Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 2nd Sem Chemistry of Nucleic acids And Biochemical Techniques (1) Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 2nd Sem Chemistry of Nucleic acids And Biochemical Techniques (1) Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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Subject Title: Chemistry of Nucleic acids And Biochemical Techniques
Prepared by: S. Thejaswi
Year: I B.Sc
Semester: II
Updated on: 22-3-
Unit - I: Composition Of Nucleic Acids
Essay Questions :
Define Phosphodiester bond? Write about the factors affecting the stability of phophodiester
bond? (effect of acids,Bases,Enzymes)
Explain in detail about the Photochemical &spectral characteristics of Nucleic acids?
Short Answer:
Functions of Nucleotides
Structures of Purines & Pyrimidines
Differences between DNA & RNA
Unit - II: Structure of Nucleic acids
Essay Questions :
Write in detail about the structure of DNA proposed by Watson & crick
Define Renaturation ? Explain about the Reassociation Kinetics of DNA
Define Cot? Explain about the Cot Half, Cot Curves & their Significance
Explain different types of RNA &their Functions
Short Answers
10. Denaturation of Nucleic Acids, Tm Values
11. Super Coiling of DNA
12. Hypo chromic Effect
13. Renaturation of DNA
14. Define Tm value & its Significance
Unit - III: Spectrophotometric and Centrifugation Technique
Essay Questions
15. Describe the principle, instrumentation & applications of Spectrometer?
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16. Write about the principle &application Centrifugation Technique?
17. Write in detail about the Differential Centrifugaton?
18. Explain the principle & instrumentation of Ultracentrifugation?
Short Answers:
19. Limitations of Beer-Lamberts Law
20. Principle of Fluorimetry
21. Molar Extinction Coefficient
22. Beer-Lamberts law
Unit - IV: Chromatography Techniques
Essay Questions
23. Write about the principle applications of Affinity chromatography?
24. Write about the principle applications of Gel filtration chromatography?
25. Write about the principle applications of ion exchange chromatography?
26. Write about the principle applications of Paper chromatography?
27. Thin layer chromatography
28. Applications of Paper Chromatography
29. Cation Exchanger
30. Anion Exchanger
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021
