ??????..
P. ??????.. function is used to return a copy of a string without leading spaces.
Q. A namespace is an organized way of representing class, structures and
??????.. in .NET language.
R. There are three levels of compilation in VB.NET. (True/False)
S. ExitSub is used to terminate the code execute within a VB.NET method. (True/False)
T. By setting an object to nothing, we can dereference an object in Vb.NET (True/False)

2. Design a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and write the code following:
a. Add items to a list box
b. Remove selected items from a list
3. Take an appropriate example and differentiate between overloading and overriding.
4. What is a constructor and destructor? Why are they needed in a program? Give example.
5. Write a program to calculate Factorial of a given number using console application
6. Describe the working of for loop and do loop with respect to an example program for
7. Define a variable with different types. Further, explore the concept of scope of a variable
in terms of local versus global with example.
8. What is a form? How are forms created and managed at run time? Discuss some
important properties of forms.
9. Explain following with proper justification :
a. Need of built-in function in VB
b. Need of an IDE interface - FirstRanker's Choice
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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 04
Total No. of Questions : 14
MCA (Sem.?5)
Subject Code : MCA-503C
Paper ID : A0530
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 75
1. SECTION-A will be compulsory and have 20 questions of 1 mark each.
2. SECTION-B will have 8 short answer type questions of 5 marks each, out of which
candidate will have to attempt any 5.
3. SECTION-C will have 5 long answer type questions of 10 marks each, out of which
candidate will have to attempt any 3.

1. Multiple Choice Questions :
A. Which of the following is not a .NET compatible language?
a. C# b. J#
c. VB.NET d. Java
B. Which of the following directive is used to link an assembly to a page or user control?
a. @Page b. @Import
c. @Assembly d. @Reference
C. Which of the following Loop structure does not supported by VB.Net?
a. Do??Loop b. For??Next
c. Do??While d. For Each??While
D. Type casting in VB.Net is implemented by means of ???..statement.
a. Ctype() b. Btype()
c. Type() d. TypeDef()
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E. In, data is handled through ???. which facilitates development of web
c. RDO d. DAO
F. Which of the following is a basic data type in VB.NET?
a. Boolean b. Byte
c. Char d. All of the above
G. A click event procedure stud for the label control can be created by:
a. selecting the object and event from the code editor window's drop-down boxes.
b. typing the code in the code editor window
c. by double clicking the control
d. All of the above
H. Which of the following property of Array class in VB.NET checks whether the Array
has a fixed size?
a. IsFixedSize b. IsStatic
c. Length d. None of the above
I. Which of the following block sequence works for exception handling in VB.Net?
a. Try, Catch, Throw b. Try, Catch, Finally, Throw
c. Throw, Catch, Try, Finally d. Throw, Catch Try
J. The function procedures are ???. by default.
a. Private b. Protected
c. Public d. Inherited
Fill in the blanks and state True or False :
K. In visual basic ??????.. is the extension to represent project file.
L. control does not receive focus and does not have a TabIndex property.
M. The lower bound value of an array in VB.NET is ??????..
N. A property always have Get and ??????.. methods.
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O. The full form of IDE is ??????..
P. ??????.. function is used to return a copy of a string without leading spaces.
Q. A namespace is an organized way of representing class, structures and
??????.. in .NET language.
R. There are three levels of compilation in VB.NET. (True/False)
S. ExitSub is used to terminate the code execute within a VB.NET method. (True/False)
T. By setting an object to nothing, we can dereference an object in Vb.NET (True/False)

2. Design a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and write the code following:
a. Add items to a list box
b. Remove selected items from a list
3. Take an appropriate example and differentiate between overloading and overriding.
4. What is a constructor and destructor? Why are they needed in a program? Give example.
5. Write a program to calculate Factorial of a given number using console application
6. Describe the working of for loop and do loop with respect to an example program for
7. Define a variable with different types. Further, explore the concept of scope of a variable
in terms of local versus global with example.
8. What is a form? How are forms created and managed at run time? Discuss some
important properties of forms.
9. Explain following with proper justification :
a. Need of built-in function in VB
b. Need of an IDE interface

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10. Describe the .NET framework and explain its essential components. Also, elaborate the
key design goals of .NET environment.
11. Explain the concept of event driven programming. Discuss some events supported by VB
object and also the role of event processor.
12. Take an appropriate example and briefly explain the concept of functions returning data
types and function returning arrays.
13. Describe the functionality of user interface controls like message box, dialog box, menus
and toolbars. How can we add functionality to the toolbar?
14. Write short notes on following (use pseudocode wherever applicable)
a. Types of procedures and their execution
b. System exception handling and debugging
c. Naming conventions and data type conversion
d. Event procedures and their properties

NOTE : Disclosure of Identity by writing Mobile No. or Making of passing request on any
page of Answer Sheet will lead to UMC against the Student. - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 22 March 2020